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VIII. Match the words or phrases (1-8) with the definitions (A-H). 1 _ laser printer 4 _ desktop 7 _ laptop

2015-11-18 1410 Обсуждений (0)
VIII. Match the words or phrases (1-8) with the definitions (A-H). 1 _ laser printer 4 _ desktop 7 _ laptop 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1 _ laser printer 4 _ desktop 7 _ laptop

2 _ keyboard 5 _ scanner 8 _ flash drive

3 _ computer 6 __ monitor


A a device for storing computer data

В a machine that stores and processes information

С a screen that displays computer information

D a computer that is large and stationary

E a machine that reproduces documents on a computer

F a machine that uses a laser and ink to print

G a small, portable personal computer

H a piece of equipment with buttons that have numbers, letters, and symbols


Variant 4.


I. Correct the mistakes. (Тема 2 Feelings, Emotions. Communication.)


1 I very like basketball.

2 I am happy for my sister's good news.

3 The teacher wants that we learn these new words.

4 I like really spiders.

5 My brother has a good new job. I'm very happy about him.

6 My parents want that I go to university.

7 I feel very well. How for you?

8 Priya is bit tired this morning.


II. Answer the questions: (Тема 3 Food. Catering Establishments.)


1 Which of the foods do you like most of all?

2 Which of drinks do you like most of all?

3 How many meals a day do you have?

4 What do you have for breakfast?

5 What do you have for dinner?


III. Translate the dialogue from Russian into English:

Waiter: Здравствуйте. Вам столик на двоих?

Customer: Нет, спасибо, я один. Можно меню, пожалуйста?

Waiter: Вы готовы сделать заказ?

Customer: Да, я бы хотел курицу, рис и свежий овощной салат, пожалуйста.

Waiter: Вы бы хотели запеченную (roasted) курицу или гриль?

Customer: Гриль, пожалуйста.

Waiter: Что бы вы хотели выпить?

Customer: Я возьму негазированную минеральную воду и пиво, пожалуйста.

*** (later)

Customer: Спасибо, было очень вкусно. Можно мне счет?

Waiter: Да, конечно. Вот ваш счет.

Customer: Могу я заплатить наличными?

Waiter: Да, конечно.


IV. True or false? Write T for true, F for false. If you write F, say why. (Тема 5 Jobs and Professions.)


1 A bus driver works in an office.

2 'What do you do?' is another way of saying 'What is your job?'

3 A person who works in a bookshop is called a librarian.

4 A person who checks parked cars is called a traffic police.

5 If you do your job/profession in your own house or flat, you can say 'I work at home' or 'I work from home.' Both are correct.

6 It is correct to say 'I have an interesting work.'

7 A bank clerk works in a bank.

8 If someone asks you about your job, you can say 'I'm teacher.'

9 A person who repairs cars is called a mechanician.

10 Doctors and nurses work in hospitals.


V. Answer the questions.(Тема 9-10 Путешествия. Деловая поездка за рубеж.)

1 You want to find out where a place is. What can you look at?

2 What do you need to show when you arrive in a new country?

3 In which part of the train can you buy food / have a meal?

4 A ticket from A to В and hack again is a return ticket. What do we call a ticket from A to В only?

5 Who checks your suitcases and other hags when you arrive in a new country?

6 What word means 'suitcases and other bags'?

7 What can you look at to find the times of buses or trains?

8 You need a car for your holiday but don't want to use your own car. What can you do?

9 What type of card do you need to get on a plane?

10 What do you call the people who work on the plane and bring you meals, etc.?


VI. Translate the dialogue from Russian into English:

- Простите, вы не подскажете как пройти к отелю?

- Простите, я не знаю. Я сам не местный. Вы бы спросили вон того полисмена..

- Все равно, спасибо.

*** (to policeman)

- Простите, вы не подскажете дорогу к отелю?

- Вам лучше поехать на метро.

- А где находится станция метро?

- Пройдите два квартала прямо и вы ее увидите.


VIII. Match the words or phrases (1-7) with the definitions (A-G).

1 _withdrawal 5 _ coin

2 _ receipt 6 _ face

3 _ deposit 7 _ bill

4 _ petty cash


A an amount of money set aside to be placed in an account

В a document showing what was purchased and the amount spent

С a small amount of cash kept on hand for small expenses

D the money that is made from a hard material like metal

E a paper piece of money worth a certain amount

F to arrange the bills so they are all lacing the same direction

G the act of taking money out of the bank



Variant 5.


I. Correct the mistakes. (Тема 2 Feelings, Emotions. Communication.)


1 I like very much tennis.

2 I am very happy for your good exam results.

3 Jack hopes his girlfriend to phone him soon.

4 I like really ice-cream.

5 My little sister prefers juice from milk.

6 Grandfather is little tired today.

7 Peter wants that his sister helps him.

8 I am very happy for your news.


II. Answer the questions: (Тема 3 Food. Catering Establishments.)


1 Which of the foods do you like most of all?

2 Which of drinks do you like most of all?

3 How many meals a day do you have?

4 What do you have for breakfast?

5 What do you have for dinner?


III. Translate the dialogue from Russian into English:

Waiter: Здравствуйте. Вам столик на одного?

Customer: Да, спасибо, я один.

Waiter: Вот меню. Вы готовы сделать заказ?

Customer: Да, я бы хотел пасту с томатным соусом и овощной салат, пожалуйста.

Waiter: Что бы вы хотели выпить?

Customer: Я возьму негазированную минеральную воду и красное вино, пожалуйста.

Waiter: Хотите что-нибудь на десерт?

Customer: Да, кусок пирога и чашку чая, пожалуйста.

*** (later)

Customer: Спасибо, было очень вкусно. Можно мне счет?

Waiter: Да, конечно. Вот ваш счет.

Customer: Могу я заплатить наличными?

Waiter: Нет, мы не принимаем наличные.


IV. Fill the gaps with professions. (Тема 5 Jobs and Professions.)

1 The........................................said it would cost ?300 to fix my car.

2 I went for a walk in the countryside and met a..................................looking after some sheep.

3 Do you like my hair? I have a new.........................................I think she's better than the old one.

4 Our........................................said we're going to have a grammar test next Monday.

5 You can't talk to the director but you can leave a message with her.........................................

6 While I was studying I worked as a .............. in a big store at weekends.

7 I like the idea of building big bridges and motorways, so I'd like to be an ................................

8 To become a .............................., you have to study medicine for five years.

9 The .......... were very kind to me when I was in hospital. They were always there when I needed them.

10 The ................................ in that restaurant are very friendly.


V. Answer the questions.(Тема 9-10 Путешествия. Деловая поездка за рубеж.)


1 Where can I get a bus to London?

2 Where can I get information about hotels?

3 Where can I change money?

4 Where can i park my car?

5 Where can I see old and interesting things?

6 Where can 1 get a train?

7 Where can I go to a lot of different shops?

8 Where can I read today's newspaper? (1 don't want to buy it.)


VI. Translate the dialogue from Russian into English:

- Простите. Я заблудился. Это дорога на Брайтон?

- Боюсь, что нет. Вы неправильно едете. Это дорога на Постмуд.

- Не могли бы вы подсказать дорогу на Брайтон?

- Конечно, развернитесь и езжайте до кольца, там вы увидите указатели на Брайтон.

- Большое спасибо за помощь.

- Не стоит благодарности.


VII. Дополните диалог (Тема 11 Shopping.) «At the department store». You are a customer:

Shop man: Can I help you?

You: Да. Можете показать то пальто, пожалуйста?

Shop man: Yes, sure. What size do you wear?

You: (называете размер) Где я могу его примерить?

Shop man: The fitting room is over there.

You : Немного велико. Можно мне размер поменьше?

Shop man: Wait a second. I’ll just check. Here you are. Try it on.

You : Спасибо. Это подходит. Сколько оно стоит?

Shop man: It costs $40.

You : Есть ли на него скидка?


2015-11-18 1410 Обсуждений (0)
VIII. Match the words or phrases (1-8) with the definitions (A-H). 1 _ laser printer 4 _ desktop 7 _ laptop 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Обсуждение в статье: VIII. Match the words or phrases (1-8) with the definitions (A-H). 1 _ laser printer 4 _ desktop 7 _ laptop

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