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Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные функции инфинитива

2015-11-18 942 Обсуждений (0)
Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные функции инфинитива 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. To treat the patient properly the physician should make a correct diagnosis first of all.

2. He came here to treat my sister for pneumonia.

3. To smoke is harmful.

4. She was the first to explain us the structure of the human heart.

5. Our aim is to study well from the day of admission to the day of graduation.

6. He began to listen to the patient’s heart and lungs immediately.

7. To read much is to know much.


Определите функцию инфинитива и переведите предложения c помощью словаря.

1. Last year an American surgeon found a way to replace the damaged bone.

2. The doctor wants to use laser to stop haemorrhage.

3. For two hours the heart generates energy to lift a weight of 65 tons.

4. Several new drugs were waiting to be tested.

5. The problem to be discussed concerns the process of stroke prevention.

6. To demonstrate the value of a preventive method it is important to select some areas.

7. The respondents were planning to practice in large cities.


Назовите 3 формы следующих глаголов.

To lead, to instruct, to make, to treat, to publish, to break, to take, to control,

to use, to follow.



Формы инфинитива.


Напишите инфинитивы от следующих глаголов.

Исследовать, соединять, изучать, определять, составлять, действовать, оперировать.


Найдите и назовите инфинитивы в следующих предложениях.

1. He may investigate the case.

2. He may be investigating the case now.

3. He may have investigated the process already.

4. This tissue can be investigated by our laboratory worker.

5. We can’t perform operations in the first year.

6. We must study well if we want to become good doctors.


Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы инфинитива.

1. He may operate him in April.

2. To be operated on the patient must be well prepared.

3. Overweight people should have known what to eat.

4. We know that thousands of people in some countries must have been suffering from AIDS for some years.

5. You can’t have undergone such a serious operation.

6. She can’t have translated the text herself. Somebody has helped her.

7. You must have learned this grammar material very well.



Бессоюзные придаточные предложения.


Переведите предложения. Укажите в них места пропущенных союзов.

1. I know my friend is in Novosibirsk now.

2. My friend you know well is not in Novosibirsk now.

3. We know in a human being the heart is as large as his fist.

4. It was found out the lungs of infants are of a pale rose color.

5. It is obviously the patient should be hospitalized immediately.

6. Everybody knows an irregular diet leads to certain diseases of the alimentary tract.

Perfect Passive.


Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму глагола - сказуемого.

1. The patient has just been examined by the therapeutist.

2. Had the work been completed by 7 o’ clock?

3. The paper will have been translated by tomorrow morning.

4.The operation has just been performed by the teem of surgeons.

5.The article has not been read by him yet.

6.The experiment had been carried out before we found out some valuable data.

7.The male patient has been delivered to the clinic by the ambulance.


Из данных слов составьте предложения со сказуемыми в Perfect Passive.

1. experimentally, been, the, muscles, direction, of, established, the, has.

2. by, has, that, determined, the, it, muscles, been, scientists, connected, by, tissue, are, connective.

3. been, already, has, performed, operation, the?

4. have, findings, the, been, important, proved.

5. answer, given, yet, has, been, not, the.

6. been, the, counted, number , of, has, blood, cells, red.


Переведите предложения с усилительной конструкцией на английский язык.

1. Именно лёгкие считаются главными органами дыхательной системы.

2. Именно правое предсердие больше левого.

3. Именно важность физической культуры осознал профессор Лесгафт.

4. Только в 1886 году он начал читать лекции в Санкт-Петербурге.

5. Именно в работе этого учёного мышцы были названы сильные и ловкие.

6. Именно перегородка делит сердце на две отдельные камеры.

7. Только в 1537 году Везалий получил научную степень доктора медицинских наук.

Модальное значение глаголов

To be, to have


Найдите предложения, где глаголы to be и to have имеют модальное значение. Переведите эти предложения.

1. The scientist has already completed his experiment.

2. They usually have two or three lectures a day.

3. The scientist had to complete his experiment as soon as possible.

4. The operation was very dangerous.

5. The patient was afraid of the operation very much.

6. The students were to be present at the operation.

7. He had his Tonsils removed last year.

8. The patient has to be examined every three months.

9. The operation was to be performed the next day.

10. The researchers have just reported about their discovery.

11. This drug is to be used three times a day.

12. She was away yesterday because she had a bad headache.

13. The physician said that he had treated such a case.

14. The doctor stated that he had to treat a very complicated disease.

15. My friend is to be discarded from the hospital next week.

16. Laser is not used in gastroenterology.

17. An alliance between doctor and physicists has led to a new method of treatment for ulcers.

18. Doctors are using laser to stop haemorrhage.


2015-11-18 942 Обсуждений (0)
Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные функции инфинитива 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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