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Методические материалы по изучению языка

для студентов, обучающихся по направлению подготовки

030900.62 «Юриспруденция»


Профиль подготовки

«Государственное право»






доктор социологических наук, профессор Н.В.Горбунова

старший преподаватель Н.Г. Коновалова



Профессиональный иностранный язык (английский): методические материалы по изучению языка для студентов, обучающихся по направлению подготовки 030900.62 «Юриспруденция» (профиль подготовки «Государственное право») / Саратовский государственный социально-экономический университет. − Саратов, 2012. − 61 с.


Рекомендует к печати

ученый совет гуманитарного

факультета СГСЭУ

26.03.2012 г.


Aвт.-сост. Н.В.Горбунова, Н.Г. Коновалова, 2012

© Саратовский государственный


университет, 2012


Работа издана в авторской редакции


Компьютерная верстка


  Подписано в печать 6.03.2012. Формат 60х84/16 Бумага типогр. №1. Печать Riso. Уч.-изд. л. 3,9. Усл. печ. 3,9 л. Тираж экз. Заказ   410003, Саратов, ул. Радищева, 89. СГСЭУ  


Дисциплина «Профессиональный иностранный язык (английский)» относится к вариативной части гуманитарного, социального и экономического цикла (В.1) основной образовательной программы направления подготовки 030900.62 «Юриспруденция» профиля подготовки «Государственное право».Профессионально ориентированное обучение иностранному языку основывается на требованиях квалификационной характеристики выпускника, а также интегрированной системе целей изучения дисциплин.

Цель настоящих методических материалов состоит в оказании содействия обучающимся в успешном освоении дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык (английский)» в соответствии с общими целями данной основной образовательной программы: формирование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции студентов, понимаемой как способность и готовность осуществлять иноязычное повседневно-бытовое и профессиональноеопосредованное и непосредственноеобщение с носителями языка в заданных стандартом/программой пределах.

Выполнение предусмотренных методическими материалами заданий по данной дисциплине позволит обучающимся получить и закрепить необходимые знания и умения и на их базе сформировать соответствующие компетенции, а также обеспечит владение необходимыми навыками профессионального общения на иностранном языке (ОК-13).

К началу освоения дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык (английский)» студенты должны свободно владеть основами грамматики иностранного языка, уметь логически верно и ясно строить свою речь, владеть лексическим минимумом на иностранном языке, навыками устного и письменного перевода и иметь представление о культуре страны изучаемого иностранного языка. Обучающийся должен быть готов к самостоятельной деятельности при изучении иностранного языка, к извлечению профессионально-ориентированной информации из иноязычных источников, к изучению иностранного языка за счет практического применения полученных знаний, навыков и умений (участие в олимпиадах, конкурсах, конференциях и т.д.).

Успешное выполнение заданий, предусмотренных методическими материалами по данной дисциплине, будет способствовать успешному освоению таких дисциплин как «Финансовое право», «Криминалистика», «Криминология», «Уголовный процесс», «Гражданский процесс», «Уголовно-исполнительное право».

Методические материалы содержат по каждому разделу: лексический и терминологический минимум по устным темам, тексты для различных видов деятельности, послетекстовые упражнения. В каждом разделе содержатся задания для самостоятельной работы, они представлены лексико-грамматическими упражнениями, текстами для реферирования, текстами для развития навыков письменного и устного перевода.

Изучение дисциплины предусматривается во 2 семестре. Общая трудоемкость дисциплины составляет 180часов (5 зачетных единиц), в том числе и на аудиторные занятия 90 часов, на самостоятельную работу 90 часов.

Форма итоговой промежуточной аттестации: экзамен.



Практические занятия – 10 часов.

Внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа – 10 часов.

Аудиторная работа

Key vocabulary

endeavor – область деятельности

gambling - 1) азартная игра; 2) гэмблинг ( эксплуатация азартных игр )

trafficking – незаконный ввоз, торговля запрещенным товаром

bookmaking – игра на деньги

loan-sharking - «акулий промысел», гангстерское ростовщичество

protection - защита, охрана; деньги, выплачиваемые гангстерами должностному лицу за покровительство им; покровительство гангстерам со стороны представителей власти; выкуп гангстерам, выплачиваемый предпринимателем, профсоюзом за «защиту»

racketeering - рэкетирство, рэкетирская деятельность, рэкет

skimming – вложение скрытых доходов в легальный бизнес

insider trading – торговля внутренней информацией, операции с ценными бумаги на основе конфиденциальной информации

bid rigging – мошенничество при торгах

no-show job/no-work job – оплачиваемая должность, которая не требует какой-либо работы

money laundering – отмывание денег

bullying – «дедовщина», подавление

clamping - ограничение

ransom - выкуп; выкупная сумма

turmoil - беспорядки, массовые волнения


Text 1. Read the text and think of the main idea of each paragraph. Give titles to the paragraphs.

Organized Crime


Organized crime is one of the largest business enterprises in the advanced industrial societies. While the United States has long been considered the center of organized crime, such activities also flourish in Canada, Japan, Great Britain, and other places with developed economies. Mafia is a term used to describe a number of criminal organizations around the world. The first organization was the Sicilian Mafia based in Italy, known to its members as Cosa Nostra. Other powerful organizations described as mafias include the Russian Mafia, the Chinese Triads, the Irish Mob, the Japanese Yakuza, the Neapolitan Camorra, and many others. Some criminal organizations, such as terrorist organizations, are politically motivated. An organized gang or criminal set can also be referred to as a mob.


Such profitable endeavors as gambling, drug trafficking, bookmaking, loansharking, labor racketeering, etc. have long been controlled by various organized crime factions. Organized crime groups also do a range of activities, such as skimming casinos, insider trading, setting up monopolies in industries such as garbage collecting, construction and cement pouring, bid rigging, getting "no-show" and "no-work" jobs, money laundering, political corruption, bullying and ideological clamping. In addition to that segment of the population made up of individual criminals acting independently or in small groups, there exists a so-called underworld of criminal organizations engaged in offenses such as cargo theft, fraud, robbery, kidnapping for ransom, and the demanding of “protection” payments. The newest growth sectors for organized crime are identity theft and online extortion.


Organized crime most typically flourishes when a central government and civil society is disorganized, weak, absent or untrusted. This may occur in a society facing periods of political, economic or social turmoil or transition, such as a change of government or a period of rapid economic development, particularly if the society lacks strong and established institutions and the rule of law. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the Revolutions of 1989 in Eastern Europe that saw the downfall of the Communist Bloc and establishment of new systems of democracy and free market capitalism in the region created a breeding ground for organized criminal organizations. Most of the countries fell upon economic turmoil with their markets being flooded with western products that had previously been barred by the communists regimes at exceptionally high prices and a lack of interest in importing from Eastern Europe. This led to many turning to illegitimate means of making a profit, most of the time these efforts were backed by former secret service and police force who were now out of the job.


Ex. 1.Answer the following questions, give your reasons.

1. How does organized crime affect public health and safety? (think of counterfeit goods, pharmaceuticals, electrical products, etc.)

2. How does organized crime impact the average citizen financially? (think of car theft, identity theft, insurance fraud, etc.)

3. Do you agree with the opinion that conquerors, such as Mongols or Vandals, have much in common with organized crime groups?

4. In your opinion, which are the most serious international crossborder crimes at present?


Ex. 2. Match the crime and its definition:

1. insider trading 2. trafficking 3. identity theft 4. Racketeering 5. loan-sharking

6. bullying 7. money laundering 8. gambling

a) when people risk money or possessions on the result of something which is not certain, such as a card game or a horse race

b) the practice of putting pressure on someone in order to make them do what you want

c) any crime in which someone steals personal information about and belonging to another person, for example their bank account number or the number of their driving

license, and uses this information to deceive other people and get money or goods

d) when someone lends money at very high rates of interest and often use threats or violence to get the money back

e) the buying and selling of illegal goods, especially drugs:

f) the crime of using secret information that you have about a company or knowledge of a situation to buy or sell shares at a profit

g) when someone earns money through crime and illegal activities

h) when money that has been obtained illegally is put into legal businesses or bank accounts in different countries, so that it is difficult for people to discover where it came from

Внеаудиторная работа

II.Choose the right word.

The Mafia problem

To most Americans the terms organized crime and Mafia are the 1.same/ similar/ different. This unfortunate mistake 2.raised/ appeared/ arosebecause so many criminals who made great reputations in the 1920s and after came from Italy and, in particular, Sicily. The Mafia has for centuries been a 3.celebrated/ notorious/ familiarSicilian organization. And some Sicilians with Mafia 4.associations/ connections/ relations came to the United States. But the Mafia as an organization was never 5.transplanted/ transferred/ transformed to the United States. Nor is there an American branch of that organization. Despite the seemingly overwhelming Italian 6.inclusion/ infraction/ involvementin American organized crime from the 1920s to the 1970s, most were non-Sicilians. And, 7.although/ despite/ neverthelessthe presence of Italians in crime, there have always been many other ethnic groups equally involved. The persistence of the Mafia 8. story/ legend/ anecdoteresults from the fact that organized crime and the motion picture industry became established at about the same time. Gangster films, from ‘Little Caesar’ in the 1930s to ‘The Godfather’ in the 1970s, have given the viewing public a 9. fascinating/ unusual/ stimulatingbut distorted notion of the underworld. Today organized crime has 10. less/ fewer/ littleto do with ethnicity than it does with exploring every possible 11. street/ avenue/ boulevardof illegal and legal gain, often on an international scale.


III.Read the dialogue, reproduce it a) abridged, b) in the form of a monologue.

Dialogue 1. Stop Rewarding the Criminal

Ian: I really do think that everyone is far too soft on crime1 nowadays.

Victor: Soft on crime, I suppose so, but what should we do then?

Ian: Well, for a start I think we’ve got to stop rewarding the criminal.

Victor: What do you mean, Ian, rewarding the criminal?

Christine: I suppose he means this business of sending kids off on holidays and stuff like that.

Ian: It’s a terrible business in this country; I don’t know where else they would do such a thing.

Victor: Lots of these kids who commit crimes they’ve come from really terrible upbringings and probably come from broken homes and criminal backgrounds themselves…

Christine: But they’ve got to be shown the difference between right and wrong.

Victor: But you don’t think that one way of doing this is by taking them away under supervision and letting them sort their problems out more?

Christine: Maybe yes. There should be retribution, you know, punishment as well as rehabilitation.

Ian: And so what would you do, Christine?

Christine: Use corporal punishment.

Victor: What do you mean?

Christine: A short sharp shock. Give them something to remember.

Ian: But that’s … pretty barbaric, isn’t it? I’d draw the line at that2. It’s better to put them in jail. After all they get some … guidance and help.

Victor: Jail makes people worse in my opinion. Universities of crime.

Christine: They need a bit of discipline. Very often these kids have just been allowed to get away with anything; their parents have no control over them whatsoever.

Ian: So I suppose you’re in favour of capital punishment too then …

Christine: Frankly, capital punishment is too good for some people.


III. Study the dialogue between a British and an overseas law student.

Dialogue 2. Crime Rates in Europe

Alexander: I’ve just looked through current statistical data on crime. They say that every 24 hours the police in Britain record two murders, ten rapes, 50 sexual assaults, 50 assaults causing grievous bodily harm, 113 muggings and other robberies, 2800 burglaries and 1200 car thefts. Александр: Я только что просмотрел последние статистические данные по уголовным преступлениям. Они говорят, что каждые 24 часа полиция в Британии регистрирует два убийства, десять изнасилований, 50 нападений на сексуальной почве, 50 нападений, повлекших тяжкие телесные повреждения, 113 уличных и других видов грабежей, 2800 краж со взломом и 1200 угонов автомобилей.
Robert: As you see, these figures show a rise in a crime rate. Роберт: Как видишь, эти цифры показывают рост преступности.
Alexander: According to the latest international survey Britain’s crime rate is lower than the European average and lower than that in Holland, Germany, Canada and Australia. Александр: Согласно последнему международному обзору уровень преступности в Британии ниже, чем в среднем по Европе, и ниже, чем в Голландии, Германии, Канаде и Австралии.
Robert: However, a recent survey found that two-thirds of the population believe that 50 per cent of crimes are violent offences against the person. The true figure is 6 per cent. Роберт: Однако, недавний опрос выявил, что две трети населения считают, что 50% преступлений – это жестокие преступления против личности. Истинная цифра – 6%.
Alexander: And do you know that in the USA 28.8 per cent of the population have been a victim of a crime. And nearly twice as many murders were committed in the City of New York as in England and Wales. Александр: А знаешь ли ты, что в США 28,8% населения были жертвами преступлений. И почти в два раза больше убийств было совершено в городе Нью-Йорке, чем в Англии и Уэльсе.
Robert: The figures are terrible. And they prove the crime increase tendency. Роберт: Цифры ужасные. И они подтверждают тенденцию роста преступности.


Ex. 1. Find English equivalents to the following.

Жестокое преступление, последние статистические данные, кража со взломом, тяжкие телесные повреждения, жертва, убийство, рост преступности, изнасилование, международный обзор, уличное ограбление, быть осужденным за преступление, угон автомобиля, нападение на сексуальной почве.

V.Translate into English.

Уголовное право  
Уголовное право – отрасль права, представляющая совокупность юридических норм, которые определяют преступность и наказуемость деяний, опасных для данной системы общественных отношений. Система уголовного права базируется на трех основных принципах.   The whole complex
Принцип конституционной законности означает, что никто не может быть привлечен к уголовной ответственности и подвергнут наказанию иначе как за деяния, содержащие состав преступления, предусмотренный уголовным кодексом. Legality   corpus delicti
Принцип гуманизма проявляется в том, что наказание не преследует цели причинения физических страданий или унижения. Лица, совершившие преступления, могут быть освобождены от уголовной ответственности и наказания. Is not aimed at humiliation discharged
Принцип ответственности заключается в своевременном и полном раскрытии каждого преступления. Каждый совершивший преступление должен быть подвергнут справедливому наказанию.  




Практические занятия – 10 часов.

Внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа – 10 часов.

Аудиторная работа

Key vocabulary

pilferage – хищение, мелкая кража

pilfer - совершать мелкие кражи, воровать

bad check – фальшивый чек

consumer fraud – обман потребителя

insider trading – торговля внутренней информацией, операции с ценными бумагами на основе конфиденциальной информации

acquisition – приобретение

by-product – побочный продукт

identity theft – хищение персональных данных

copyright infringement – нарушение авторских прав

intercept – перехватывать

I.Read the text and translate it into Russian.

Business Crime

A business is subject to general criminal law. Some crimes are found more frequently in the business than elsewhere. Business firms are frequently the victims of crimes such as robbery, burglary, shoplifting, employee pilferage, passing bad checks, vandalism, receiving stolen property, and embezzlement. Less frequently, but often with large sums of money involved, business persons and firms may commit crimes. Because such criminals are generally well-educated, respected members of the community, the offenses are called white-collar crimes. Common examples of white-collar crimes are income tax evasion, consumer fraud, cheating with false weighing machines, conspiring to fix prices, insider trading, bribery and embezzlement. Normally no physical violence is involved in crimes of this nature. Thus, courts tend to be more soft with the criminals, punishing them with fines or short prison sentence.

Here are some of the common business-related crimes.

Industrial espionageis an acquisition of trade secrets from business competitors. A by-product of the technological revolution, industrial is a reaction to the efforts of many businessmen to keep secret their designs, formulas, manufacturing processes, research, and future plans in order to protect or expand their shares of the market. An employer who discovers that his trade secrets have been adopted by a competitor usually takes legal steps to prevent further invasions of his commercial privacy. The penalties against companies found guilty of usurping trade secrets may be an injunction against further use of the knowledge, an accounting and payment of all profits made from the utilization of pilfered information, or additional punitive damages if a violation of the company's rights has been flagrant.

Forgeryis falsely making or altering any writing (e.g. the signature of another person). The most common forgeries are found on checks when one has signed another’s name without permission to do so. Forgery also includes altering a check, such as when one changes “$7” to “$70” and “seven” to “seventy”. Forgery is usually a felony.

Extortion(commonly known as blackmail) is obtaining money or other property from a person by wrongful use of force, fear, or the power of office. The extortionist (blackmailer) may threaten to inflict bodily injury on the victim or a close relative of the victim. Sometime the extortionist threatens to expose a secret crime if payment is not made.

Conspiracyis an agreement between two or more persons to do an unlawful criminal act, or to do a lawful act by unlawful means. Usually the agreement is secret. Depending on the circumstances, the crime may be either a felony, or a misdemeanour. Business executives of competing corporations sometimes conspire to fix prices or to divide markets.

Computer crimesencompass a broad range of potentially illegal activities. Generally, however, it may be divided into one of two types of categories: (1) crimes that target computer networks or devices directly (computer viruses); (2) crimes facilitated by computer networks or devices, the primary target of which is independent of the computer network or device (fraud or identity theft, information warfare, cyber terrorism, etc). Issues surrounding computer crime have become high-profile, particularly those surrounding hacking, copyright infringement. There are also problems of privacy when confidential information is lost or intercepted, lawfully or otherwise.


Ex. 1. Find in the text above the English equivalents for the following expressions.

- регулироваться уголовным правом

- жертва преступления

- образованные и уважаемые члены общества

- установить цены путем монополистического сговора

- держать в секрете разработки

- увеличить долю рынка

- постановление суда, запрещающее дальнейшее использование информации

- дополнительные штрафные санкции

- внесение изменений в банковский чек

- незаконное использование должностных полномочий

- предать огласке укрываемое преступление

- охватывать широкую сферу деятельности


Ex. 2. Here are the definitions of some business crimes. Can you name them?

a) illegally forcing someone to give you something, especially money, by threatening them

b) the crime of paying too little tax

c) the crime of using secret information that you have about a company or knowledge of a situation to buy or sell shares at a profit

d) unlawful use of cheques in order to illegally acquire or borrow funds that do not exist within the account balance or account-holder's legal ownership

e) stealing money from the place where you work

f) this crime compasses a wide range of fraudulent and deceptive practices in the advertising, marketing, sale, or provision of goods or services

g) a secret plan made by two or more people to do something that is harmful or illegal

II. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from the box.

competent, abolished, reason, crimes, delinquency, sentenced, consistent, committed, poverty, punished, prisons, justice, released, innocent, unemployment, re-introduced

The number of serious _____ has increased in the past few years. Most of these crimes are _____ for economic and social reasons. What can _____ do to reduce them?

Each country has its own laws, that is why the same crime can be _____ in different ways. The first ____ why judges should give stricter sentences is because more and more criminals are no longer afraid of being _____. They know that ____ are overcrowded and that most of them will be _____ early for good behaviour. Therefore justice should be more _____ and give sentences which will immediately frighten criminals.

The second reason is that in certain countries capital punishment has been _____. This special sentence could be _____ for very difficult cases. For example, a terrorist responsible for the deaths of _____ people should not be kept alive.

On the other hand lots of crimes are committed because of ____ and ____ . _____ cannot be cured by stricter sentences. Some people need to be directly helped in their lives at school, work, and in the family.

To sum up, for shocking crimes capital punishment should be used but carefully. Anyway, justice should be more _____ and precise in order to take care against mistakes.

Внеаудиторная работа


Grammar to be revised: The Participle (continued). The Participial Constructions.


Ex. 1.Use the proper form of the Participle. Translate the sentences.

1. When (to decide) the case the lawyers could simply search for relevant case law.

2. There are special court systems (to operate) in England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.

3. A sentence is an order of a court (to impose) a penalty, following the conviction of an (to accuse) person.

4. A judge is a person (to appoint) in the name of the Crown to hear cases in court and give decisions (to base) on the evidence and arguments (to present) at the trial.

5. Modern crime is a common and powerful threat (to endanger) all aspects of human activity.

6. The process of globalization is also effecting crime, (to extend) it beyond national boundaries.


Ex. 2. Use either Participle I or Participle II instead of the Infinitive in brackets.

1. (To find) guilty the defendant filed an appeal thus (to show) his dissatisfaction with the decision (to make) by the court. 2. In fighting crimes (to commit) by juveniles education is considered to be one of the main methods. 3. Criminal punishment can only be imposed by institutions and agencies (to empower) by the law, thus (to guarantee) legality. 4. Of the cases (to submit) by various states to the International Court of Justice between 1946 and 1966 six were withdrawn before the decision was rendered. 5. The decision of the International Court has no (to bind) force except between the parties (to concern). 6. The accused (to commit) for trial by the court of people in Nuremberg were the leaders of Nazi Germany who (to plot) for years against the people of Europe in 1939 unleashed the Second World War.

Ex. 3. Define the Participial Constructions, if any, and translate the sentences.

1. I didn’t hear the evidence being pronounced in support of the defendant’s party.

2. We heard the witnesses for the prosecution being cross-examined at this trial.

3. We saw him being arrested for the violation of traffic rules.

4. He had the sentence repealed some days ago.

5. She had her car crashed in the traffic accident.

6. Many people come to a solicitor to seek legal advice and have their wills made up.

7. The USA has two distinct systems of law, state and federal, with each state having its own judicial system.

8. If arrested, his guilt will be easily proved.

9. Having declared its independence on July 4, 1776 the United States had 13 original states, each one wanting to be sovereign and control its own affairs.


Ex.4.Transform the following sentences so as to use

a) Complex Object.

Model: A store policeman saw how a man was putting some unpaid goods into his pocket.

A store policeman saw a man putting some unpaid goods into his pocket.

1. We noticed that he was driving a car under the influence of alcohol.

2. The crowd of interested spectators watched how two policemen were affecting the arrest of a criminal.

3. A patrolman heard that somebody was calling for help.

4. Everybody heard that uperintendent was giving instructions to the other officers.

5. Though you didn’t see how he was stealing goods from the store you had powers to stop and search him in the circumstances.

b) Complex Subject.

Model: The inspector saw you crossing the street at the red light.

You were seen crossing the street at the red light.

1. They heard you threatening your wife.

2. Passers-by saw a police officer beating the suspect.

3. They saw him selling drugs in the street.

4. A patrolman heard a woman calling for help.

5. They saw a get-away car moving along the avenue.

c) Absolute Participial Construction.

Model: To become laws bills must be approved by both Houses of Congress and any treaty must first be approved by the Senate.

To become laws bills must be approved by both Houses of Congress, with any treaty being first approved by the Senate.

1. After the jury had considered a prisoner guilty the judge pronounced a sentence.

2. As the law is not separated from the judges, they interpret and administer it.

3. As the case is complicated the jury is still discussing the verdict.

4. After the judge had pronounced a sentence the convicted person was taken to prison.

5. As Roman law is one of the greatest systems that has ever existed many countries in Europe and America have used it as a basis in their legal systems.


Ex. 6.Translate the sentences. Express the same idea using the Absolute Participial Construction.

2. Juries mostly appear in criminal cases in the Crown Courts, but civil cases are heard without a jury.

3. Each Court of Appeal in the circuit consists of between 3 and 5 judges and the judge with the service who has reached his 70th birthday is the Chief Judge.

4. The counsel for defence or the defendant have the right to object to jurors without giving reasons and the maximum number of peremptory challenging is reduced to three.

5. If a defendant pleads not to be guilty, a jury of 12 persons must be formed and summoned.

6. Crimes are emerging at an alarming rate in spite of the fact that death penalty has been abolished by many countries.

7. When the lower chamber had passed the bill it went to the upper one.


Ex. 8. Translate into English.

1. Если журналистов не допустят в здание суда, они постараются добыть информацию другими путями.

2. Я никогда не слышал, чтобы подобные вещи спрашивали в суде.

3. Магистратский суд, занятый в основном уголовными делами, рассматривает и некоторые гражданские дела.

4. Полицейский увидел, что несколько человек грабят прохожего.

5. Женщина поблагодарила полицейских, спасших ее детей.

6. Видели, что человек, бежавший по улице, стрелял из пистолета.

7. Офицер, проводивший расследование, обнаружил много новых фактов.



Практические занятия – 10 часов.

Внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа – 10 часов.

Аудиторная работа

Key vocabulary

to fit the crime – соответствовать совершенному преступлению

to be relevant to the case – иметь отношение к делу

subjective judgment – субъективное решение суда

community service order – наказание работой в сфере коммунальной службы

death penalty – наказание смертной казнью

to be found guilty – быть признанным виновным

a fairly small offence – довольно мелкое преступление

to take into account – принять во внимание

a range of non-custodial sentences – ряд приговоров без содержания под стражей

suspended sentence – условное наказание

a form of supervision – форма надзора

a probation order – приказ суда о назначении преступнику системы “испытания”

to be liable to fine – подлежать наказанию штрафом

monetary deprivation – денежный штраф

individual and general deterrence – индивидуальные и общие средства устрашения

to cure of criminal tendencies – исцелять от уголовных наклонностей

habitual criminal – закоренелый преступник


VII.Read the text and translate it into Russian.


The progress of civilization has resulted in a change in the theory and in the method of punishment. In primitive society punishment was left to the individuals wronged or their families, and was vindictive or retributive: in quantity and quality it would bear no special relation to the character or gravity of the offense. The second stage was punishment by individuals under the control of the state, or community; in the third stage, with the growth of law, the state took over the primitive function and provided itself with the machinery of justice for the maintenance of public order. The law breaker is himself a product of social evolution and cannot be regarded as solely responsible for his disposition to transgress. There are many possible reasons that might be given to justify or explain why someone ought to be punished.

Deterrence.To act as a measure of prevention to those who are contemplating criminal activity.

Rehabilitation.Some punishment includes work to reform and rehabilitate the wrongdoer so that they will not commit the offense again. This is distinguished not from deterrence, in that the goal here is to change the offender’s attitude to what they have done, and make them come to see that their ehaviour was wrong. Incapacitation / Societal protection.Incapacitation is a justification of punishment that refers to when the offender’s ability to commit further offenses is removed. This can occur in one of two ways; the offender’s ability to commit crime can be physically removed, or the offender can be geographically removed.

Restoration.For minor offences, punishment may take the form of the offender “righting the wrong”; for example, a vandal might be made to clean up the mess he/she has made. In more serious cases, punishment in the form of fines and compensation payments may also be considered a sort of “restoration”.

Retributionis the practice of “getting even” with a wrongdoer — the suffering of the wrongdoer is seen as good in itself, even if it has no other benefits. One reason for modern centrally-organized societies to include this judicial element is to diminish the need for “street justice”, blood feud and vigilantism. Retribution sets an important standard on punishment — the transgressor must get what he deserves, but no more. One great difficulty of this approach is that of judging exactly what it is that the transgressor “deserves”.

Education. From German Criminal Law, punishment can be explained by positive prevention theory to use criminal justice system to teach people what are the social norms for what is correct and acts as reinforcement. It teaches people to obey the law and eliminates the free-rider principle of people not obeying the law getting away with it.

Denunciation / Condemnation.Punishment can serve as a means for society to publicly express condemnation of a crime. This serves the dual function of curbing public anger away from vigilant justice, while concurrently stigmatizing the condemned in an effort to deter future criminal activity.


Ex. 1. Match the criminals and wrongdoers 1-16 to the correct definitions A-P.

1. An accomplice a) attacks people in the street and steals their money or other possessions
2. An assassin b) takes goods from shops without paying for them
3. A burglar c) deliberately damages public property, often because he is bored or enjoys doing it.
4. A charlatan d) murders someone important, such as a king or a president.
5. A criminal e) leads others to do wrong or to make trouble.
6. A forger f) is someone who steals (usually without violence).
7. An impostor g) helps another person to commit a crime.
8. A juvenile delinquent h) deceives others by pretending to have special skills or knowledge, especially about medicine.
9. A mugger i) steals from banks, shops, etc., usually planning them in advance in great detail.
10. A poacher j) makes copies of money, letters, documents, etc. in order to deceive people.
11. A ringleader k) betrays his or her country.
12. A robber 1) deceives people by pretending to be someone else.
13. A shoplifter m) breaks into houses, shops, etc. in order to steal things.
14. A thief n) is a young person who has broken the law.
15. A traitor o) catches or shoots animals, fish or birds on private land without permission.
16. A vandal p) is someone who is guilty of a crime (or several crimes).

Ex. 2. Use one of the words to complete the sentences.

1. Single mothers often feel that they are _______ by society.

a) diminished b) stigmatized c) eliminated

2. The party’s share of the electorate has _______ steadily.

a) diminished b) degraded c) discarded

3. The _______ of taxation has risen considerably.

a) gravity b) dignity c) burden

4. Please remain _______ at all times and report anything suspicious.

a) vindictive b) vigilant c) conducive

5. And doctors and governments alike are debating how to _____ the excesses of drug promotion.

a) transgress b) contemplate c) curb

6. Victims are demanding _______ for the terrorist attacks.

a) deprivation b) retribution c) incapacitation

7. The man, who has attacked 13 women, was judged to be _______.

a) insane b) innate c) inner

Ex. 3. Match the terms from the list to their Russian language equivalents.

VII.custodial penalty b) death penalty c) extra-legal penalty d) extreme

penalty e) high penalty f) imposed penalty g) penalty of confinement h)

non-custodial penalty i) civil penalty j) commuted penalty k) criminal

penalty l) lenient penalty m) light penalty n) maximum possible penalty

o) mild penalty p) minimum penalty q) money penalty

1. гражданско-правовая санкция 2. смягчённое наказание 3. уголовная санкция, (уголовное) наказание 4. наказание, связанное с лишением свободы

5. смертная казнь 6. дисциплинарное взыскание 7. высшая мера наказания

8. строгое, суровое наказание 9. назначенное наказание 10. мягкое наказание (2) 11. лёгкое наказание 12. возможный (по закону) максимальный предел наказания 13. низший (по закону) предел наказания 14. денежная санкция, штраф 15. наказание, не связанное с лишением свободы 16. наказание лишением свободы

II.Complete the following text using the words and expressions in the box.

Commits, corporal punishment, death penalty, deprived, deterrent, fit, humane, law-abiding, pay, rehabilitation, reform, retribution, suffer, unreasonable

What is the purpose of punishment? One purpose is obviously to _____ the

offender, to correct the offender’s moral attitudes and anti-social behaviour and to _____ him or her, which means to assist the offender to return to normal life as a useful member of community. Punishment can also be seen as a _____ because it warns other people of what will happen if they are tempted to break the law and prevents them from doing so. However, the third purpose of punishment lies, perhaps, in society’s desire for _____, which basically means revenge. In other words, don’t we feel that a wrongdoer should _____ for his misdeeds?

The form of punishment should also be considered. On the one hand, some believe that we should “make the punishment _____ the crime”. Those who steal from others should be _____ of their own property to ensure that criminals are left in no doubt that crime doesn’t _____. For those who attack others _______ should be used. Murderers should be subject to the principle “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” and automatically receive the _____ .

On the other hand, it is said that such views are _____, cruel and barbaric and that we should show a more _____ attitude to punishment and try to understand why a person _____ a crime and how a society has failed to enable him to live a respectable, ______ life.

Ex.1. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Преступление – это запрещенное наказуемое поведение. 2. Основная цель карательных систем Великобритании состоит в том, чтобы сдерживать потенциальных правонарушителей и перевоспитывать заключенных. 3. Многие полагают, что смертная казнь удерживает людей от совершения серьезных преступлений. 4. Отношение к тем, кто впервые совершил преступление, является ещё одним предметом обсуждения, так как такие люди нуждаются в поддержке. 5. Рассмотрев характер преступления и личность преступника, суд может рекомендовать в качестве наказания условное освобождение.

III. Use the word given in parentheses to form a word that fits in the space.

A fitting punishment

Malacca, Sunday. It was a long and (exhaust) ________ day for 34 youths who had planned to take part in illegal motorcycle races. The police were able to catch the motorcyclists as a result of (complain) _________ which they had received about the noise they made. The police had been (suspect) ________ for several days as the motorcyclists had been racing without (permit) _________. There had also been a lot of (critic) ___________ of their wild and threatening (behave) ________, and people were afraid to go near them.

The police made the motorcyclists push their heavy machines to the police station over 10 kilometers away. ‘Although the youths had a lot of expensive (equip) __________ on their bikes, the brakes on most of them there (defect) _________ and very unsafe,’ a police officer said. ‘We held the races because we were (bore) ___________ and wanted some kind of (entertain) _________ one of the motorcyclists said. ‘The police should have behaved in a more (reason) ____________way,’ another youth said. ‘However, we should be (thank) ___________ that they haven’t taken our motorbikes away,’ he added.

Ex. 1.Mark the statements which are true and give your reasons.

1. Penalty must be imposed according to the circumstances and the personality of the offender.

2. Punishments range from life sentence to community service.

3. All forms of punishment can be totally rational.

4. If a person is found guilty of a fairly small offence, he may receive no punishment.

5. The most common form of non-custodial punishment is “suspended sentence”.

6. Contemporary legislators use unfair, cruel forms of punishment.

7. Any break of the Community Service Order by the offender will make him liable to fines or other punishment.

8. During the period that the sentence stays suspended, the offender can do what he wants.

Ex. 2.Read the parts of the text containing the answers to the following questions.

1. Why is the main object of Criminal Law to punish the wrong-doer?

2. Why should the punishment fit the crime?

3. What types of sentences may the courts pass?

4. When is a person found guilty of a fairly small offence?

5. What is meant under “suspended sentence”?

6. What are the actions of the offender during the probation order?

7. When does a person receive no punishment?

8. What measures are taken by legislators and the English sentencing system towards young offenders?

IV.Case study.

You are on the parole board of a prison which is so overcrowded that you must release two prisoners. Study the description of five possible candidates for release and make a decision whom to set free.

1. Alan Jones: Guilty of murdering his wife by slowly poisoning her. Described by neighbours as a kind and gentle person. His children love him. His wife had lots of affairs and pushed him to the limit.

2. Janet Green: Found guilty of shoplifting for the tenth time. She is a homeless tramp who likes to spend the winter in prison. It is early December and the weather is very cold.

3. Miranda Morgan: A drug addict guilty of selling heroin to teenagers. Has already tried two unsuccessful drug treatment programmes. Has a two year old child who will have to go into care if she goes to jail.

4. Mick Brown: Guilty of vandalism and football hooliganism. 19 years old and below average intelligence. Aggressive and gets violent when drunk. One previous offence for drunken driving.

5. Cynthia Carter: English teacher guilty of smuggling her two cats into England. This is against quarantine regulations. The customs officers would like an example to be made of her.

V. Translate the following text into English.

С каждым годом становится все более очевидным, что пришло время отменить смертную казнь. Опыт всех стран показывает, что смертная казнь приводит к ожесточению в обществе. В ряде стран смертные приговоры применяются в основном к представителям неимущих слоев населения либо расовых или этнических меньшинств.

В некоторых странах смертная казнь считается мерой, без которой невозможно остановить распространение наркотиков, ликвидировать политический терроризм или экономическую коррупцию. Однако нет никаких доказательств, что ее применение способно снизить уровень преступности или политического насилия.

Смертная казнь – это предумышленное и хладнокровное убийство человека государством. Само существование этой меры наказания является нарушением основных прав человека: международное право запрещает жестокие, негуманные или унижающие (humiliating) человека наказания.


VI. Study the dialogue between a British and an overseas lawyer.

Dialogue. Prisoner’s Life

Peter: In most countries prisons are institutions in which every aspect of life is subject to control. Петр: В большинстве стран тюрьмы – это заведения, в которых контролируются все аспекты жизни.
Brian: It’s natural. It is a means of maintaining security, controlling the introduction of weapons, and preventing escapes. Брайан: Это естественно. Это способ сохранения безопасности, контроля за внесением оружия и предотвращения побегов.
Peter:Can prisoners be visited by their relatives? Петр: Могут ли родственники навещать заключенных?
Brian: Yes, but the number of visits is limited: one visit every four weeks. Брайан: Да, но число визитов ограничено: один раз в четыре недели.
Peter: And these visits are watched, aren’t they? Петр: И эти визиты проходят под наблюдением, не так ли?
Brian: Yes, they take place within the sight of an officer. Брайан: Да, они в поле зрения офицера.
Peter: I wonder if the conditions for visits vary in different prisons. Петр: Интересно, различаются ли условия проведения визитов в тюрьмах.
Brian: Yes, they do. In some prisons the visitor and the prisoner sit on different sides of a table with a partition between them. In others the prisoner and the visitor may be allowed to meet in a room without any physical barrier. Брайан: Да. В некоторых тюрьмах посетитель и заключенный сидят по разные стороны стола с перегородкой между ними. В других – заключенному и посетителю могут разрешить встречу в комнате без какого-либо барьера.
Peter: The prison authorities check the correspondence of prisoners, don’t they? Петр: Руководство тюрьмы проверяет корреспонденцию заключенных, не так ли?
Brian: Sure. And they can write only one letter a week. Брайан: Конечно. И они могут писать только одно письмо в неделю.
Peter:And how can prisoners know what they can do and what not? Петр: Как заключенные могут знать, что им можно делать, а что нет?
Brian: Oh, it’s easy. Generally, prisons are governed by rules, so called a code of conduct. And each prisoner is given this code when he arrives. Брайан:О, это просто. Обычно тюрьмы руководствуются правилами, так называемым сводом норм поведения. И каждый заключенный получает его по прибытии в тюрьму.
Peter: And what happens if the prisoner violates this code? Петр: И что происходит, если заключенный нарушает эти нормы?
Brian: There is a number of disciplinary sanctions, which may include forfeiture of privileges, confinement within a punishment cell and others. Брайан: Существует ряд дисциплинарных санкций, которые могут включать потерю привилегий, заключение в специальную камеру и другие.


VII. Translate the text into English.

Быть или не быть смертной казни?  
В цивилизованном мире исключительное право казнить и помиловать принадлежит государству. Оно назначает палача и стро

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