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ПРИМЕРНАЯ КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА по английскому языку на тему Legal Profession (Профессия юриста)

2015-11-27 1018 Обсуждений (0)
ПРИМЕРНАЯ КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА по английскому языку на тему Legal Profession (Профессия юриста) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Task l.

Read the text and fill in the missing words from the list below:

Client-directed lawyers often are called 1........., but in the original sense of that word—giving advice as to how the law stands — this is rarely an 2........... function; it is an 3...........part of other functions. In his client-directed activities the lawyer is concerned with

how the law affects specific 4.........which can for convenience be divided into two main types: 5.............and litigious.

In the transactional type the lawyer is concerned with the validity or 6..................of a transaction independent of any immediate concern with the outcome of litigation. In most countries such activities 7...........the largest area of lawyerly activity. If the events consti­tuting the transaction in question happen before the lawyer is consulted, he can only 8....... on their legal significance and perhaps suggest methods of overcoming legal deficiencies in what has been done.

Transactions may concern words and acts, but characteristically they require the drafting of documents. In the Romano-Germanic systems these often require notarization. Typical ac­tivities falling in this category today include the following: transferring interests in land; trans­mitting 9.........on death; settling property within a family; making an agreement (especially a commercial 10.........of some complexity and duration); incorporating or dissolving a cor­porate entity; varying the terms on which a corporate 11........is conducted (classes of shares, managerial rights, 12............of profits, etc.); and adjusting the ownership and control of

property and income to comply with the requirements of 13.............and minimize their impact on the property and income in question. In the Romano-Germanic systems many of these functions are discharged by notaries, and in the English and similarly divided systems they are performed by 14............, though in difficult situations the 15.........of advocates or barristers may be obtained.

Agreement, entity, taxation laws, opinions, transactional, counselors, solici­tors, legal efficacy, advise, inseparable, independent, circumstances, distribution, property, constitute.

Task 2.

For the text above choose the best heading from the variants below:

1. The types of transactions dealt with by lawyers.

2. The transactional function of a lawyer's job.

3. Client-directed lawyers and the scope of their professional obligations.


Task 3.

Match Russian and English equivalents:

conciliation A жилищный наем, аренда
QC В составление нотариальных актов о передаче иму­щества
right of audi­ence С небрежность, халатность
eligible D соглашение об аренде помещения
limited liability E ипотечный залог, ипотека
conveyancing F раскрывать, объявлять, сообщать
disclose G ученичество
negligence H примирительная процедура
mortgage T право выступать в суде
lease J королевский адвокат
tenancy agreement K ограниченная ответственность
apprenticeship L имеющий право


Task 4.

Find the definitions:

cross-examination A - (in England when the sovereign is female) a bar­rister or advocate is the appointed Counsel to the Crown on the recommendation of the Lord Chancellor, entitled to sit within the bar of the court and to wear a silk gown
Inns of Court В - the interrogation of a witness called by one's op­ponent
self-practicing solici­tor С - the act of yielding or conceding, as to a demand or argument
eloquence D - 1) the act or process of bringing or contesting a legal action in court; 2) a judicial proceeding or contest
concession E - a deliberate process of speaking out on issues of concern in order to exert some influence on behalf of ideas or persons; active support, especially of a cause
negotiating F - the four private unincorporated societies in Lon­don that function as a law school and have the ex­clusive privilege of calling candidates to the English bar
professional confi­dence G - bargaining, working or talking (with others) to achieve smth. (a transaction, an agreement, etc.)
Queen's Counsel H - a solicitor working on his own, not as a member of some firm
advocacy I - 1) ease in using language to best effect; 2) pow­erful and effective language; 3) the quality of being persuasive or moving
litigation J - the principal condition of a relationship between a solicitor and a client based on trust that the so­licitor cannot be compelled to disclose in court communications made in a professional relation­ship

Task 5.

Describe the differences between the two branches of legal profession (barristers and solicitors) in your own words.

Task 6.

A. Open the brackets inserting the given verbs in the correct Tense (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect)

1. Last year I.........(to attend) court trials and.........(to increase) my proficiency.

2. Before becoming Queen's Counsel she........(to work) as a junior barrister for about 10 years.

3. I.....already.......(to write) a paper on Criminal Law.

4. Yesterday at 11 o'clock when you........(to call) me I.......still.........(to write) the legal opinion for that case.

5. At present the police..............(to conduct) the investigation.

6. The Law Course ..........(to develop) the following basic professional skills of a lawyer: interviewing, advising, negotiating, advocacy.

7. One of the judges in this court...........(to work) for 20 years.


B. Report the sentences converting them from direct into indirect speech:

1) "Police work is very traumatic", they complained.

2) "We couldn't stop him from shoplifting", exclaimed his friends.

3) "I will not make a statement to the police", said Fiona.

4) "It was me who set the fire to the house", said Harry.

5) "I stole the camera", John confessed.

6) "Where is your family now?" he requested.

7) "What motivated you to commit murder?", the police inquired.

8) "Do you have an alibi?", he asked.


Task 7.

2015-11-27 1018 Обсуждений (0)
ПРИМЕРНАЯ КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА по английскому языку на тему Legal Profession (Профессия юриста) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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