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2015-12-13 547 Обсуждений (0)
USEFUL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


paragraph 1 in a systematic way overlap
biota low point  
biotic structure growth paragraph6
abiotic factors stressed law of limiting factors
  injury overwatering
paragraph 2   overfertilizing
interplay paragraph 4 pitfall
extremes maximum growth growing season
average optimal range drought
acidity entire span  
salinity range of tolerance paragraph7
in response to limits of tolerance restricting
  zones of stress application
Paragraph 3 general pattern predation
key observation   agricultural crops
thrive paragraph5 constant struggle
tolerate result in weeds
shade freezing temperatures pests
chamber life cycles  

Unit Four

Ecosystems: What They Are



paragraph 8 aquatic terrestrial as a result certain bounds

spread paragraph 9

influence altering

volition ripple effect

large scale verge evidence



1. What is the main idea of the article?

a. The biosphere consists of a great variety of environments, both
aquatic and terrestrial.

b. Every ecosystem has two "sides": the organisms on one hand
and the environmental factors on the other.

с Humans have changed and are continuing to change things on a very large scale.

2. According to paragraph 2, the environment involves the interplay of

a. rainfall, temperature, light, water and wind

b. chemical nutrients, pH, salinity and fire

с many physical and chemical, or abiotic factors

3. The difference in response to environmental factors determines

a. which organisms do or don't survive

b. which species may or may not occupy a given region
с the degree to which each is present or absent

4. In paragraph 3, the principle that different species thrive under dif­
ferent conditions applies to

a. laboratory experiments

b. a series of chambers in which all abiotic factors are controlled
с all living things, both plants and animals

5. According to paragraph 4, there are zones of stress between

a. the high and low ends of the range of tolerance

b. the maximum growth and an optimal range

с the optimal range and the high and low limit of tolerance

6. Every species (both plant and animal) has

a. the high or low limit of tolerance

b. an optimum range and zones of stress

c. limits of tolerance with respect to every abiotic factor

7. Many plants may grow under

a. different conditions

b. the same conditions
с optimal conditions

8. Which paragraph discusses the Law of Limiting Factors?

a. Paragraph5.

b. Paragraph 6.
с Paragraph?.

9. The Law of Limiting Factors includes

a. any factor that affects the organism

b. the problem of "too little"
с the problem of "too much"

10. In paragraph 7, the Law of Limiting Factors was first presented

a. in connection with the observations regarding the effects of
chemical nutrients on plant growth

b. by Justus von Liebig
с in 1840

11. Liebig's Law of Minimums may be applied to

a. our agricultural crops

b. biotic factors

с all abiotic factors

12. In paragraph 8, each environment with the species it supports is

a. anecotone

b. an ecosystem

с a unique grouping of organisms

13. Every ecosystem is interconnected with others through

a. certain bounds of limiting factors

b. ecotones

с some species that cross from one system to another

14. Humans have changed and are continuing to change things on a
very large scale (paragraph 9). What will these changes bring?

a. The extinction of thousands of species.

b. Manifold changes over most of the earth.

с A sudden and catastrophic "collapse of the biosphere".

Unit Four

Ecosystems: What They Are



2015-12-13 547 Обсуждений (0)
USEFUL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


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