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Difficulties in analyzing secondary parts of sentence. Means of their expression

2015-11-18 1468 Обсуждений (0)
Difficulties in analyzing secondary parts of sentence. Means of their expression 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

This is the universal division for many European Ls: 1. attribute 2. object 3.adverbial modifier.But it is being criticized: such treatment doesn't allow to single out individual features of a L BUT it is natural for it reflects the

relations of the objective reality.

The theory of secondary parts is not complete. Not everything is defined. It is difficult to find objective criteria to determine the function of a secondary part of sentence.

=> Several main CONTRADICTIONS:

An objectis usually defined as a person/ thing that takes part in the process denoted by the predicate verb.

1. He drinks vodka -> a direct object

2. He offered mevodka. => an indirect object

3. He thinks about more vodka. -> a prepositional object

4. He doesn 't like to drink diluted vodka. -> infinitive as a n object*

* №4 is disputed. Смирницкий once said: the main feature of the object is to denote a thing (предметность) => infinitive cannot be regarded as art object... Бархударов и Шпеллинг - similar views => treat the infinitive as part of a complex verbal predicate.

• Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between the attribute and the adverbial


example dilemma
The man next door suggested we get married. Tired and disappointed, she refused to smoke opium. The weather that winter was cold for going naked. an attribute OR an adverbial modifier of place? attribute OR adv. modifier of reason? attribute OR adv. modifier of time?

Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between objects and adverbial modifiers.

example dilemma
I kissed him in the lips. He was glad to disappoint her. a prepositional object OR an adv. modifier of place? object OR adv. mod, of reason OR (some grammarians) part of the predicate

• Predicative constructions are treated differently.

example dilemma
I saw him come/ coming She was seen to humiliate men/ humiliating men. a Complex object OR object + objective predicative a Complex subject OR subject + subjective Predicative


Because of all these contradictions:

amer. Freeze: notions of subject structure and object structure; but he regards the rest of the secondary parts as modifiers,

Zandboort and Harris: a term "adjunct" to denote any secondary part.



1. Adjectives (a) or adjectival phrases (b)which characterize the person or non-person qualities or express the speaker's attitude.

a) We sat on the softsofa and... well, just sat there.

b) We sat there, unable to move or say a word.

2. Pronouns or pronominal phrases,which help to identify or define a person/ non-person.

Can you see thosechildren of mineanywhere?

3. Numerals (ordinal or cardinal),which state the number or order, or serve to identify persons/ things.

He was my firstman.

It is part twoof the book.

4. Nouns in the common case singular (a) or prepositional nominal phrases (b)=>quality or locative/ temporal/ etc features of a person/ thing.

a)We did it at the gardenwall. It was rough.

b)He was a man of strange habits

5. Nouns or pronouns in genitive case.

His girlfriend's bottom is hispride, joy and personal source of enjoyment.

6. Statives(though rarely)

No man alivewould eat your cooking.

7. Participle I (a), II (b) and participial phrases (c)-> characterise a person/thing through an action/ process/ reaction.

a) He laughed at the crying girl. Bastard.

b) I couldn 't help laughing when I saw his shavedface.

c) I glanced at the man knitting by the window.

8.Gerunds (a), gerundial phrases (b), gerundial complexes(c) => usually characterize things from the point of view of their function/ purpose.

a) Her walkingshoes were elegant and the singingteacher envied her desperately.

b) He showed no sign of having ever known me.Jerk.

c) There is no chance of our seeing him again.He left for Leipzig.

9Infinitives (a), infinitive phrases (b), infinitive complexes (c)=> characterize through a real/ unreal action.

a) You are the one to blame.

b) He is not a man to experiment with sex.

c)This is a problem for you to solve

10.Adverbs (a), adverbial phrases (b),

a) The thenpresident sucked,

b) If you live in an out of the wayplace -I'm sorry.

11. Sentences used as a whole (so called "quotation nouns).

She looked at him with a kind of don't-touch-me or- I’ll-slap youair and he risked.

12. Attribute clauses

I loved the boy who loved boys.


1. Nouns, substantivized adjectives or participles.

I kissed the girt.She helped the poor/ the wounded.(But that was not t reason why I kissed her.)

2. Numerals, phrases with numerals.

I found three of thembehind the door of my bathroom.

3.Gerunds, gerundial phrases.

He insists on coming(who doesn 't)). I hate being looked after.

4. Pronouns,

I don't want anybodyhere. But they don't understand that.

5.Infinitives, infinitive phraser.

I am glad to see you.I have to learn how to strip men of money.

6.Different predicative complexes.

I felt him trembling all over.He wanted it done quickly.Everything depended on his, working properly with his hands.

7. Object clauses.

I thought of what he had doneand wanted more.


1. Adverbs.

You sing beautifully.And I oftenlie.

2. Adverbial phrases.

It happened three months agoand lasted for three minutes.

3. A noun/ pronoun/ numeral preceded by a preposition.

Behind him stood a horse. It happened in 2004.There: was her lover unde,

4. Anoun or this/ that/every/last/next* a noun Wait a minute!Come this way,please.

5.Non-finite forms:

Gerund: I eat before going to bed.

Infinitive: I come here to make love to you.

Participle: Walking in the garden,we found a very comfortable wall.

6.Predicative complexes:

Gerundial constructions: Are you angry because of my being late?Absolute constructions: The meal over, we began drinking. (non-prepositional ) You mustn't do it with children watching,(prepositional)

7. A conjunction + adjective: I do it if necessary.

noun: As a little girl she went to the forest.

participle: When argued with, I get irritated. While doing itI got tired.

infinitive: As if to calm him down, she gave him some pills.

8. Clauses

Won 't you stay forever or at least till the rain stops?I stayed with him because he asked me.I'm very kind.

2015-11-18 1468 Обсуждений (0)
Difficulties in analyzing secondary parts of sentence. Means of their expression 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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