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2015-11-27 753 Обсуждений (0)

1. Trade books are usually less expensive to produce per unit than textbooks; for example, an investment of millions of dollars may be made for a line of textbooks, as compared with thousands of dollars for a novel or biography. In the field of non-trade publishing, textbooks are the largest element. Additionally, some professional, scientific, and technical works are sold as textbooks. No part of the industry has changed so much since 1945 as educational, scientific, and technical publishing—a result of the so-called knowledge explosion—that followed the end of World War II and of the major social changes that began in the 1960s.

2. Today, mass-market publishing dominates the industry. Such publishing may be defined as the development and selling of those books, soft cover or hard cover, that are intended for larger audiences than can be reached through the regular retail channels of bookstores alone. Mass-market books are also carried in supermarkets, drugstores, newsstands, stationery stores, airports, and department stores.

3. The public is periodically made aware of the enormous success of mass-market publishing by news of the huge advances against royalties offered for reprint rights of best-selling novels by the dozen or so highly competitive paperback houses. The competition has overshadowed the steady development since the early 1950s of trade paperbacks—quality reprints or original paperbacks sold only through bookstores rather than through the multiple outlets of the mass market.


V. Выберите наиболее подходящий заголовок для абзацев 1-3. Один заголовок является лишним.

a) Quality reprints or original paperbacks?

b) Books for everyone everywhere.

c) Informative books winning the market.

d) Soft cover world.


Вариант 2


I. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения. Помните, что объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям:

1. We consider M. Lomonosov to be the founder of the Russian literary language.

2. I don’t want to smoke here.

3. Our team was reported to have been invited to take part in the sports events.


II. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого (самостоятельного) причастных оборотов.

1. The crisis having passed, they could think about the future.

2. He wanted his paper published as soon as possible.

3. We must have all the equipment packed by tomorrow.


III. Перепишите и письменно переведите сложные предложения, обратите внимание на перевод условных предложений:

1. If all the world were just, there would be no need for courts.

2. Providing I had money, I should buy a radio set.

3. He would finish his project unless he were ill.


IV. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.


1. Once the book has been made, it is ready for distribution. Trade books are sold primarily by salespersons calling on bookstores across the country and taking orders for forthcoming books. The two major selling seasons are spring and fall. Large publishers have their own sales staffs, who are briefed by editors at sales conferences before they go on the road. Smaller ones are represented by commission salespeople, who may handle the titles of several houses.

2. Books are usually moved from publisher to bookseller through wholesale distributors. In the late 1980s more than 24,000 retail book distributors of all types were operating in the U.S., including individual bookstores, book departments in large department stores, and two major chain operations, as well as several smaller ones. Increasingly, the chains and book clubs have come to dominate trade selling and are able to command large discounts from the publishers, while the individual bookstores struggle against adverse economic circumstances.

3. Until the 1960s, modern marketing methods had rarely been applied to book merchandising by publishers or retailers. By the early 1980s, however, most of the major publishers were emphasizing marketing in their sales efforts, and the chain operators were employing the most advanced marketing techniques. The most striking changes in book publishing in the 20th century have occurred in this area and in manufacturing technology.


V. Выберите наиболее подходящий заголовок для абзацев 1-3. Один заголовок является лишним.


a) Who dominates trade selling?

b) Advanced methods in book trade.

c) Who sells books?

d) Ready to be sold.


Вариант 3


I. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения. Помните, что объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям.

1. We expect writers to deal with the issues of the modern world.

2. The expedition is reported to be moving north.

3. The President is believed to be in London now.


II. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов:

1. They got their children educated in the best British universities.

2. The research work fulfilled, we decided to publish the results.

3. The key having been found, we could open the room.


III. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие сложные предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод условных предложений.

1. Had you told him, he would have known about the meeting of the staff.

2. If he changed his opinion, he’d be more successful.

3. Without mutual respect, the world would have been a much worse place than it is now.


IV. Прочитайте, перепишите и письменно переведите текст:



Political authority has been used to raise capital throughout history. In many pre-monetary societies, such as the Incan empire, taxes were owed in labor. Taxation in labor was the basis of the Feudalsystem in medieval Europe.

In more sophisticated economies such as the Roman Empire, tax farming developed, as the central powers could not practically enforce their tax policy across a wide realm. The tax farmers were obligatedto raise large sums for the government, but were allowed to keep whatever else they raised.

Many Christians have understood the New Testament to support the payment of taxes, through Jesus's words "Renderunto Caesar the things that are Caesar's".

There were certain times in the Middle Ages where the governments did not explicitlytax, since they were self-supporting, owning their own land and creating their own products. The appearance of doing withouttaxes was however illusory, since the government's (usually the Crown's) independent income sources depended on labor enforced under the feudal system, which is a tax exacted in kind.


V. Ответьте письменно на вопросы:

1. How were taxes paid in medieval Europe?

2. How you can describe taxes in Roman Empire?


Вариант 4


I. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения. Помните, что объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям.

1. We know Kramskoy to be the inspirer and organizer of the Peredvizhniki movement?

2. We found them to be interested in the problem.

3. From the west the British Isles are known to be washed by the Atlantic Ocean.


II. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого (самостоятельного) причастных оборотов.

1. There being nothing to do, we went for a walk.

2. The text was not very difficult, many words having been learnt before.

3. We saw them walking slowly along the street.


III. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод условных предложений.

1. We should have gone to the country if the weather had been perfect.

2. If I had free time I should devote it to reading.

3. My report would be ready tomorrow provided I had all necessary materials.


IV. Прочитайте, перепишите и письменно переведите текст.

2015-11-27 753 Обсуждений (0)


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