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Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания из текста

2015-12-13 1180 Обсуждений (0)
Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания из текста 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Member nations, to be entitled to, to meet in regular annual sessions, to be convoked, at the request of, a majority of members, within the scope of the Charter, to be brought before the General Assembly, except issues on the agenda of the Security Council, lack of unanimity, to fail to exercise its primary responsibility, maintenance of international peace and security, a breach of peace.

The Security Council


1. permanent members of the Security Council — постоянные члены Совета Безопасности

2. to be eligible for re-election — иметь право на переизбрание

3. 2-year term — 2-летний срок

4. to carry out decisions — выполнять решения

5. to investigate — расследовать

6. dispute — спор

7. disputable question — спорный вопрос

8. a party to a dispute — сторона — участник конфликта

9. to settle a dispute — урегулировать спор

10. to handle a dispute — заниматься разбором спора (спорного во- проса)

11. syn. to deal with, to address.

12. to threaten peace and security — угрожать миру и безопасности

13. to enforce decisions — проводить в жизнь решения

14. interruption of economic relations — прекращение (разрыв) эко- номических отношений

15. to call on smb. to do smth. — призывать кого-либо к чему-либо

16. to sever diplomatic relations — разорвать дипломатические от- ношения

17. severance of diplomatic relations — разрыв дипломатических от- ношений

18. to furnish armed forces — сформировать вооруженные силы

19. to encourage — поддерживать, содействовать

20. protection of refugees — защита беженцев

The Security Council consists of 15 members, 5 with permanent seats. The remaining 10 are elected for 2-year terms by the General Assembly, they are not eligible for immediate re-election.

Permanent members of the Council are: China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States.

10 non-permanent members are currently Austria, Burkina Faso, Costa Rica, Croatia, Japan, Libya, Mexico, Turkey, Uganda and Vietnam.

The Security Council has the primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security and members agree to carry out its decisions. The Council may investigate any dispute that threatens international peace and security. When the Security Council is handling a dispute or situation the General Assembly makes no recommendation unless the Council requests it.

The Security Council functions continuously, each member being represented at all times. It may change its place of meeting

Any member of the UN may participate in its discussions and a nation not a member of the UN may appear if it is a party to a dispute

The Security Council may decide to enforce its decisions without the use of arms. Such measures include interruption of economic relations, break in transportation and communications, and severance of diplomatic relations. If such measures fail the Council may call on UN members to furnish armed forces and assistance. The right of individual or collective self-defense is not prohibited by membership in the UN, and if a member nation is attacked it may do what is necessary, reporting this to the Security Council, which may take independent action. However, the Council encourages regional arrangements or agencies by means of which local disputes can be settled without getting as far as the Council, after the Council has approved this method.

The Economic and Social Council

Economic and Social Council consists of twenty-seven members. The Council is concerned with financial and technical assistance to the less developed countries, the international protection of refugees and aid to the world’s children.

The International Court of Justice

The principal judicial organ of the United Nations is the International Court of Justice which sits at the Hague in the Netherlands. It is composed of fifteen judges who are elected by the Security Council and the General Assembly.

The Secretariat

The administrative functions of the United Nations are carried out by the Secretariat. The secretariat consists of some 6,000 members, 3,600 of whom are at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The Secretary General who is appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council is at the head of the Secretariat.

Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания на русский язык.

To be eligible for re-election, primary responsibility, to investigate a dispute, a party to a dispute, to enforce a decision, to call on UN members, to furnish armed forces, to encourage arrangements, self-defence, regional arrangements, severance of diplomatic relations, to threaten international peace and security.


What the UN does for Peace


1.to refrain from — воздержаться от

2. to produce dramatic results — добиться поразительных результатов

3. to defuse crisis — разрядить кризис

4. to be instrumental — быть полезным

5. hostile parties — враждующие стороны

6. to undertake mediation — предпринять посреднические меры

7. to recourse to — прибегнуть

8. ceasefire — прекращение огня

9. truce — перемирие

10. fight against terrorism — борьба с терроризмом

11. instigation — подстрекательство

12. to challenge — бросить вызов


Preserving world peace is a central purpose of the United Nations. Under the Charter, member states agree to settle disputes by peaceful means and refrain from threatening or using force against other states

UN efforts have produced dramatic results. The UN helped defuse the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 and the Middle East crisis in 1973. In 1988 a UNsponsored peace settlement ended the Iran-Iraq war. In the 1990s, the UN was instrumental in restoring sovereignty to Kuwait and played a major role in ending civil wars in Cambodia, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mozambique.

UN peacemaking brings hostile parties to agreement through diplomatic means. The Security Council may to avoid conflict or restore or security peace — through negotiation, for example, or undertake mediation, or recourse to the International Court of Justice. In the event of fighting the UN tries to secure a ceasefire. It may send a peacekeeping mission to help the parties maintain the truce and to keep opposing forces apart. Peacekeeping operations may last for few months or continue for many years.


Закончите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста, употребляя активную лексику.

1. Under the Charter, member states agree … .

2. The UN helped defuse … .

3. In the 1990’s the UN was instrumental in … .

4. The UN played a major role in … .

5. UN peacemaking brings … .

6. The Security Council may recommend ... .

7. In the event of fighting the UN … .



2015-12-13 1180 Обсуждений (0)
Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания из текста 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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