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Изменение времен глаголов

2015-11-08 1312 Обсуждений (0)
Изменение времен глаголов 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

В соответствие с правилом согласования времен

Present Indefinite I do Present Continuous I am doing Present Perfect I have done Past Indefinite I did Past Continuous I was doing Past Perfect will can may must Past Indefinite I did Past Continuous I was doing Past Perfect I had done Past Perfect I had done Past Perfect Continuous I had been doing Не изменяется   would could might must\had to



Изменение обстоятельств времени и места

here this these now today yesterday   a year ago last night tonight there that those then that day the day before\the previous day a year before the previous night that night



! Если дополнительное придаточное предложение является сложным, то все глаголы, входящие в него, подчиняются правилу согласования времен.

Eg.: I thought (that) she knew (that) Я думала, что она знает,

he lived in Moscow. что он живет в Москве.


! Правило согласования времен не соблюдается, если придаточное предложение выражает непреложную истину или факт, который является привычным, постоянным.

Eg.: The teacher told the children Учитель сказал детям, что

that the water boils at 1000 C. вода кипит при 1000 С.

We knew that he plays tennis Мы знали, что он хорошо

well. играет в теннис.




Упр.158. Прочитайте и скажите, являются ли действия в придаточных предложениях одновременными, предшествующими или последующими по отношению к действиям главных предложениях.

1. He asked me what work I was doing and whether I intended to go to a

University. 2. She claimed that she had met Monty on her way home. Monty had told her that she would probably come to the party. 3. Then I thought about Mother. She would certainly ask me where I had been all day. 4. She said she would be staying in town next day to do some shopping. 5. Out of the corner of my eye I saw they had stopped talking and were watching us. 6. In the hotel the waiter told me that the American had been staying there for three days. 7. I was told that he wanted to meet me.


Упр. 159. Поставьте сказуемое главного предложения в прошедшее время и сделайте соответствующие изменения в придаточном предложении.


1. He says that he speaks English. 2. I think that he is a famous writer. 3.

She knows that her children are playing in the garden. 4. I am sure that they are working in the library now. 5. Everybody knows that morning exercises make us stronger. 6. He says that he is not an engineer. 7. She writes that she is ill.



1. He says that his daughter went to the swimming-pool. 2. I know she didn't say that. 3. We are surprised that she went abroad. 4. I am sure that he has translated the text himself. 5. He says that he has bought everything. 6. I think he didn't recognize me. 7. I am sure I saw her at the theatre.


1. We are sure he will finish school with a gold medal. 2. Our teacher says that we shall study the rules at the next lesson. 3. She thinks that he will not go with them. 4. She writes that she will come soon. 5. She asks when we shall have our vacations.


Упр.160. Раскройте скобки так, чтобы действие придаточного предложения было одновременным с действием главного.

1. I was surprised you (to know) my name. 2. He cannot imagine what she (to do) there. 3. I forgot what he (to look) like. 4. I don’t remember where he (to live). 5. I know how much he (to love) her. 6. When he comes ask him if he (to have) the dictionary. 7. Quite soon he will ask if all the doors (to lock) for the night. 8. She told me she (to be) unwell and (not to leave) home. 9. He found out that the children (to swim) in the pool.


Упр.161. Раскройте скобки так, чтобы действие придаточного предложения предшествовало действию главного.

1. David said he (to ask) the permission from the director to be absent from the lesson. 2. I knew that for the past ten years he (to buy) the same paper each morning. 3. I was told that he (to receive) a letter from home. 4. You will see what I (to write) about you. 5. He was uneasy. His wife would easily find out that he (to go) for Saigon. 6. It is not known where he (to spend) his childhood. 7. I don’t know what (to go) wrong with them. 8. Then he admitted that he (to live) since the summer in his father’s house. 9. Of course he will wonder why you (to cry). 10. He told he (to want) to become an actor. 11. It was true that he (to be) fond of his brother. 12. One day I will tell you why I (not to marry). 13. I wondered what she (to do) there so late at night. 14. Do you know that I (to give) a new job by our boss?


Упр.162. Перепишите предложения в прошедшем времени, обращая внимание на зависимость времени придаточного предложения от времени главного.

1. My uncle says he has just come back from the South. 2. He says he spent two days in Moscow. 3. He says he feels better now. 4. Nick says he is going to the hotel to see his friends. 5. I think the children are playing in the yard. 6. The teacher is sure that the pupils know the material well and will write the test. 7. Ann says they were friends at school. 8. He says they have made good progress in English. 9. Oleg thinks that in a day several English students will come to pay a visit. 10. I am sure they are good sportsmen. 11. We see they are discussing the plan with their chief.

2015-11-08 1312 Обсуждений (0)
Изменение времен глаголов 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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