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Rosa Clifford Curriculum Vitae

2015-11-11 2486 Обсуждений (0)
Rosa Clifford Curriculum Vitae 4.75 из 5.00 4 оценки


Rosa Clifford

44 South Road

Stamford, LC23 4FT



2005 INSEAD Business School, France

2001-2004 b_______________________



MBA 2005

BSc 2:1 International Management 2004



Customer Services Wade International Services 2007-present

I manage an international team in the customer services department.

Project manager DSV Transport, Spain 2005-2007




Tennis and swimming





Languages: German, French, Spanish

Задание 7. Перечитайте объявление о приеме на работу (задание 6) и ответьте на вопросы:

1. What sort of company is Ardis?

2. What is the job?

3. What is the salary?

Задание 8. Заполните пропуски 1-6 CV (задание 6), используя следующие слова и словосочетания:

Qualifications Interests Education Contact details

Additional information Work experience

Задание 9. Заполните пропуски a-e CV (задание 6), используя следующими фразами:

Good computer skills


1 organised projects to improve customer services.

Warwick University, UK

Telephone number: 01264 44293821

Задание 10. Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect:

1Sanjay __________ (live) in many different countries.

2 I_____________(never speak) to a famous person.

3 __________you ever__________(give) a presentation in English?

4 We_____________(not eat) at the new Italian restaurant. Is it good?

5 __________Monica ever__________(work) in a finance department?

6 They_____________(never try) to learn a foreign language.

Задание 11. Подчеркните правильный вариант:

1I went / have been to Rome in 2005.

2 Did you ever play / Have you ever played tennis?

3 Jack hasn't visited / didn't visit the Delhi office last month.

4 Have you sent / Did you send your CV to Ardis yesterday?

5 We've never been / gone to Mumbai.

Задание 12. Заполните пропуски, используя ever, never, for или since.

1Laura has_______eaten salmon because she doesn't like fish.

2 Maurice and Joel have worked here_______1998.

3 Have you _______sent a text message?

4 We have_______visited Morocco. Is it nice?

5 Kenway have been the market leader _______twenty years.

6 You haven't spoken to your clients_______ March.

7 Has Julian_______met the CEO?

8 They've been in the meeting_______two hours.

9 Have Alan's investments_______ made a profit?

10 The sales team have been in a presentation _______three o'clock.

Задание 13. Подчеркните правильный вариант:

MDH Properties is sell / selling an unusual place to live. It is a house in a tree. The CEO, Karl Howard says, 'It's our most / more interesting property.' House prices are more / most expensive today than they move been / were in 2005. More and more people are / is buying property as an investment. The tree house is a good / best idea for people who want a small holiday home. It is cheaper / cheapest than MDH's other properties. Karl Howard says, 'We have ever / never sold a tree house. But a lot of people want to see it - and it has / is only been on the market for / since last Tuesday.

Задание 14. Заполните пропуски в тексте, используя следующие слова:

management market trade

competitor export investment

domestic training

Franklin Wade sell electrical equipment to different countries around the world. They have been an ____________company since 2002. They ____________with Japan, the USA and Brazil, and they don't sell any goods in the ____________market. Franklin Wade's main ____________is Drengard, a Danish company. Franklin Wade hope to be the ____________leader soon. They are _________their staff to use a new computer system. The____________think that it is a good____________for the company.

Задание 15. Заполните пропуски, используя одно из слов a-c:

1Federico finished work when he was 65, so he's __________now.

a professional b retired с manual

2 My company has__________hours, so I can choose when 1 start and finish work.

avoluntary b permanent с flexible

3 Kate and Alex have__________jobs. They work three days a week.

a part-time b full-time с pension

4 You have worked hard on this project and we want to give you a__________.

a freelance b temporary с promotion

5 I trained to use the equipment - it's a __________job.

a administrative b skilled с managerial

6 We did a lot of market__________ before we designed the new


a share b research с leader

Задание 16. Составьте предложения:

1things / how / are / Hi, ?

2 met / We / a / at / conference / Bucharest / in

3 you / working / moment / Are / the / at / Romania / in ?

4 the / Dubai / at / No, / office / I'm

5 good / again / to / you / see / It / was

Задание 17. Заполните пропуски в диалоге данными ниже словами:

opinion sure do

thing think because

A ______you think that it's a good idea to move office?

В Yes, in my __________, the office we are in now is too small.

A __________the new office is too big. There are only six people in the design department.

В I like it__________it has big windows.

A I'm not__________. Big windows make it hot in summer.

В Yes, but they're a good __________because designers need lots of light.

Задание 18. Соотнесите вопросы 1-6 с ответами a-f:

1What do you do in your free time?

2 Can you tell me about your present job?

3 Why do you want this job?

4 Do you enjoy working with people?

5 How long have you been in the sales department?

6 Have you ever worked in finance?


a Two years.

b Yes, I like working in a team.

с At the moment, I'm working on a project to export products to Asia.

d Yes, after university I worked for a finance company for six months.

e Because I think finance is very interesting.

f I play tennis and football.

Литература: [1, 5].


Практическое занятие № 13



Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения специальными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению текстов официально-делового стиля.

bar chart столбчатая диаграмма

bionic бионик

decrease снижаться

full-surround объемный

graph диаграмма

increase увеличиваться

nuclear ядерный

pie chart секторная диаграмма

prediction предсказание

predict предсказывать

trend тенденция


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

2015-11-11 2486 Обсуждений (0)
Rosa Clifford Curriculum Vitae 4.75 из 5.00 4 оценки

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