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Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски словом, подходящим по смыслу, образованным от слова, данного справа

2015-12-15 2045 Обсуждений (0)
Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски словом, подходящим по смыслу, образованным от слова, данного справа 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

During the last decade, the College has increased its work to help solve ___________industrial and commercial problems, through consultancy and the development of courses to __________ or update the skills of personnel. The revenue generated by this has ____________ the College to purchase excellent equipment and we can now _________________ say that we have one of the best __________ training centers in the country. The Faculty has a number of laboratories and workshops equipped with modern industry standard tools and equipment, and ___________ computing facilities. The laboratories and workshops cover the whole range of Electrical, Electronic, Motor Vehicle, CNC Machine Tools, Computing and Information Technology Courses. The ____________ equipped Automation Laboratory provides a modern environment which integrates computers, Programmable Logic Controllers and associated automatic conveyancing and handling equipment.     Specify Train Able Confident Equip   Extend   Recent

Brighton college of technology. E-booklet

Часть 7

Найдите синонимы среди предложенных слов:


Program, holidays, graduate from, grade, learn, mark, leave, study, vacations, tutor, curriculum, to select, to comprise, to receive, mandatory, elective, teacher, professional, to include, to choose, compulsory, to obtain, optional, task, vocational, specified, assignment, certain.


Часть 8

Вы изучаете английский в колледже в Дублине. Напишите открытку своему другу ответив на следующие вопросы:


Where you are

Why you chose this particular college

What you especially like about the college

When and how you are going home.


State exam. Maximiser. Workbook.



Часть 9

Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Я студент первого курса Ижевского Государственного Технического

Университета имени М.Т. Калашникова. Я учусь на (Инженерно-

Строительном) Факультете.


2. Конкурс на поступление в этом году был очень жестким, проходной балл –

очень высоким.


3. На каком факультете учишься ты?


4. Ты живешь в общежитии или снимаешь квартиру?


5. Его двоюродная сестра заканчивает университет в этом году.


6. Мэри пишет по-английски гораздо лучше, чем говорит.


7. У меня хорошие знания по математике и начертательной геометрии, но

слабые по гуманитарным наукам.


8. В нашем вузе 15 факультетов. В моей группе 25 человек.


9. Ты получаешь стипендию или учишься на платном отделении?


10.Плата за обучение в нашем вузе зависит от программы. Иностранные

студенты имеют возможность получать индивидуальные ссуды.

Приложение № 1

Active vocabulary:

to comprise, to follow a course, to receive grades, to graduate from, to drop out of schools, , to enter university, to be expelled, to pass an exam, to miss English, to achieve goals, to be chucked off, to muck about, to set clear rules, to be admitted, to be accepted by university, to pass the candidate’s papers on to the academic department concerned, to make a conditional offer, to contribute; to adapt to campus life, to use all the facilities, to make education compulsory, to keep discipline, to bring up.

a grade, elective subjects, , performance in tests, written and oral assignments, curriculum, tuition costs, boarding schools, private schools, a high school diploma, mandatory education, syllabus, a gown, term, multiplication, division, a range of academic subjects, vocational schools, timetable, truanting, the basis of the performance in the examination, Education at an ordinary and advance level, admission, the Universities Central Council Admissions (UCCA), , an account of out-of-school activities and two references, an applicant, an admission board, examination results come out in…, a definite offer, undergraduate level, lecture hours, a tutorial hour, subjects are assessed, examinations are held, admission procedures, communal, a course of studies, academic problems, optional, entrance exam.

Приложение № 2

Text materials


Education in the United States comprises three levels: elementary, secondary and higher education. There are two types of educational institutions – private and state. State institutions are called public schools, they are open to all classes and financed by taxes collected from all citizens. Kids start school by going to kindergartens at the age of 6, which is often a part of grade schools (each year of study is called a grade). The first six years are elementary school, then come junior (grades 7-8) and high school (grades 9-12).

Most pupils follow a course that includes basic subjects – English, science and mathematics, social sciences and physical education – as well as elective subjects for high school students who plan their careers and select subjects that will be useful in their chosen work – foreign languages, fine arts, advanced mathematics and science, and vocational training.

Students usually receive grades from A(excellent) to F(failing) in each course they take on the basis of the performance in tests given throughout the year, participation in class discussions and completion of written and oral assignments.

Sometimes during grade school students are given an IQ test (an Intelligence Quotient test). It is not a test of their knowledge, but their ability to think. The results (scores) from these tests are known only by teachers, and not by the students or their parents.

Private schools are not supported by public funds and charge fees. Their organisation and curriculum are similar to those of public schools, but the tuition costs are so high that only the wealthiest families can afford them. Many private schools are boarding schools.

Most young Americans graduate from school with a high school diploma upon satisfactory completion of a specified number of courses. Each student is given a high school transcript with grades obtained. That is the end of mandatory free public education, however, some students drop out of schools and never graduate.

One half of the students enter institutions of higher education, others may get further education at special colleges.

G. Nevzorova, T. Nikitushkina, St.-Petersburg

Admission Procedures

Students me admitted to British Universities largely on the basis of their performance in the examinations for the General Certificate of Education at ordinary and advanced level. The selection procedure is rather complicated.

A student who wants to go to university usually applies for admission before he takes his advanced level examinations. First of all he must write to the Universities Central Council on Admissions (UCCA) and they send him a form which he has to complete. On this form he has to write down (he names of six universities in order of preference. He may put down only two or three names, stating that if not accepted by these universities he could be willing to go to any other. This form, together with an account of his out-of-school activities and two references, one of which must be from the head teacher of his school, is then sent back to the UCCA.

The UCCA sends photocopies of the form to (he universities concerned. Each applicant is first considered by the university admission board. In some cases the board sends the applicant a refusal. I his may happen, for example, if the board receives a form in which their university is the applicant’s sixth choice and the university already has many candidates. If there are no reasons for immediate refusal, the university admission officer passes the candidate’s papers on to the academic department concerned. One or two members of this department will then look at the candidate’s application: see what he says about himself, look at his marks at the ordinary level examinations, see what his head teacher and the other referee say about him. On the basis of this, the department may make the candidate an offer (either a definite offer or a conditional one) or send him a definite rejection.

As a rule the department makes a conditional offer. This means that the candidate will be accepted by the university if he fulfils the requirements stated in the offer.

In his turn, the student may accept the offer conditionally.

When the Advanced level examination results come out in August, the university admissions department sees whether the candidate has fulfilled his conditions and, if he has, sends him a definite offer. The candidate must accept or refuse within 72 hours.


Lecturing and Assessment in Herriot -Watt University /Edinburgh, Scotland/

All of the courses given in the University at undergraduate level rely, in the main, on lectures given in fifty-minute periods throughout the three terms in the early years of the courses. Each subject will normally have at least two lecture hours per week with an additional tutorial hour. Xhe latter can consist of small groups with one tutor, or larger groups with several tutors, for example in mathematics tutorials. Additionally for many of the science and engineering subjects one or more afternoons per week may be devoted to laboratory work, at which experiments are conducted to back up lectures.

The University has a wide range of audio-visual equipment which is used both in lectures and in laboratory work but is also available for individual use for revision of, as well as additional material to, work done in classes.

Many of the subjects are assessed continuously on the performance achieved throughout the term on written work and in some cases good performances throughout the term can exempt from end of session examinations. However, most subjects are assessed at the end of each term in the first year of a course although the end of session examination contributes most to final achievement. In later years examinations are normally only held at the end of the first term and at the end of the session, and indeed first term examinations are rare in the final year of most courses. Final examinations are normally held in the May of final year. It should be noted that each student has a mentor or tutor who keeps an eve on his progress throughout his university career and is available to advise the student who experiences difficulties with his academic studies.

Г.М. Фролова и др. Учебник английского языка для 1 курса языкового вуза. – М. : ИЛБИ, 2000. Unit 8. My Future Profession/ Cc..292 - 294.


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