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Fill in the gaps in the text with one of the four choices given below. Choose the correct answer and mark it

2015-11-08 1781 Обсуждений (0)
Fill in the gaps in the text with one of the four choices given below. Choose the correct answer and mark it 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Example: He 1 a lovely holiday in the country last year

a) bought b) had c) passed d)gave


The first traffic signal was invented by a railway-signaling engineer. It was installed 1 the Houses of Parlia­ment in 1868. It looked like any railway signal of the time, and was operated by gas. However, it exploded and killed a policeman, and the accident 2 further development until cars became common. Modern traffic lights are an Ameri­can 3_. Red-green systems were installed in 1914. Three-color signals, operated by hand from a tower in the middle of the street, were installed in New York in 1918. The first lights of this type in Britain were in London on the junction between St. James's Street and Piccadilly, in 1925. In the past, traffic lights were 4 . In New York, some lights had a statue on top. In Los Angeles the lights did not just change 5 but rang bells to wake the sleeping motorists of the 1930s. These are gone and have been replaced by standard models, which are universally adopted.

1. a) inside b) in c) outside d) in front

2. a) discouraged b) disappointed c) displeased d) disarmed

3. a) discovery b) puzzle c) intelligence d) invention

4. a) tragic b) useless c) active d) special

5. a) loudly b) silently c) slowly d) quickly

2. Choose the one best answer to each question on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text:

1. Which of the following is not true?

a) The first traffic signal was the cause of death of a British policeman.

b) The first traffic signal was invented in the Houses of Parliament.

c) The first traffic signal didn't look like the traffic lights of today.

d) The first traffic signal was placed near the Palace of Westminster.

True -____.

What are traffic lights?

a) Special signal controlling road traffic by colored lights.

b) Movement of cars along roads.

c) An official controlling over the movement of cars.

d) Regulation of traffic with the help of colored lights.

True -____.

3. Whom do we owe the traffic lights of the type now to?

a) Americans.

b) Members of Parliament from Westminster Palace

c) British.

d) Sleeping motorists.

True -____.

4. Why was the changing of the traffic lights follow the bells in 1930s?

a) To break the silence of Los Angeles at night.

b) To wake the sleeping drivers.

c) To replace the standard models of the time.

d) To keep step with the time.

True -____.

5. The word junction means:

a) a narrow country road.

b) the main public road, main route.

c) a paved way at the side of a street for people

d) a place where roads meet or diverge.

True -____.


Практическая работа № 34.

Caesar' with a Mobile Phone?

1. Read the text and underline its main idea. Give a brief summary of the text:

When looking carefully at the cars moving along the road, you will notice that every fourth driver is using a mobile phone. One is probably giving valuable instructions to his subordinates, the other is talking to his wife explaining his being late, another one is reprimanding his son for some fault...

Everybody seems to know that the famous Roman emperor could do many things simultaneously. But what about us? ...

Hear or see — it’s up to you to decide...We receive most part of the information through the visual and sound perceptions. For instance: noticing slight fume a turner reduces the step over of a cutter, hearing particular sound he realizes that the cutter must be changed. And what does driver do?

We’re fed up with comparing a driver and a pilot. That might be very similar, but nobody ever heard of buying flying license. Meanwhile, the number of people dead and injured in traffic accidents is growing every year and has already overcome the losses in men in military conflicts and techno geneous disasters taken together.

The authorities of car-building enterprises have been working on improving safety measures for a long time, but what do we have to do with the accessories, like mobile phones?

The fact that they worsen your driving is obvious. Realizing this problem perfectly well, mobile-phone producers have developed a “hands-free” system. However that hasn’t decreased the number of traffic accidents.

Table 1

Research center Physical and psychological activity of a driver using a mobile phone Physical and psychological activity of a driver using ‘hands-free’ system
Toronto University, Canada Accident risk increases — 5 times Accident risk increases — 5 times
University of Florida, USA   - 26 — 36 years old 55 — 65 years old
Response time increases — 1.21 times Response time increases — 1.6 times
Transport Research Institute, Swiss Accident risk increases — 4 times Accident risk increases — 4 times
Royal British Scientific Society, GB Accident risk increases Accident risk increases against mobile-phone users


These results have been obtained after numerous experiments were carried out in laboratories. However, there are some ‘vivid’ data received by scientists of West Australian University. They have questioned 456 drivers injured in traffic accidents! The result is the same: Accident risk increases 4 times! It is clear that our brain can’t process the information coming through the sound and visual perceptions simultaneously that’s why the former worsens the last.

Shall we ban it?The main question is: ‘Can we use a mobile phone while driving without risking our and other people’s life?’ You may admit that an excellent experienced driver may use a mobile phone in the situations when the beginner can’t even think about it. But rules must be common for everybody, as traffic accidents can happen to any driver. The only thing to be done is to ban!

Table 2

Country Punishment/ Fine
United Kingdom Fine£1000
France Fine ?100
Belgium Driving ban for 6 months
Holland Fine ?100 and driving ban for 6 months
USA Fine $100
Russia Fine ____ rubles (less than ? __)

'Applying in New York, this law brings 6 million dollars p. a. to the city treasury.

What do we have to do in Russia?We have already had an experience with the ban on drinking alcohol and smoking and it’s better not to recall. Anyway, taking into account present critical situation we desperately need big fines for using mobile phones while driving! Meanwhile every driver must realize that using mobile phones while driving is really dangerous and not only for you.

2. Explain in English the meaning of these words and expressions: ‘hands-free’ system visual and sound response time perceptions the former worsens the last

______ ______

2015-11-08 1781 Обсуждений (0)
Fill in the gaps in the text with one of the four choices given below. Choose the correct answer and mark it 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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