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Task 15. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in Future Simple or FutureContinuous

2015-11-11 801 Обсуждений (0)
Task 15. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in Future Simple or FutureContinuous 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. They (do) their homework at six p. m. tomorrow. 2. My family (have) supperat 6 p. m. tomorrow. 3.At 7 p. m. tomorrow I (read) your book. 4. She (not go) to the cinema tomorrow. She (watch) TV. 5. What they (do) at eight tomorrow? 6. You (play) football tomorrow? 7. He (take) exam next year. 8. When Nick (go) to see his friend next time? 9. We (wait) for youat 5 p. m. tomorrow.

Task 16.Read the dialogue and translate it.Practice the dialoguein pairs.

– Marry, what about going to the cafe at 11 o’clock a.m.?

- I’m sorry, but I can’t. I promised mom to help her in the garden. I’ll be planting flowers that time tomorrow.

- Then what about going to the cafe at five p. m.?

- Well, at 5 o’clockp. m. I’ll be cleaning my room, but I’ll have cleaned it in half an hour, so let`s go to the cafe at 8 o’clockp. m.


Имя прилагательное


Прилагательные обозначают признаки или свойства предметов. По своему составу они делятся на простые (fine, sharp), производные (homeless, unhappy) и сложные (first-class, good-looking). По своему значению - на качественные (big, heavy) и относительные(wooden, square).

В предложении прилагательные выполняют следующие функции:

1) определения к существительному.

This is a very difficult question. Это очень трудный вопрос.

2) именной части составного сказуемого.

This question is very difficult. Этот вопрос очень трудный.

Прочитайте и запомните основные словообразовательные суффиксы и префиксы прилагательных.

a) un- unhappy, uncomfortable ir- irregular

in- independent inter- international

im- impossible post- post-war

dis- disappointing

non- non-governmental

b) - ful careful, useful - ible possible

- ant important - able eatable

- ous famous - ic historic

- ed talented - y rainy, sunny

- ing interesting - less hopeless, useless

- al cultural - ary ordinary

- ent dependent - ive impressive

- ishSpanish - ianBelarusian

Как и в русском языке, некоторые английские прилагательные могут употребляться в значении существительных. В таких случаях они употребляются с определённым артиклем и обозначают группу лиц, обладающих данным признаком:

therich (богачи, богатые), thepoor (бедняки, бедные), thesick (больные), theRussians (русские), theEnglish (англичане).

Для обозначения определённых лиц употребляются сочетания прилагательных с существительными. Например:

a poor man - бедняк two poor men - двабедняка

a Russian - русский two Germans - дванемца


Особенностью прилагательных английского языка является то, что они не изменяются по падежам, лицам и числам.

И.п. This is an interesting book. Этоинтереснаякнига.

Р.п. The translation of an interesting book. Переводинтереснойкниги.

В.п. He has translated an interesting book. Онперевёлинтереснуюкнигу.

Т.п. I was impressed with this interesting book. Ябылвпечатлёнинтересной


П.п. They are talking about an interesting book. Они говорят об интересной



Выполните следующие упражнения по теме.

Task I. Adjectives ending with: - able/-ible, -ous, -ive, -ful, -y, -ly, -ic, -(i)an, -ing.

Read, translate and remember.

– able/-ible sociable, enjoyable, sociable, unforgettable, possible, responsible

- ous industrious, curious, serious, humorous, nervous, famous, dangerous

- ive creative, talkative, expensive, impressive

- ful careful, wonderful, beautiful, useful, helpful, successful

- y lazy, busy, naughty, shy, funny, dirty, noisy,

- ly friendly, lovely, unfriendly

- ic energetic, fantastic, exotic, historic, scientific

- al cultural, musical, classical, typical, international, chemical, historical

- (i)an Russian, Italian, American, African

-ing boring, cunning, hardworking, loving, English-speaking

Task II. Read the words.

Find the adjectives (the suffixes can help you to recognize the adjectives). Translate them. Use the dictionary if necessary.

Enjoy, enjoyment, enjoyable; create, creation, creative, creativity, creator; beauty, beautiful; science, scientist, scientific; use, useful, using, user; friendship, friendly, friend, unfriendly; care, careful; impression, impress,, impressive, impressionism; talk, talker, talkative, talking; help, helper, helpful; Russia, Russian; History, historical, historic; music, musical, musician.

Task III. Make up the adjectives. Use the ex.1 if necessary. Translate the adjectives.

a) to enjoy, to forget, to create, to talk, to impress, to help;

b) humor, danger, care, music, wonder, history, curiosity, love, science, beauty, friend, use;

c) America, Italy, Africa, India, Australia.

Task IV. Form the adjectives according to the model:

care – careful – careless

use, hope, truth, beauty, rain, peace, help, harm, color, thought, meaning, power, tune.

Task V. Complete the sentences. Use ex.1 if necessary.

Example; A person who likes to talk a lot is talkative.

1. A person who is nervous in the company of others is … .

2. A person who produces new and original ideas is … .

3. A person who likes to be with others is … .

4. A person who works hard is … .

5. A person who wants to learn is … .

6. Children who don’t get along with their parents are … .

7. A person who doesn’t like to work is … .

8. A person who is very unkind to others is … .

2015-11-11 801 Обсуждений (0)
Task 15. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in Future Simple or FutureContinuous 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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