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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужном времени

2015-12-08 1283 Обсуждений (0)
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужном времени 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Контрольная работа №1

По дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

вариант 3


студент 1




группы 15 ЭЛЗС

Летунов А.Н.


Быкова Д.В.


Княгинино, 2015

Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык.


The idea of success is important to Americans. They believe that if they work hard they can have what they want and be what they want. This is part of what they call «the American Dream».

Perhaps this is why Americans are so hard-working. They do not take many vacations. There are only five national holidays that are celebrated in every state. These are New Year’s Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. On these days, government offices, post offices, and banks are closed.

There are other important public holidays, but they are not celebrated everywhere. Seven states, for example, do not celebrate Columbus Day. And some special days are not public holidays at all.

Национальные праздники и свободное время

Идея успеха очень важна для Американцев. Они верят, что если будут работать, смогут получить что захотят и быть, кем захотят. Это часть того, что они называют “Американская мечта”.

Может быть, поэтому Американцы такие трудолюбивые. Они не берут много отпусков. Существуют всего лишь пять национальных праздников. Вот они: Новый Год, День Независимости, День Труда, День Благодарения и Рождество. В эти дни государственные учреждения, банки и почта закрыты. Есть другие важные праздники, н их не везде отмечают. Семь штатов, например, не отмечают День Колумба. И некоторые дни не являются праздниками вообще.

December 25th-Christmas Day

This is the biggest holiday of the year and the one many people-especially children-enjoy the most. Soon after Thanksgiving people start sending Christmas cards and decorate their hoses. Almost every home has a Christmas tree. German soldiers started this tradition in the U.S. during the Revolutionary War of 1776. The evening before Christmas Day is called Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve many people go to church and sing Christmas carols, and the President gives his Christmas message on TV. Parents tell that Santa Claus will come to their house in the night and give presents for them.

On Christmas day people open their presents and then they prepare a traditional dinner turkey or ham with vegetables, salads and desserts. There are also special cookies, candies, nuts and fruits. Christmas dinner is eaten late in the afternoon. During the day many families watch special Christmas TV and children play with their new toys. Some people go ice-skating or drive around town to look at the decorations.


Рождество – самый важный праздник года и один из тех, который множество людей, особенно дети, любят больше всего. Вскоре после Дня Благодарения народ начинает отправлять рождественские открытки и украшать свои дома. Почти в каждом доме есть рождественская елка. Немецкие солдаты ввели эту традицию в США во время революции 1776 г. Вечер перед Рождеством называется Сочельник. Во время Сочельника люди идут в церковь, поют рождественские песни и Президент передает свое послание по телевизору. Родители рассказывают своим детям, что Санта Клаус придет к ним в дом ночью и оставит им подарки. На рождество люди открываю подарки, а после готовят традиционный ужин, который состоит из индейки или ветчины с овощами, салатов и десертов. Кушают также особое печенье, конфеты, орехи и фрукты. Рождественский ужин начинается далеко за полночь. Днем многие семьи смотрят рождественские программы, а дети – играют со своими новыми игрушками. некоторые люди идут на каток или ездят вокруг города, чтобы посмотреть украшения.

2.Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола tobe.

1. There is a big parade today. 2. There are two lamps in the room. 3.Is there any new words presented at the last lesson? 4. It was cold yesterday. 5. I am glad to see you here now. 6. He will not be at home tomorrow. 7. Is it dark in the street? 8. My friends were not present at the last conference. 9. Who is not here? 10. My friend is an economist.

3. Употребитеглаголы, данныевскобках, в Present, Past или Future Continuous.

1. Look! Somebody is climbing up the tree over there.(present continuous). 2. I am a teacher, but I am not working at the moment(present continuous). 3. What is he reading now? (present continuous). 4. I met Kate when she was crossing the street. (past continuous). 5. My kids were not doing their homework when I came home from work yesterday. (past continuous). 6. What were you writing when the bell rang? (past continuous). 7. Erick will be waiting for me outside the cinema at this time tomorrow. (future continuous). 8. Pamela will not be sleeping the whole night tomorrow, as she is going to take part in the night performance. (future continuous). 9. Can you hear those people? What are they talking about? (present continuous). 10. What were you talking about when I entered the room? (past continuous).

4. Употребитеглаголы, данныевскобках, в Present, Past или Future Indefinite.

1. I usually watch TV in the evening. (present indefinite) 2. I have a car but I (don’t use) it very often. (present indefinite) 3. When do you usually get up? (present indefinite) 4. My father works as an engineer at a big plant. (present indefinite) 5. How many cigarettes does your brother smoke a day? (present indefinite) 6. What school did you study when you were a pupil? (past indefinite) 7. Lola did not attend classes last week. (past indefinite) 8. I went abroad two years ago. (past indefinite) 9. My friend will spend his holiday in the Crimea next summer. (future indefinite) 10. I think will not buy such an expensive thing next time. (future indefinite)

5. Употребитеглаголы, данныевскобках, в Present, Past или Future Perfect.

1. John has done his homework and he is watching TV now. (present perfect) 2. I have never been to Moscow yet. (present perfect) 3. What films have you seen this week? (present perfect) 4. The accident happened after the new bus driver had driven a few yards. (past perfect) 5. I didn’t Know Mirabel. I have never met her. (present perfect) 6. Eugenie couldn’t lend Greg her book because she had lost it. (past perfect) 7. By the end of this century the population had grown to three billion. (past perfect) 8. Will have been Mike receive the letter by next Friday or not? (future perfect) 9. The bell has not gone yet. (present perfect) 10. I will not have paid the bill by the end of the week. (future perfect)

6. Употребитеглаголы, данныевскобках, в Present, Past или Future Perfect Continuous.

1. I have been waiting for you for an hour already. (present perfect continuous) 2. How long have you been reading this book? (present perfect continuous) 3. She had been working for this company for 3 years before she left the town. (past perfect continuous) 4. They would drive for two hours before they reach the town. (future perfect continuous) 5. She has been studying French since childhood. (present perfect continuous) 6. I had been baking a cake for an hour before they came. (past perfect continuous) 7. Elvis would travel for a week before he returns to London. (future perfect continuous) 8. We have been living in England for nearly 2 years now. (present perfect continuous) 9. They have been studying for 5 months already. (present perfect continuous) 10. How long would he keep these papers? (future perfect continuous)

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужном времени.

1. The plane has just landed. (present perfect continuous) 2. Robert usually goes to work by bus. (present indefinite) 3. Ben is playing the guitar now. (present continuous) 4. I was walking along the street when I saw Jackie. (future continuous) 5. Terry read a very interesting book yesterday. (past indefinite) 6. What game did the children play when I saw them yesterday? (past indefinite)7. I think Paul passed his exams successfully. (past indefinite) 8. It always rains at this time of the year. (present indefinite) 9. Is it snowing at the moment? (present continuous) 10. Fred had posted the letter before he left the town. (past perfect)



2015-12-08 1283 Обсуждений (0)
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужном времени 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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