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Adjective 2 noun 3 verb

2015-11-11 2967 Обсуждений (0)
Adjective 2 noun 3 verb 5.00 из 5.00 4 оценки

-ist -hood -or -ese -ee -en -ision -some


-ship -ise -ical -ify -ible -y -ant -ive


-ness -ish


2. Match a prefix with a word to make a new word. Then choose the appropriate meaning for the prefix from the list.


Example: anti-theft/ against

1 inter- power not

2. super- author main

3. ex- hi-fi too much

4. mini- city very big

5. ab- continental before

6. over- view previous

7. co- enemy between

8. arch- wife small

9. trans- spend together

10 pre- normal across


3. Underline the words that do not contain the idea of ‘beneath’ or ‘less’.


undercut undergo understaffed underfoot undertaking underwrite

4. Underline the words that mean ‘not…’.


unfaithful inside unpack inhospitable impractical impound


5. Underline the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.


1. Julia played a…role in the planning of the millennium exhibition.

A consultation B consulting C consultative D consulted


2. Even the best medicines are not… .

A infallible B unfailing C fail-proof D falsified


3. In the event, we found your advice absolutely… .

A unworthy B valuable C invaluable D impecunious


4. I parked in a restricted area and the police……my car.

A imprisoned B impounded C impaled D interned


5. He has been…..for gross misconduct.

A impressed B impounded C impeached D impelled


6. Underline the words that have no base form that exists by itself.


indirect inept untie disparage impeccable unscathed impede infinity unprompted impromptu undying undue unduly insipid incessant inflect

7. Use the -er/-or, -ее and -ist suffixes to make the names of the following.

Example: A person who plays jazz on the piano. a jazz pianist

1. The thing that wipesrain off your car windscreen.

2. A person who plays classical violin.

3. A person who takes professional photographs.

4. A person who actsin amateur theatre.

5. The person to whom a cheque is paid.

6. A machine for washingdishes.

7. A person who donatestheir organs upon their death.

8. The person towhom a letter is addressed.


8. Do these words mean a thing, a person, or both?

a cooker a ticket-holder a cleaner a drinker

a typewriter a CD player a smoker a dresser

9. Which word is the odd one out in each group and why?


1 brotherhood neighbourhood manhood priesthood

2 tearful spiteful dreadful handful

3 appointment involvement compliment arrangement

4 worship kinship friendship partnership

10 Combine the words to make a compound.

Example roses/bunch - a bunch of roses

boots/ski - ski boots

cloud/sky - a cloudy sky


two hands/backhand

day/work edge/water

bed/sea length/arm

prices/gas price/gas

coat/paint hair/breadth

stone/throw shore/sea

door/car industry/car

film/popularity film/story

world/end bar/steel

apple/core book/club

shirt/button book/200 pages

room/corner heart/matter

sentence/ten years pan/fry

degree/university stick/walk

hesitation/moment building/four storeys


Task 7.

1. Complete the chart with the correct noun.


clue noun
1. s/he takes photographs 2. s/he plays the guitar 3. it washes dishes 4. the state of being able to do smth 5. the relationship you have with your friend 6. s/he designs roads, bridges and machines 7. s/he writes for a newspaper 8. he acts in films and plays 9. the thing we make when we build 10. the quality of being important 11. the period when you are a child 12. the feeling of being excited 13. the state of being happy 14. knowledge you get when you are educated 15. the act of dividing something 16. entering a place, or the cost of entering 17. the thing we open tins with 18. s/he is forced to seek refuge in a new country 19. smth we do when we are active 20. the state or fact of being great  

2. Add a correct prefix to the following words.

1……………dependent 2……………polite 3……………do 4……………driver 5……………approve 6……………behave 7……………logical 8……………zip 9……………inform 10…………..agree 11…………..eat 12…………..historic 13……………….Atlantic 14……………….behaving 15……………….moral 16……………….hear 17……………….interpret 18……………….national 19………………sleep 20……………….relevant 21……………….believe 22……………….crowded 23……………….understand 24……………….natal


3. Add a prefix to the correct form of the word at the end of each line and use the word in the space of the same line. The first (0) is given as an example.

Attempts to communicate in a foreign language can easily (0) misfire. I’m always (1)………………..by my attempts to get speak Greek. The waiter in Mykonos (2)…………………what I wanted and instead of beetroots brought me mushrooms. I (3)………….mushrooms intensely but when I asked him to (4)……………them with beetroots he smiled, went into the kitchen and (5)…………with a plateful of aubergines. He also (6)…………..…..my friendly attitude towards everyone I meet and when I complained that they had (7)…………….…..the meat, Manuel (that was his name if I’m not (8)……………..…) grinned and twirled the moustache. To cap it all, I (9)………………the bill and accused the poor man of (10)…………………me! It was just my awful Greek again. fire   1. appoint   2. understand   3. like 4. place   5. turn 6. take   7. cook 8. take   9. read 10. charge

4. Write abstract nouns for the following words, using one of the following suffixes:

-ance, -ence, -ment, -ness, -th.

1. inherit 2. convenient 3. clumsy 4. obey 5. invest 6. develop 7. kind 8. effective 9. fair 10. prefer 11. innocent 12. improve 13. willing 14. retire 15. silent 16. disappoint 17. excite 18. polite 19. argue 20. punish 21. selfish 22. sixty

5. Make adjectives from the following nouns.

intelligence ugliness
carelessness width
patience emptiness
depth confidence
arrogance million


6. Make nouns from the following verbs.

1. disturb 6. insure

2. correspond 7. annoy

3. emerge 8. empty

4. sleep 9. defend

5. resist 10. commit

7. Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.



The Government has decided to take the (1)……….……decision to ban smoking in a lot of public places. Though a lot of people find smoking (2)……………., and though experts all agree it is (3)………….and that it costs the state a lot to treat victims of smoking, it is also (4) …………….that many people get pleasure from the habit and find smoking (5) ………………… when they are in company. However, it is now (6) …………….to deny the antisocial nature of the habit. As advertising has proved (7) ………………. with many smokers, the Government has now made smoking (8) …………… in most public places. Smokers who are (9) ………………..to stop smoking will be obliged enjoy their pastime in private and may feel the new measures are (10)……………, but for passive smokers for whom a room full of smoke is (11)……… they will come as a breath of fresh air.   1. popular   2. please 3. health 4. deny   5. resist 6. possible   7. effect   8. legal   9. ability   10. justice   11. bear


8. Complete the chart with the original verbs.

noun verb noun verb
discussion discuss 1. decision 2. abolition 3. addition 4. accusation 5. flotation 6. demolition 7. repetition 8. rendition 9. confession 10. cohesion 11. seclusion 12. expansion 13. opposition 14. graduation 15. identification 16. decoration 17. occupation 18. collision 19. permission 20. qualification 21. starvation 22. valuation 23. revision 24. reversion

Task 8.

1. Write the opposites of the words underlined.

Example: He's a very honest man. ...dishonest

1. I'msure she's discreet.

2. He's very efficient.

3. I always find him very sensitive.

4. I always find her responsible.

5. It's a convincing argument.

6. He seems grateful for our help.

7. That's a very relevant point.

8. I'm sure she's loyal to the firm.

9. She's always obedient.

10. He's a tolerant person.

2. Which negative adjective fits each of the following definitions?

1 ……………………means not having a husband or wife.

2 ………………………….means impossible to eat.

3 ……………………means unable to read or write.

4 …………………………..means not having a job.

5 …………means fair in giving judgement, not favouring one side.

6 ……………………means unable to be replaced.

3. Use the word in brackets to complete the sentences. Add the necessary prefix and put the word in the correct form.

Example: The runner was ..disqualified.. after a blood test. (QUALIFY)

1 Children and adults love………parcels at Christmas time. (WRAP)

2 I almost always find that I……………with his opinion. (AGREE)

3 I'm sure he's lying but it's going to be hard to……his story. (PROVE)

4 After a brief speech the Queen…………..the new statue. (VEIL)

5 It took the removal men an hour…our things from the van. (LOAD)

6 His phone was……because he didn't pay his last bill. (CONNECT)

4. Answer the following questions.

1 What kind of oven cooks things particularly fast?

2 What kind of drug can help somebody with an infection?

3 What kind of company has branches in many countries?

4 How does a passenger aeroplane normally fly?

5 What is a student who is studying for a second degree?

6 What means 'underground railway' in the US and 'underground passage' in the UK?

5. Find two more examples for each prefix. Use a dictionary if necessary.

anti   antibiotic  
ex (former)  
ex (out of)  

6. Construct words or phrases to replace the underlined words.

e.g. He's in favour of the American approach. ...He’s pro-American...

1. The BBC tries to avoid pronouncing foreign words incorrectly.

2. Most people say they have to work too hard but are paid too little.

3. He dated his cheque with a date that was later than the real date.

4. She's still on good terms with the man who used to be her husband.

5. He made so many mistakes in the letter that he had to write it again.

7. Put the adjectives in the box into the correct columns.

relevant attractive literate flexible regular legal agreeable mature convenient tasteful moral responsible possible legible honest rational explicable justified mortal reversible destructible perfect friendly soluble polite logical interesting separable replaceable significant


dis- un- il- im- in- ir-


Task 9.

1. What do these abbreviations stand for?

Example: ВВС The British Broadcasting Corporation

The UN Unesco c/o Rd ID BSc FBI Fr ext. PIN e.g. asap dep. RSVP arr. MP CD

2. What are the full forms of these shortened words?

Example: phone telephone

lab exam ad fridge rep

3. What are the short forms of these full words?

Example: aeroplane plane


newspaper shoelaces television suitcase wristwatch

4. Here is a note written in a hurry, with a lot of abbreviations in it. Can you say what each one in bold means in full?

Example: tel telephone

To: John Furness

From: Sally Oldbeck

Dear John,

Here are the times for my trip: arr. from Paris 2.25 pm at Victoria Station, Wed 14th. Stay with friends, tel: 41356787, address 56 Carlton Ave, Eastcheap, London S4. Dep Sat 17th from Heathrow, flight no EI 654 to Dublin.

If you need to ring me in the office, it's Oriental Imports Ltd, tel 3546659, ext 5656.


5. Use abbreviations instead of the words in bold.

Example: care of - c/o

1. It is a digital camera, that is to say it doesn't use film, but takes pictures electronically.

2. I needed some paper, envelopes, pens, and so on.

3. There are several ways of solving the problem, for example, try fitting new batteries.

4. You can repair it yourself. Please note, the guarantee is no longer valid if you do.

5. She saw a flying saucer or some kind of spaceship in the sky above her house.

6. Her address is: Flat number3, Block B, Horley Street, Bartsow.

7. She got a Bachelor of Science degree from London University, and now she's doing a Doctor of Philosophy degree.

8. There was a postscript at the end of the letter.

6. What things in these addresses are normally abbreviated? How is Ms pronounced?

1. Mister A. Carlton 2. Ms P. Meldrum

Flat number 5 care of T. Fox

28, Hale Crescent 6, Marl Avenue

Borebridge Freeminster


3. N. Lowe and Company

7, Bridge Road


United Kingdom

7. 'Translate' this note from the boss to a group of workers in an office, into full words.

Memo from:Mr Richard Hedd (MD)

To: All staff




May I remind you that all new lab equipment should be registered with Stores & Supplies, Room 354 (ext 2683). NB: new items must be notified before 1700 hrs on the last day of the month of purchase, i.e. within the current budgeting month. All a/c nos must be recorded.


8. Explain 1-5 and match them with the contexts on the right.

1 Students and OAPs: £1.50 on an aerosol can

2 WC Gents in a newspaper headline

3 US forces take 5,000 POWs on a museum entrance

4 Ozone-friendly: CFC-free on an airline timetable

5 Dep 1500 Arr 1742 on a door in a pub/restaurant


9. People have developed a new informal way of writing in chat rooms and on message boards. They also use similar language when they send messages by phone. Explain the following messages.

R u alryt?


Im good thx

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Adjective 2 noun 3 verb 5.00 из 5.00 4 оценки

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