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VI. Translate into Russian, paying attention to the different functions of the Infinitive

2016-01-02 481 Обсуждений (0)
VI. Translate into Russian, paying attention to the different functions of the Infinitive 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. Many theories to explain the origin of the continents have been put forth.

2. The aim of ecology is to study nature and its environment.

3. To forecast weather with great accuracy is not easy matter.

4. Geology attempts to interpret the earth in the light of knowledge of chemistry, physics, astronomy and other sciences.

5. Two things are necessary for the existence of lakes: first there must be a basin to hold the water; and the second, there must be a supply of water to fill or partially to fill the basin.

6. The ultimate cause of all changes and motions of the atmosphere is to found in the solar energy.

7. When warm moist air comes into contact with cool moist air, the mixture in the boundary zone may have a temperature low enough to produce saturation and condensation.

8. The net effect of most of the oceanic circulation is to carry cold water toward the equator and warm water toward the poles.

9. The subcommittee currently selects a group of species and or a type of fisheries to examine in detail at each annual meeting.

10. The opportunity to do this was afforded us by an accident of history.


VIII. Read the text and discuss in pairs the problem of pollution of the world ocean:

The total area of the World Ocean is 361.3 mln sq.km. The World Ocean water is impacted by organic substances (domestic sewage, industrial waste), toxic substances (copper, zinc) and oil products, greases detergents, shredded solid waste. The pollution problem also relates to the growth of the tanker trade. It impacts the most complex mechanism of interaction between the ocean and atmosphere which determines the weather and climate on our planet. Pollution accumulates in places where the main mass of living matter is concentrated. The greatest danger arisen from suppression of photosynthesis of seaweeds by toxic agents may violate the planetary climatic processes. Operational pollution of the sea by tankers results free the mixing of oil and water on board the vessel. Oil and water mixtures occur due the two main reasons: the need to water-wash oil tanks and because during the unloaded voyage ballast water has to be put into the oil tanks for stability reasons. The traditional and simplest method of disposal of these mixtures was to dump them into sea. For the first time oil pollution of the sea, especially in ports and harbours, was recognized as a problem before the First World War. Since than some important measures have been taken. It is very important that the preservation of the purity and productivity of the World Ocean today depends of the goodwill of states. The scientists of global monitoring study the most important physical processes deteriorating the ecological situation in the World Ocean and characterizing the level of the ocean’s pollution.


IX. Read and learn the dialogue:

A: What kinds of water do you know?

B: There are two kinds of water: surface water and ground water.

A: What is surface water?

B: Surface water is that fresh water which is accumulated on the earth’s surface. Lakes, rivers and springs and other storage basin contain surface water. They are open to the sky and to rainfall.

A: Is all surface water area natural?

B: Of course not. There are many man-made lakes and reservoirs.

A: But what is ground water?

B: Ground water on the other hand is that fresh water (from rain, melting snow or ice) which soaks into the soil. This water first enters a layer of earth containing water and air surrounding rock fragment. The water gradually replaces the air, until the soil is finally saturated.

A: Can water remain in natural underground reservoirs?

B: Water can remain in natural underground reservoirs for many years. Deserts, mountains, rivers, oceans have a great deal of underground water.


X. Make up your own dialogues about the importance of water for man using the following words and word combinations:

1) Precious liquid, drinking, to contain, food, to consist, vegetables, fruits, important, man, living things, to contaminate.

2) Disease, lack of clean water, personal cleanliness, seas and oceans, to cover, earth’s surface.



I. Read and translate the following group of words:

Pollution of sea, legislative measures, ocean pollution, oil mixtures, leading maritime nations, toxic substances, sewage and garbage, hydrofoil boats, air-cushion vehicles, slop tanks, cleaning operations.


II. Translate from Russian into English the following words of the same root:

Законодательство – законодательствовать – законодательный - законодатель; узнавать – узнаваемый – узнающий – узнавание; представитель – представимый – представленный – представлять; загрузка – загружать – загруженный – грузчик; период – периодический - периодически; изобретение – изобретать – изобретатель - изобретательный – изобретательно; чистота – чистый – очищать – очиститель; случай – случайный – случайно; смешивание -0 смешивать – смешанный; действие – действовать – действующий.

III. Read and translate the text:

2016-01-02 481 Обсуждений (0)
VI. Translate into Russian, paying attention to the different functions of the Infinitive 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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