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How to Make the Most of a Job Interview

2015-12-15 975 Обсуждений (0)
How to Make the Most of a Job Interview 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


If you’ve done your paperwork right, managed to arouse an employer’s interest and landed a job interview, your real work is just beginning. It’s one thing to impress somebody on paper or over the telephone, but it’s another thing to impress in the flesh. A job interview is a business appointment in which everything counts in conveying a good impression. Experts will tell you that advance preparation is the key to interview success. Before you go to a job interview, find out all you can about the company. Depending on the results of your research, you are supposed to prepare an interview outfit that will make you look your very best. In most places you are not expected to wear a Chanel suit, but even if you are fresh from school don’t think that your favorite blue jeans, an oversized sweater and a T-shirt will be right for projecting a businesslike image.

Many personnel managers will confess that they often turn candidates down for poor appearance; however, your looks alone will not help you get a job unless you are well prepared for the interview. It makes perfect sense to go through your resume once again and make sure you know the dates of important events. Another thing you can do is go through your personal achievements to make up your mind what you might want to present to an interviewer as an impressive argument in your favor. Before the interview, give yourself a good rest, budget your time well, prepare everything you need in advance, so as not to panic and get lost at last minute!

Every organization has its own culture and traditions, but there are some things to consider that may help everyone. You know that in many positions your lack of experience is a big disadvantage. You can also compensate for your lack of experience with your qualifications, enthusiasm, ability to learn quickly, and most of all your sense of responsibility. It’s natural therefore that if you really want to get this job you must show yourself as a mature individual who is not acting on impulse, but is quite serious about his/her choices. Fight for your place in life: change negative into positive: you are young but you are strong and can learn fast.



II. Определите , являются ли утверждения:

А) истинными

B) ложными

C) в тексте нет информации



1. Personnel managers don’t turn candidates down for poor appearance.

2. Experts will tell you that advance preparation is the key to interview success.

3. Real work is very hard.

Внесите cвои ответы в таблицу:



III.Переведите слова и выражения из первого столбика (1-10) на русский язык. Найдите соответствующие им лексические эквиваленты (a-j):

  1. to arouse an employer’s interest 2. a job interview 3. success 4. to turn a candidate down 5. to impress 6. to convey a good impression 7. to make up one’s mind 8. to get lost 9. to go through 10. a mature individual   a) a type of employment test that involves a conversation between a job applicant and representative of the employing organization b) the achievement of something that you planned to do or attempted to do c) to reject a candidate d) not feeling confident or relaxed e) to examine smth. very carefully f) to be like an adult person g) to make someone feel excited or enthusiastic   h) to draw the interest of the employer i) to make a good impression   j) to decide  

Внесите свои ответы в таблицу:


IV. Вставьте в предложения (1-5) подходящее по смыслу слово (a-c):

1. New technologies make global … easier.

a) communication b) travelling c) market

2. I am a salesman and work in the … department.

a) export b) advertising c) production

3. We were forced to sell at cost to get rid of the … .

a) money b) stock c) shares

4. The auditors were called in to inspect the …. .

a) accounts b) plans c) checks

5. We are in the process of automating the … department.

a) sales b) finance c) production

Внесите свои ответы в таблицу:




V. Расположите фразы диалога в правильной последовательности (соедините цифры и букв). Внесите свои ответы в таблицу. Перепишите диалог в правильном порядке:

a) Right. Good-bye.

b) Good morning. AIC Computing.

c) No, thank you. I’ll call later.

d) Sorry, sir. Mr. Roberts is not available. Is there any message?

e) Hello. May I speak to Mr. Roberts?


Внесите свои ответы в таблицу:





VI. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке (cоедините буквы и цифры). Внесите cвои ответы в таблицу. Перепишите письмо в правильной последовательности:



a) Dear Ms. Kaassen,


b) Ultrasonic Ltd.

Warwick House, Warwick St., London SW2 1JF

United Kingdom


c) Yours sincerely,

Kay Reynolds

Sales Manager



d)Bredgade 51

DK 1110




f) In relation to your order received today, we cannot supply the quantities you need at the moment. Please confirm as soon as possible if a part-delivery would be acceptable, with the rest to follow later.


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Вариант 4


I. Прочитайте и устно переведите на русский язык весь текст. Переведите письменно первый абзац:

Different Cultures

In the Global Economy, it is more important than ever to know how they do things in other countries. Perhaps the key to a successful business trip is a genuine respect for other cultures. For the business traveller, the famous saying is certainly true: “Think globally, act locally”. Timing is everything in business. Western businesspeople, in particular, are obsessed with it – after all, “time is money”. But even in Europe, attitudes to timekeeping can still be regarded as local customs. In Germany or Switzerland, you should never arrive fifteen minutes late for a meeting, while in France, that is quite acceptable. If you agree to meet your Italian colleague at 12 o’clock and they arrive half an hour late, they probably won’t give you an excuse but will almost certainly have a great idea. And, as for the British, one cynical businessman has observed that they pretend to be German but, in fact, they would like to be Italian!

Cultures also view gifts very differently. In Anglo-Saxon countries, for example, businesspeople do not expect to receive presents from visitors, and anything more expensive than a small corporate gift like a pen could cause embarrassment. But in Asia, particularly in Japan and the Middle East, gifts have a much greater importance in establishing a personal and business relationship. Even there, gifts do not have to be very expensive, although they should be of a high quality.

But cultural stereotypes are rarely helpful when dealing with individuals. Nor all Americans are pushy and loud; not all English people are reserved and formal. The same is true of any culture. There are Italians who do not gesture and Japanese who never apologize. So, when you travel overseas, try to leave behind all ideas based on jokes and movies. Keep an open mind and you will meet individuals far more than cultural stereotypes.



II. Определите , являются ли утверждения:

А) истинными

B) ложными

2015-12-15 975 Обсуждений (0)
How to Make the Most of a Job Interview 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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