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Подберите к словам из колонки А синонимы из колонки В

2015-12-15 887 Обсуждений (0)
Подберите к словам из колонки А синонимы из колонки В 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


resistance transportation
homogenous favour
misunderstandings reluctance
efficiency car
shipping productivity
preference similar
vehicle confusion


9. Восстановите вопросы к данным ответам:

1) Free movement of capital, trade liberalization, lowering of shipping costs, reductions in telecommunications and computing costs.

2) Organizations with the resources and expertise to exploit the information on their networks on a worldwide scale.

3) By cross-cultural issues and potential misunderstandings.

4) If the subsidiary was previously a local company taken over by a multinational.

5) The fizzy drink market.

6) To the smallness of French apartments.

7) Scotland.

8) Breakfast cereal.

9) The management of brands.

10) Whether the power of international capital and multinationals, and the supposed homogenization of tastes worldwide, are good things or not.


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Вариант 2

Определите видо-временную форму глаголов в данных предложениях и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) People use cars as status symbols.

2) Had Frank been too busy to answer the email?

3) I will have earned a lot of money.

4) I have bought a new car.

5) This modelis being tested next month.


2. Употребите данные предложения в страдательном залоге.

1) The price of the meal shocked me.

2) Our boss has promoted Delia.

3) I do not know what guests usually wear at this kind of parties.

4) I hope we will not offend them.

5) People looked after giant pandas in the forest.


3. Дополните таблицу требующимися частями речи:

Noun Verb Adjective/Adverb
  to deregulate  
  to allow  


4. Сопоставьте английские слова и словосочетания с их русскими эквивалентами:

1) through political patronage

2) to run no-frills operations

3) the usual scheduled airlines

4) to negotiate in bilateral agreements

5) process of deregulation


a) запустить в эксплуатацию без излишеств

b) вести переговоры о двухсторонних соглашениях

c) процесс либерализации

d) обычные регулярные авиакомпании

e) путем политического покровительства


Прочитайте текст и укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют содержанию текста, а какие не соответствуют (T/F).

1) People use mobile phones as status symbols; governments use cars in the same way.

2) Since then, many airlines have been founded and gone bankrupt, or both, and there is debate about the role of deregulation in this.

3) Some of these airlines, such as BA, aren’t trying to get in on the act by running no-frills operations themselves.

4) Cooperation means that airlines can feed passengers into each other's hubs for onward journeys and costs of marketing and logistics are not duplicated.

5) Airlines have very low fixed costs.


1. The most visible part of business travel is the airline industry. Everyone who travels, and these days that means almost everybody, has opinions about it. These opinions are often robust, perhaps because there is such a gap between the sophistication promised in airline advertisements and the reality of crowded terminals, endless waiting, limited legroom and inedible food served at unlikely times of day (or night).

2. People use cars as status symbols; governments use airlines in the same way. Every government wants one, and the national flag carrier is a visible sign of international status. But managing them is often in the hands of people who got their jobs through political patronage, they have no long-term business strategy, and many of them lose money.

3. Governments, negotiating with others in bilateral agreements, also have the power to decide who is allowed to fly where, when and how often, and can allocate take-off and landing slots at airports: the number and timing of these slots is a key factor in an airline's profitability.

4. This is still largely the picture in Europe, despite the partial or total privatization of some airlines, part of the process of deregulation and liberalization driven by the competition laws of the European Union. (A similar process took place in the United States nearly 30 years ago. Since then, many airlines have been founded and gone bankrupt, or both, and there is debate about the role of deregulation in this.) In Europe, deregulation means that airlines have the right to sabotage, picking up passengers in a second country and flying them to another place in that country or to a third country.

5. Another result of deregulation in Europe is no frills airlines offering basic in-flight service and selling tickets direct by phone, avoiding travel agents and the need to give them commission. Larger airlines are increasingly worried about these upstarts, as they are used not only by people who might have used low cost charter flights but also by cost conscious businesspeople who are fed up with paying full 'economy' fares on the usual scheduled airlines. Some of these airlines, such as BA, are trying to get in on the act by running no-frills operations themselves.

6. Airlines have very high fixed costs: with all the ground infrastructure required, it costs as much to fly a plane full as three-quarters empty, and the main aim is to get as many passengers on seats as possible, paying as much as possible to maximize the revenues or yield from each flight.

7. This has led to the growth of alliances, such as the one between BA and American Airlines, or looser forms of cooperation such as code sharing, where the same number is shown on your ticket for the second part of a two-flight journey, giving you the impression when you book that you will be on the same airline for the whole trip. Cooperation means that airlines can feed passengers into each other's hubs for onward journeys and costs of marketing and logistics are not duplicated. The logic of this is that for intercontinental travel there may eventually be half a dozen global airlines, in the same way that there are half a dozen global computer companies, but while governments continue to bail out their national airlines 'one more time', this process will be long drawn out. (2761)


6. Ответьте на вопросы:

1) Why do you think the airline industry is considered to be the most visible part of business travel? Do you agree with this opinion?

2) Why are the opinions about the airline industry robust? What does a robust opinion mean?

3) What gap is mentioned in the first paragraph?

4) What is called a national flag carrier? What does it imply?

5) What are the reasons for losing money in the airline industry? What are the key factors in an airline’s profitability?

6) What is the difference between the airline industry and the aircraft industry?

7) What does the right to sabotage imply?

8) What do no-frills operations mean?

9) How did the formation/foundation of the EU affect the airline industry?

10) What are the most popular/successful airlines? Why are they popular/successful? Suggest your ideas.

7. Заполните пропуски:

1) These opinions are often robust, perhaps, because there is such a gap between the sophistication promised in airline advertisements and the reality of … terminals.

2) But managing them is often in the hands of people who got their jobs through political patronage, they have no … business strategy, and many of them lose money.

3) Since then many airlines have been founded and … … .

4) There is debate about the role of … in this.

5) Larger airlines are increasingly … about these upstarts.

6) Some of these airlines ate trying to get in on the act by … no-frills operations themselves.

7) Airlines have very high … costs.

8) It … as much to fly a plane full as tree-quarters empty.

9) This has led to the growth of ….

10) The same number is shown on your ticket for the second part of a two-flight journey, giving you the impression when you … that you will be on the same airline for the who let rip.


2015-12-15 887 Обсуждений (0)
Подберите к словам из колонки А синонимы из колонки В 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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