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Paraphrase the underlined parts of the following sentences. 1) An hour later she was still wide awake

2015-11-10 1109 Обсуждений (0)
Paraphrase the underlined parts of the following sentences. 1) An hour later she was still wide awake 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1) An hour later she was still wide awake.

2) They’re like gold to me.

3) This was dope.

4) It’s best to find a little doctor – one whose ethics are a little shady. … Look for one of those third-rate hotels on the West Side.

5) Don’t wear the mink, or the rates will go up.

6) He’ll make a stab at listening to your heart…

7) She knew he was the right one when he disinterestedly dragged out a dusty stethoscope and made a half-hearted attempt to feel her pulse.

8) This should straighten you out.

9) Only trouble is, they pep me up so much I can’t sleep. … But the feeling is great – sets you on fire

10) She had hardly been able to catch her breath today.

11) She needed some more Scotch to help them along. … The dolls without booze were nothing.

12) She sipped her drink and waited for the real reaction, the anesthetic feeling that would seep through her whole body and drag her down into sleep.

13) No, then she’d be groggy and hung-over in the morning. Today she had needed three green dolls just to get through the morning shooting.

14) … she swallowed a few more red dolls and washed them down with a generous slug of Scotch.

15) She fumbled her way into the bathroom. … She felt hollow and empty.

Suggest Russian equivalents of the following expressions. Make up sentences of your own to illustrate their use.

- to keep smb awake

- to pound; make/ feel the heart pound

- to put smb to sleep

- to be/ seem intensified

- to charge smb smth

- to take all one’s cares away

- to be available

- to feel drowsy/ drowsiness

- to work faster on an empty stomach

- to have/ develop/ build up (a high/ low) tolerance to/ of smth (pills, poison, pain, heat etc)

- to speed up the action of smth

- to urge smb to do smth


Bring out the meaning of the following phraseological units and give their Russian equivalents. Use these expressions to translate the sentences below.

- to be wide awake

- to have the nerve to do smth

- to play fair/ the game

- to make/ have a stab at smth

- with all one’s heart

- with half a heart

- in no time

1) Китти несла на руках малыша, который не смыкал глаз всю дорогу.

2) Майкл чувствовал, что жена что-то скрывает от него, но ему не хватало решимости расспросить ее.

3) Страсть не считается с правилами игры.

4) Фрэнк сделал вялую попытку объяснить, но быстро понял, что это бесполезно, и замолчал.

5) Впервые в жизни Джонни полюбил от всей души.

6) Если ты хочешь поладить со здешними людьми, ты должен действовать по-честному. И поработать тебе придется в полную силу.

7) Большинство офицеров пошли к нему на службу без особого энтузиазма.

8) Если только Вы позволите мне помочь, Вы научитесь мигом.

9) Ты должен быть бдительным, чтобы не упустить свой шанс. По крайней мере надо попытаться.

10) Вначале Джейн подумала, что шорох за дверью ей послышался, но через минуту она совершенно очнулась от сна и вновь услышала тот же звук. Если бы она могла набраться храбрости и посмотреть!

11) Он пытался играть по правилам, и не его вина, что он так и не смог вложить душу в то, что он делал.

12) «По-вашему, это означает поступать порядочно?» – воскликнула Джун. Она сама никогда ничего не делала в полсилы.

Find out the meaning of the following phrasal verbs and make up sentences of your own to illustrate their usage.

- to turn smth/ smb down

- to cut down on smth

- to straighten smb/ smth out

- to pep smth/ smb up

- to wear off

- to build up (smth)

- to speed smth up

- to wash smth down

- to creep in/ into smth


5. Fill in the gaps with a suitable phrasal verb.

1) My doctor’s told me to ___ ___ carbohydrates.

2) You must ___ ___ your strength after illness.

3) ___ ___ the dish with some curry powder.

4) If this pain doesn’t ___ ___ soon, I shall go mad.

5) The new system will ___ ___ the process of applying for a passport.

6) Jim and Mary must be left to ___ ___ their own affairs.

7) Enemy forces have now ___ ___ to a dangerous strength.

8) There are a few things that need ___ ___ between us.

9) We ___ ___ steak and chips with red wine.

10) The effects of the anaesthetic were starting to ___ ___.

11) Alcohol ___ ___ the action of this medication.

12) Have you some tea to ___ this dry cake___ ?

13) I’m afraid your application has been ___ ___.

14) The party is very dull. What can we do to ___ it ___ ?

15) The factory cannot afford to employ any more workers, so it will have to ___ ___ production.

16) You need something to ___ you ___. How about a drink?

17) Suspicion ___ ___ Joan’s mind.

18) Her resentment was ___ ___ day after day and eventually she decided to urge Philip to speak out in order to ___ ___ the inevitable.


Match the adjectives with their definitions. Think of their possible collocations and translate them into Russian.

  Adjective   Definition
Clammy A With all one’s feelings, interest, sincerity etc
Drowsy B feeling as if free from the force of gravity
Groggy C Suffering the effects of drinking too much
Half-hearted D infml weak because of illness, shock, or tiredness, often unable to walk steadily
Hollow E infml derog probably dishonest
Hung-over F showing little effort and no real interest
Shady G unpleasantly sticky, slightly wet, and usually cold
Smarting H sleepy, peacefully inactive
Weightless I (of feelings, words etc) without real meaning or value
Whole-hearted J of a painful stinging sensation

2015-11-10 1109 Обсуждений (0)
Paraphrase the underlined parts of the following sentences. 1) An hour later she was still wide awake 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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