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Билет Внутриполитические достижения Билла Клинтона

2016-01-02 1178 Обсуждений (0)
Билет Внутриполитические достижения Билла Клинтона 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Конец 20-го века для США ассоциируется с 42-м президентом США Биллом Клинтоном, который провел в Белом доме 2 срока (1992-2000) и с его именем связывают благополучие американцев в этот период. Билл Клинтон (урожденный Уильям Джефферсон Блайт) родился в городе Хоуп, штат Арканзас.

Убежденный демократ, Клинтон вступил в Демократическую партию ещё в юности. До президентского поста неоднократно был губернатором Арканзаса. После такого завидного постоянства в выборе места службы Клинтон по результатам негласного опроса сенаторов был признан самым "эффективным и успешным" губернатором США.

Хорошо продуманная и доходчиво представленная избирателям экономическая программа демократической партии во многом обеспечила победу Б. Клинтона на президентских выборах 1992 г. Не менее впечатляющей была и социальная программа Клинтона.

Несмотря на настойчивые попытки новой администрации выполнить хотя бы часть своих предвыборных обещаний, популярность Клинтона стала неуклонно снижаться. И тогда президент Клинтон предпринимает решительные действия по пересмотру своей программы, отказывается от наиболее одиозных принципов социального обеспечения, вызывавших справедливые нарекания состоятельных американцев, и практически переходит к режиму стимулирования частного капитала и сокращению социальных расходов.

Вскоре эти меры стали приносить вполне удовлетворительные для большинства населения результаты, а экономическое положение страны стало меняться к лучшему, чему в немалой степени способствовала благоприятная экономическая конъюнктура на мировом рынке.

Белый дом разработал в 1995 г. программу «Гражданство США», в результате которой вожделенный статус американского гражданина должны были получить 1,3 млн. человек из числа недавно прибывших в страну иммигрантов.

Несмотря на многочисленные скандалы и взаимные упреки, главными проблемами избирательной кампании 1996 г. стали вопросы налогообложения, реформы системы социального обеспечения, образования, равных прав при устройстве на работу и т.д. Успехи в области социально-экономического развития страны. Кроме того, администрацией Клинтона были предприняты серьезные меры по борьбе с преступностью, в связи с чем количество полицейских в стране выросло на 100 тысяч человек.

Достижения Клинтона

Администрация Клинтона добилась впечатляющих успехов в целом ряде областей внутренней и внешней политики.

Во-первых, семь лет беспрецедентного роста ВВП стали одним из самых длительных в американской истории периодов экономического процветания. Ежегодный прирост ВВП при Клинтоне был в среднем более 3%, что значительно выше, чем в других развитых странах. При этом инфляция упала до уровня менее 2% в год.

Бедность в США сократилась до наиболее низкого уровня за 20 лет. Безработица в стране упала до самого малого показателя за 30 лет, составив в 1998г. 4,5% (в 1992 г. - 7,5%), что в 1,5 раза меньше, чем в развитых странах в целом. За семь лет в США создано более 20 млн. новых рабочих мест.

В немалой степени экономический бум в Америке связан с тем, что при Клинтоне началось бурное развитие новейших информационных технологий. Свыше половины пользователей Интернета живет в Соединенных Штатах. Интернет стал средством не только общения, но и торговли.

Во-вторых, администрации Клинтона удалось в 1997 г. впервые за 42 года ликвидировать дефицит федерального бюджета. Еще в 80-е годы, когда ежегодный дефицит составлял около 3% ВВП, эта проблема казалась нерешаемой. Однако высокие и устойчивые темпы экономического роста дали Клинтону возможность, сохранив основные социальные программы, сократить долю федерального бюджета в ВВП до 20%. В результате была частично решена проблема государственного долга, которая могла стать тяжелым бременем для следующего поколения американцев.

В-третьих, администрация Клинтона сохранила и упрочила самую мощную военную машину в мире, сделав ставку на обеспечение абсолютного военного превосходства США. Хотя состав вооруженных сил и размеры бюджета Пентагона (в постоянных ценах) сократились примерно на треть, военная инфраструктура, включая передовое базирование американских войск в Европе, на Тихом океане и в Персидском заливе, была в основном сохранена.

В-четвертых, претензии Соединенных Штатов на роль единственной сверхдержавы обеспечиваются не только их огромной экономической и военной мощью, но и системой военно-политических союзов, которые администрация Клинтона смогла сохранить и укрепить, несмотря на окончание холодной войны.

В-пятых, Клинтон не без успеха сделал ставку на укрепление механизмов регулирования глобализации мировой экономики после распада биполярной системы международных отношений.

Б. Клинтон стал вторым после Ф. Д. Рузвельта демократом, избранным на второй срок подряд.

В результате выборов Б. Клинтон значительно расширил базу своих сторонников, в особенности среди женщин, недавних иммигрантов, чернокожих американцев, молодежи и католиков. В целом же можно сказать, что американские избиратели были довольны своей жизнью, тк они привыкли судить о претенденте на президентский пост по его деловым качествам, умению «делать дело», а не только красиво говорить о своих намерениях. Именно поэтому американцы простили Клитону его моральные прегрешения, семейную неверность и финансовые злоупотребления.


George Walker Bush (born July 6, 1946) is an American politician and businessman who served as the 43rd President of the United States from 2001 to 2009. At first, I should mention that eight months into Bush's first term as president, the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks occurred. That made a great influence on his domestic policy. Following the September 11 terrorist attacks, the Bush Administration proposed and Congress approved, a series of laws stated to be necessary in prosecuting the "War on Terror." These included a wide variety of surveillance programs, some of which came under heavy fire from civil liberties interest groups that criticized the new regulations for infringing upon certain civil liberties.

Diversity and civil rights

1. Faith-based initiatives

In early 2001, President Bush worked with Republicans in Congress to pass legislation changing the way the federal government regulated, taxed and funded charities and non-profit initiatives run by religious organizations. Although prior to the legislation it was possible for these organizations to receive federal assistance, the new legislation removed reporting requirements, which required the organizations to separate their charitable functions from their religious functions. Bush also created the White House Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives. Days into his first term, Bush announced his commitment to channeling more federal aid to faith-based service organizations. Bush created the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives to assist faith-based service organizations. Critics claimed that this was an infringement of the separation of church and state.

2. Genetic Non-Discrimination

President George W. Bush signed into law the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA). The bill protects Americans against discrimination based on their genetic information when it comes to health insurance and employment. The issue had been debated for 13 years before becoming law. It is designed to protect citizens while not hindering genetic research.


On December 19, 2002, Bush signed into law H. R. 4664, far-reaching legislation to put the National Science Foundation (NSF) on a track to double its budget over five years and to create new mathematics and science education initiatives at both the pre-college and undergraduate level. In the first three years of those five, the R&D budget has increased by fourteen percent. Bush has long been dogged by criticism that his administration ignores or suppresses scientific advice. Bush showed support for oceanography and space exploration; and supported sciences on reducing pollution. Bush generally was opposed to biology especially the science of human reproduction and reproductive health; and science with global warming.

1. Space

On January 14, 2004, Bush announced a Vision for Space Exploration, calling for the completion of the International Space Station by 2010 and the retirement of the space shuttle while developing a new spacecraft called the Crew Exploration Vehicle under the title Project Constellation. The CEV would be used to return American astronauts to the Moon by 2018, with the objective of establishing a permanent lunar base, and eventually sending future manned missions to Mars. To this end, the plan proposes that NASA's budget increase by five percent every year until it is capped at US$18 billion in 2008, with only inflationary increases thereafter. In January 2005, the White House released a new Space Transportation Policy fact sheet which outlined the administration's space policy in broad terms and tied the development of space transport capabilities to national security requirements.

2. Environment

In December 2003, Bush signed legislation implementing key provisions of his Healthy Forests Initiative. Another subject of controversy is Bush's Clear Skies Initiative, which seeks to reduce air pollution through expansion of emissions trading.

Bush signed the Great Lakes Legacy Act of 2002 authorizing the federal government to begin cleaning up pollution and contaminated sediment in the Great Lakes, as well as the Brownfields Legislation in 2002, accelerating the cleanup of abandoned industrial sites, or brownfields, to better protect public health, create jobs, and revitalize communities.

3. The Clear Skies Act of 2003

Initially announced by President Bush in 2002, the Clear Skies Initiative was aimed at amending the Clean Air Act to further reduce air pollution and expanded the emissions trading programs to include new pollutants such as mercury. The goal of the initiative was to reduce the sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and mercury emissions of power plants over the course of 15 years, while saving consumers millions of dollars.


No Child Left Behind

In January 2002, Bush signed the No Child Left Behind Act, which aims to close the achievement gap, measures student performance, provides options to parents with children in low-performing schools, and targets more federal funding to low-income schools. Critics, including Senator John Kerry and the National Education Association, say schools were not given the resources to help meet new standards, although their argument is based on premise that authorization levels are spending promises instead of spending caps.


1. Taxes

President Bush won passage for two major tax cuts during his term in office: The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 and the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003. The cuts, scheduled to expire a decade after passage, increased the standard income tax deduction for married couples, eliminated the estate tax, and reduced marginal tax rates. By 2004, these cuts had reduced federal tax revenues, as a percentage of the Gross Domestic Product, to the lowest level since 1959. With the NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation) crash and one quarter of negative growth in 2000 it was likely we were headed into a recession, yet merely two years after the 2003 Bush tax cuts, federal revenues (in dollars) had reached a record high.

2. Spending

President Bush expanded public spending by 70 percent, more than double the increase under President Clinton. Bush was the first president in 176 years to continue an entire term without vetoing any legislation. Federal spending in constant dollars increased under Bush by 26% in his first four and a half years. Non-defense spending increased 18% in that time. Of the US$2.4 trillion budgeted for 2005, about US$450 billion are planned to be spent on defense. This level is generally comparable to the defense spending during the cold war.

3. Trade

President Bush signed the Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement into law on August 2, 2005. The agreement is designed to create a free trade zone similar to the one embodied in the North American Free Trade Agreement.

4. Employment

Looking at the annual average unemployment rates for each of the eight years of Bush's presidency, the average of all eight figures, and thus of his entire presidency, is 5.26%, with a low of 4.6% for the years of 2006 and 2007, and a high of 6.0% for 2003.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of unemployed was nearly 6.0 million in January 2001 and 6.9 million in September 2006. The unemployment rate was 4.2% in January 2001, 4.6% in September 2006, and 7.2% in December 2008.

Health care

In July 2002, Bush cut off U.S. funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Bush stated that the UNFPA supported forced abortions and sterilizations in the People's Republic of China.

Bush signed the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act in 2003, having declared his aim to "promote a culture of life".

Social Security

Bush is an advocate of the partial privatization of Social Security wherein an individual would be free to invest a portion of his Social Security taxes in personal retirement accounts.

Bush has called for major changes in Social Security, identifying the system's projected insolvency as a priority early in his second term. From January through April 2005, he toured the country, stopping in over 50 cities across the nation warning of an impending "crisis". Initially, President Bush emphasized his proposal for personalized accounts would allow individual workers to invest a portion of their Social Security Tax (FICA) into secured investments. The main advantage of personal accounts within Social Security is to allow workers to own the money they place into retirement that cannot be taken away by political whims.

Amber Alert

Bush signed the Amber Alert legislation into law on April 30, 2003, which was developed to quickly alert the general public about child abductions using various media sources. On July 27, 2006 Bush signed the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act which establishes a national database requiring all convicted sex offenders to register their current residency and related details on a monthly instead of the previous yearly basis. Newly convicted sex offenders will also face longer mandatory incarceration periods.

Prison Rape

The Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA) is the first United States federal law passed dealing with the sexual assault of prisoners. The bill was signed into law on September 4, 2003. As a result, the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission was created to study the problem and recommend solutions. Federal funding for prisons also began to require detainment facilities to keep records on sexual assault. Failure to follow PREA requirements resulted in losing up to 5% of funding. New grants to prevent sexual assault were also created by the law. Significant support for the act came from Human Rights Watch, Concerned Women for America, Just Detention International, and numerous evangelical organizations.


2016-01-02 1178 Обсуждений (0)
Билет Внутриполитические достижения Билла Клинтона 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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