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Use appropriate language from the box above to make statements explaining and justifying in the following situations

2015-11-10 651 Обсуждений (0)
Use appropriate language from the box above to make statements explaining and justifying in the following situations 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок



E x a m p l e:

Talking to friends:

– You think it would be a good idea for several unmarried mothers to share a flat together but your friends are not sure.

– The main reason behind doing it is that it'll be much cheaper and they can look after the children in turn ...



1. Talking to a group of fellow students:

– You are discussing the possibility of a UN Conference on Women to be held in your city. Your view is that it is unlikely to happen.


2. Talking at a Psychological Help Center:

– Your colleagues want to organize a Club for Divorced Women. You think it'll be useless because women will not attend it.


3. Talking to a friend:

– You have decided to foster two children. You feel that it will bolster your self-confidence and improve your relations with your husband.


Asking for and Giving Clarification


Asking for Clarification

F Inf I’m afraid I'm not quite clear what you mean by X. I'm sorry, I don’t understand what you mean by X. I'm sorry, but could you explain what you mean by X? What (exactly) do you mean by X? What (exactly) are you trying to say? What (exactly) are you getting at?


Giving Clarification


F Inf   Well, the point I'm trying to make is that … Well, what I'm trying to say is that … What I mean is that … All I’m trying to say is that … Well, what I'm getting at is that …   + SENTENCE


1. Make the following into questions and statements asking for and giving clarification.


E x a m p l e:

a) I/afraid/not clear/mean/saying I should work at my marriage.

b) Well, what/trying/say/I think you should try to save it.


– I am afraid, I am not clear what you mean by saying, I should work at my marriage.

– Well, what I am trying to say is that I think you should try to save it.



1. I/afraid/not/clear/mean/saying that.

Well/mean/that household chores should be shared.



2. I don’t understand your argument. What/you/at?

Well/point/I/make/if we attempt to destroy old stereotypes about women, we’ll have more chances of success.



3. I/sorry/could/explain/mean/gender equality?

Well, what/trying/say/women should be equal with men.



Ask for and give clarification in the following situations.

E x a m p l e:

–I think love marriages often end up in failures

– What exactly do you mean?

– Well, people are often blinded by love.



1. Boss – I am afraid I’ll have to dismiss you because you are going to have a baby.

Employee –



2. Colleague – Women employees can never be trusted.

Colleague –



3. Friend – I think marriage is old-fashioned.

Friend –


Expressing Agreement and Disagreement


Expressing Agreement

StrongerF I couldn’t agree more! That’s absolutely true! Absolutely! I take your point. I’d go along with you   on that. there.
Inf I’m with you on that. there.
F Weaker Inf Well, you’ve got a point there. There’s something in that, I suppose. I guess you could be right. Well, possibly.

2015-11-10 651 Обсуждений (0)
Use appropriate language from the box above to make statements explaining and justifying in the following situations 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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