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График выполнения и сдачи заданий по дисциплине

2015-12-15 359 Обсуждений (0)
График выполнения и сдачи заданий по дисциплине 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


Форма занятия Вид работы Неделя Кол-во час Литература
практические 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz Newspaper article 1 “Houses of hope”  
СРСП 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz Newspaper article 1 “Houses of hope”  
практические 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz Newspaper article 2. “Learning the Old Ways”    
СРСП 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz Newspaper article 2. “Learning the Old Ways”  
практические 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary Newspaper article 3. “A Place In The Sun”  
СРСП 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary Newspaper article 3. “A Place In The Sun”    
практические 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary Newspaper article 4. “Will the blogs kill old media?”
СРСП 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary Newspaper article 4. “Will the blogs kill old media?”
практические 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz Newspaper article 5. “Will We Ever Stop the Global Warming?”
СРСП An Essay upon the theme (Attitudes, opinions, possible forecast etc.) Newspaper article 5. “Will We Ever Stop the Global Warming?”
практические 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz Newspaper article 6. “Fighting G-force”  
СРСП 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz Newspaper article 6. “Fighting G-force”  
практические 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz Newspaper article 7. “Are you on top of the world?”
СРСП 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz Newspaper article 7. “Are you on top of the world?”
практические 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz Newspaper article 8. ” In the public eye”
СРСП 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz Newspaper article 8. ” In the public eye”
практические 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz 9. Newspaper Article “It's all a conspiracy!”  
СРСП 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz 9. Newspaper Article “It's all a conspiracy!”  
практические 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz Newspaper article 10. “Five key questions about modern medical science”
СРСП 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz Newspaper article 10. “Five key questions about modern medical science”
практические 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz Newspaper article 11 “Dostoyevsky Impasse ”  
СРСП 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz Newspaper article 11 “Dostoyevsky Impasse ”    
практические 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz Newspaper article 12 “Mikhalkov Delivers”  
СРСП 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz Newspaper article 12 “Mikhalkov Delivers”  
практические 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz Newspaper article 13 “Globalization”  
СРСП 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz Newspaper article 13 “Globalization”  
практические 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz Newspaper article 14 “Brief Review of the relations between China and Kazakhstan”
СРСП 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4. quiz Newspaper article 14 “Brief Review of the relations between China and Kazakhstan”
практические 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 4.quiz Newspaper article 15 “Oligarchs and Foreign Football”
СРСП 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary Newspaper article 15 “Oligarchs and Foreign Football”


Итого: 30 ч. Практических занятий

30 ч. СРСП



1.8 Темы для СРС:


Topics Виды работы Количество часов литература
1. Ecology. The Environment. 2. Appearance. Character 3. Family matters 4. Famous people 5. Health and nourishment 6. Kazakhstan 7. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 8.The United States of America 9. English-speaking Countries 10. Sightseeing 11.Business letters 12. Manuals 13.Agreements 14. Contracts 15. Advertisement material 1.written translation from English into Russian 2. analyzing of different variants of translation 3.work at the new vocabulary 1-10 Newspaper articles Scientific texts Additional material



1.9 Литература:

1. Борисенко, Бизнес-курс английского языка, Киев, 2000

2. Христорожденственская, «Курс английского языка» 1-2, М. 2001

3. Бонк, Котий, Лукьянова, «Английский язык» 1-2, М. 2001

4. Головчинская «Совершенствуй свой английский» 1-2, М 2000

5. Крылова «Курс английской грамматики» М 2000

6. Video and audio cassettes

7. Newspapers and magazines

8. Scientific texts

10. Additional material




Уровень Ваших достижений по программе курса оценивается на основании системы итоговых оценок.



· объективность

· прозрачность

· гибкость

· высокая дифференциация



1. правили оценки всех видов работ (максимальный балл, штрафные, поощрительные баллы)

2. критерии выставления итоговой оценки

3. правила оспаривания итоговой оценки


Оценка по букв. системе Баллы % - содержание Оценка по традиционной системе
A 4.0 Отлично
A- 3.84 90-94 Отлично
B+ 3.33 85-89 Хорошо
B 3.0 80-84 Хорошо
B- 2.67 75-79 Хорошо
C+ 2.33 70-74 Удовлетворительно
C 2.0 65-69 Удовлетворительно
C- 1.67 60-64 Удовлетворительно
D+ 1.33 50-59 Удовлетворительно
D 1.0 50-54 Удовлетворительно
F 0.99 и < 49 и < Неудовлетворительно






Итоговая оценка включает:

Рейтинговый контроль – 40%

Экзамен – 60%


Итоговая оценка высчитывается по формуле И = ------------- x 0.6 +E *0.4,

где: 2


P1 – цифровой эквивалент оценки первого рейтинга;

P2 – цифровой эквивалент оценки второго рейтинга;

Е – цифровой эквивалент оценки на экзамене.


2015-12-15 359 Обсуждений (0)
График выполнения и сдачи заданий по дисциплине 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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