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Exercise 34. Comment upon the position of the adverbials. Say whether they can be placed differently

2015-11-10 1143 Обсуждений (0)
Exercise 34. Comment upon the position of the adverbials. Say whether they can be placed differently 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. She turned away and pulled off her overcoat with a sudden gesture and went to the side table where the drinks and the glasses stood. (Murdoch) 2. She flattered me and lavishly displayed for my pleasure all her charms and accomplishments. (Eliot) 3. I want to get away from home for a time for a certain reason. (Dreiser) 4. How long do you remain in town? (Wilde) 5. Once inside the prison yard, Zanders turned to the left into a small office. (Dreiser) 6. In the driving-seat, with his head fallen sideways so that he was almost toppling out on to the road, was Calvin Blick, (Murdoch) 7. He looked at her more than once, not stealthily or humbly, but with a movement of hardy, open observation. (Ch. Bronte) 8. Aileen blazed at once to a furious heat. (Dreiser) 9. She [SavinaJ had just arrived home. (Wilson) 10. Wearily he dropped off his horse, made his way to his workshop, saddlebag over his shoulder. (Stone) 11. Stanley, not once did you pull any wool over this boy's eyes. (Murdoch) 12. His face for the moment was flushed and swollen with anger. (Dreiser) 13. Only sometimes in dreams did I experience certain horrors, glimpses of a punishment which would perhaps yet find its hour. (Murdoch) 14. Every afternoon he discovered afresh that life was beastly. (Wells) 15. Then the heart of Polly leapt, and the world blazed up to wonder and splendour. (Wells) 16. And for all his attempts at self-reproach and self-discipline he felt at bottom guiltless. (Wells) 17. Johnson was off duty that morning, and devoted the time very generously to the admonitory discussion of Mr. Polly's worldly outlook. (Wells) 18. Never had she experienced such a profound satisfaction of anger and hatred. (Murdoch) 19. To know a man we must know his guts and blood. Never have I seen the inside of a man, (Stone)

Exercise 35. Put the verb in the proper place.

1. I could not eat anything nor I rest because of a dreadful aching and tingling in the limbs, (could) (Murdoch) 2. Blanche! How very right you. (are) (Tennessee Williams) 3. Very wonderful she, as she bade farewell, her ugly wide mouth smiling with pride and recognition... (was) (Lawrence) 4. Three years later the startling news that he had married a young English girl of good family, (came) (Lawrence) 5. At last, however, no longer there anything about the suicide appearing in the newspapers, (was) (Calkwell) 6. Outside the window and curtained away the end of the cold raw misty London afternoon now turned to an evening which still contained in a kind of faintly luminous haze what had never even at midday, really been daylight, (was) (Murdoch) 7. In the hotel where the young men took lunch two girls, (were) (Lawrence) 8. He lit a cigarette and lingered at the carriage door. On his face a happy smile, (was) (Maugham) 9. Somewhere hidden and secret (yet near by) a bird three notes, (sang) (Falkner) 10. By the factory walls the grimy weeds, (grew) (Priestley) 11. He did not write letters to his family, nor he letters from home, (receive) (Stone)

Exercise 36. Translate into Russian the sentences with the emphatic inversion.

1. So easy is it to make a woman see reason if you only tell her the truth. 2. Not by a word or gesture did he convey his real emotions, and the only additional comment he permitted himself was at the spectacle of so many children waiting – and by no means all of them good-mannered like Gerald and Louise. 3. But no sooner have girl teachers finished their expensive, three-year training, and gained a little practice on the job, than they get married. 4. Charles looked forward to the end of the vacation. Not only was the news about Lindsay’s death a devastating grief, but its coming at a time of family gathering and sentimental association made it trebly hard to endure. 5. Not until long afterwards did we learn what happened there after our departure. 6. Young in years a few of her acquaintances might be, but they were already bowed down with the weight of the world’s wrongs and their own importance. 7. She looked back, startled. Gone was the excitement, the flush of exercise, the satisfaction of achievement. 8. In a book such as this, there is little or nothing original, except perhaps the choice of topics and their arrangement; not should there be. 9. The book contains practically no bibliographical matter, nor will problems of form as a rule be discussed, unless their bearing on the main issues is evident. 10. Milton’s prose does not read easily. He was so familiar with the Latin sentence, which can be well-ordered even when it is elaborate, that he forgot that English cannot contain a multitude of clauses in a single sentence without confusion. Nor must Latin be allowed to take the whole blame for his labyrinthine sentences.




Functional classification of subordinate clauses

Subordinate clauses function as different parts of the sentence (subject, predicative, object, apposition, attribute, adverbial modifier). Traditionally these numerous types of clauses are arranged in three groups: nominal clauses (that is, clauses functioning as nouns in various syntactical positions), attributive clauses, and adverbial clauses.

2015-11-10 1143 Обсуждений (0)
Exercise 34. Comment upon the position of the adverbials. Say whether they can be placed differently 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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