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Task 5. So many countries so many proverbs

2015-11-23 467 Обсуждений (0)
Task 5. So many countries so many proverbs 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Лексика и фразеология



Ноября 2015.


Уважаемые участники!

Английский язык богат и многообразен. Каждая его часть по-своему интересна и важна. А лексическая – особенно. Ведь именно лексика и фразеология лучше всего отражают культуру и историю языка.

Выполняя задания олимпиады, вам предстоит справиться с заданиями, связанными с лексикой и фразеологией. Это поможет открыть вам все многообразие и совершенство современного английского языка!


Конкурс проводится для возрастных групп: 5-6, 7-8, 9-11 классы



Для внесения ответов участников используйте специальный бланк ELF- Бланк ответов_1-4.doc из архива с заданием мероприятия.

Выполненные работы необходимо загрузить в личном кабинете до 19 ноября 2015 года (включительно)



Task 1. Unscramble jumbled “animal” words.

Guess the word from its meaning.

1. It’s smart, graceful and often taken for a fish (though it’s not!) – pinhold.

2. It has wings, but doesn’t know how to fly – neungip.

3. If it is enlarged, it will look like a monster – ticnes.

4. It may be big or small, water or land, but always very slow – inlas.

5. A small creature that scares many people – chackcoro.

Task 2. Do you know what synonyms are?

Synonyms are different words that have the same or similar meaning. For example, big and large are synonyms.

Replace the word in bold with a suitable synonym A, B, C or D

1. The storm was terrible, but the captain remained calm.

A) still C) cool

B) relaxed D) silent

2. It became dark in the room and we switched on the light.

A) turned up C) turned in

B) turned on D) turned to

3. Be attentive when crossing the street!

A) caring C) protective

B) careful D) careless

4. Teaching is my future occupation.

A) profession C) trade

B) pastime D) hobby

5. We got to London at midnight.

A) arrived at C) arrived

B) arrived to D) arrived in

6. I don’t want to work far fromhome.

A) house C) my place

B) dwelling D) apartment

7. The exploration of stars is very expensive.

A) investigation C) analysis

B) inspection D) examination

8. In spring students read for their exams.

A) study for C) learn for

B) discover D) search for

9. Please, makeyour room clean before you leave.

A) clean out C) clean of

B) clean on D) clean up

10. I was born in Russia.

A) come of C) come out

B) come from D) come away

Task 3. Do you know what Homonyms are?

Homonyms are words that have the same spelling and same pronunciation, but different meanings.

Read the sentences and choose the proper meaning (a or b) for each homonym.

Example: I hope you are not lying (a)___ to me. (a) telling a lie

My books are lying (b)__on the table. (b) being in a horizontal position


We saw a bat ___ in the cave. (a) an animal

I’m going to play baseball. Where’s my bat? ___ (b) a rounded, often wooden club


There is a deep well___in the desert. (a) good

The job is well___ done. (b) a hole with water


The tree trunk___was thick and warm. (a) a big box

In the corner of the room there was a wooden trunk___. (b) a part of a tree


I saw a red seal___ on the envelope. (a) an animal

The little seal___ was so cute and funny! (b) a sort of stamp


There are several human races___in the world. (a) groups of people

He won at the races___ last year. (b) a competition

Task 4. English plant idioms.

Here are three English plant idioms. See if you know their meaning.

Answer the questions choosing A, B, C or D

1. My new classmate is “a shrinking violet”. What does it mean?

A. She is very nervous

B. She is very noisy

C. She isvery shy

D. She is very lazy

2. After the exam everything will “come up roses”, I think. What do I mean?

A. Everything will be well

B. Everything will be bad

C. I will be expelled from school

D. Nobody knows what will happen.

3. My classmate promised to help me with Maths. But I think he “is leading me up the garden path”. What does it mean?

A. He is going to help tomorrow

B. He is not going to help

C. He has already helped

D. He did his best, but it didn't help

Task 5. So many countries so many proverbs.

Read French, German and Russian proverbs and write their English equivalent with the same meaning.


Французский: Даже хороший конь спотыкается.

Немецкий: И у искусного ткача хоть раз да порвется нить.

Русский: И на старуху бывает проруха.



Французский: Кто пил, тот будет пить.

Немецкий: Медведь останется медведем, даже если его за море отвезти.

Русский: Горбатого могила исправит.



Французский: Мир мал.

Немецкий: Мир — деревня.

Русский: Мир тесен.



Французский: Жизнь не вся розовая.

Немецкий: Жизнь — это искусство.

Русский: Жизнь прожить — не поле перейти.


Task 6. Idioms.

Each example below has an idiom with a plant word. Can you guess the meaning of each idiom from the context?

Match each idiom (1-6) with its definition (a-f).

· It's late already. I'm going to hit the hay.

· You promised to finish the article by Monday. So, don't kick it into the long grass.

· I wanted to buy a new laptop so much. But I had to nip this thought in the bud.

· For me making breakfast is as easy as falling of a log.

· Maths is a real thorn in my side.

· I tried hard to find a pen in my school bag but it was like looking for a needle in a haystack.


Idiom Definition
1. to hit the hay a. a source of irritation
2. to kick smth into the long grass b. very easy
3. to nip in the bud c. something very difficult to find
4. as easy as falling off a log d. to go to bed
5. a thorn in one's side e. to stop at the very beginning
6. a needle in a haystack f. to put aside and forget


2015-11-23 467 Обсуждений (0)
Task 5. So many countries so many proverbs 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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