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Ex. 101. Express an unreal wish according to the model

2015-11-08 3105 Обсуждений (0)
Ex. 101. Express an unreal wish according to the model 5.00 из 5.00 3 оценки

Ex. 98. Read and translate the sentences. Analyze the given forms.

1. "What's going on here?" "I wish Iknew."2. "How Iwish I hadmoney!" she thought. 3. I wish I could knowwhat she was thinking about. 4. I wish he weren't coming.5. I wish the rescue werepossible. 6. I wish I had takenyour advice. 7. I wish you might cometoo. 8. I often wish I had been borna man. 9. Iwished Ihad saidsomething else. 10. I wish it hadn't happened.11.He wished that the child werehis. 12. She felt uncomfortable and began to wish she had refusedto come. 13. I wish you could have heardit yourself. 14. I wish you wouldn't treatme like that. 15. I wish youwould smileagain. 16. She would rather they werenot going away. 17. I'd rather you shottin cans in the back yard, but I know you'll go after birds. 18. I wish you could have acceptedthe invitation of your English doctor friend.


1. Что тут происходит? Хотелось бы мне знать. (if the action expressed in the object clause is prior to that of the principal clause, Past Subjunctive II is used.)

2. Как бы мне хотелось, что бы у меня были деньги. Думала она.

3. Жаль, что я не знал, о чём она думала.

4. Я бы хотел, что бы он не приходил.

5. Я бы хотел, что бы нас спасли.

6. Я пожалел, что не последовал твоему совету.

7. Мне бы хотелось, что бы тоже смог прийти.

8. Я часто жалею о том, что не родилась мальчиком.

9. Я бы желал сказать ещё, что ни будь.

10. Я бы хотел, что бы этого не произошло.

11. Он бы хотел, что бы ребёнок был его.

12. Она чувствовала себя некомфортно и начала сожалеть о том, что не отказалась прийти.

13. Жаль, что ты не слышал всего этого.

14. Мне бы хотелось, что бы ты не относился так ко мне.

15. Я бы хотел, что бы ты снова улыбалась.

16. Она бы хотела, что бы они не уходили.

17. По мне так лучше что бы ты пострелял по банкам на заднем дворике, но я-то знаю, что ты будешь стрелять по птицам.

18. Я бы хотел, что бы ты принял приглашение от друга своего доктора англичанина.



    I wish smb did smth were could (might) do (be)  
smb had done smth had been could (might) have done (been)  


Ex. 99. Fill in the blanks.

Believe me, I wish it didn’t happen.2. I wish you stoped worrying about that cow. 3.I wished he were not in London now. 4. I wish I had a better car. 5. I wish he didn’t come at all yesterday. 6. I wish you came tomorrow too. 7. I wish you told to Tommy when he's back. 8. She wished now that she hadn’t taken her father's advice. 9. I wish she really did so. 10. I rather wish you didn’t call her by her Christian name. 11. I wish you didn’t daydream. 12. I wish you told me all in good time.13. She began to wish she had screamed or had awoken then. 14. I wish you helped me. 15. I wished I had never bought this car. 16. She wished it hadn’t rained so heavily.

Ex. 100. Supply the correct form of the Subjunctive Mood of the verbs in brackets.

1. Oh, I wish I didn’t send him that letter. I'd give anything to take it back. 2. I wish I were as sure as you. 3. But he wished that there had been some way in which he could help the young lawyer. 4. "I wish I didn’t cry so much," said Alice trying to find her way out. 5. And here I wish I could tell you half of the things Alice used to say. 6. I rather wished Poirot were there. 7. I wish I knew it was your friend. 8. He wished he came by air. 9. I wish I had known what to do now. 10. I wish that poor Strickland were still alive. 11. I wish I had known it was your birthday, Lady Windermere; I would have covered the whole street in front of your house with flowers. 12. I wish they were back. 13. I wished I had enough confidence so that I could transfer some to her. But I didn't. 14. I wish I never heard of it. 15. I wish to Christ we had bicycles. 16. I wish I knew where we are going. 17. I wish that I were with the British. It would have been much simpler.

Ex. 101. Express an unreal wish according to the model.

Model: I have too much work. I wish I didn't have so much work.

Amy didn't study Spanish.Amy wishes she had studied Spanish.

1. I wish it were Sunday today. 2. Brendon wishes he hadn’t study so hard! 3. Lucy wishes she hadn’t too many friends. 4. I wish I had a computer. 5. My cousin wishes he could find a good job. 6. They wish they didn’t live far from the station. 7. She wishes she knew Ted's address. 8. Billy wishes he didn’t leave for work too early. 9. We wished the child he told us the truth. 10. Helen wishes she had finished high school. 11. I wish I had called my parents yesterday. 12. We wish we hadn’t spent all our money at the sale. 13. My neighbor wishes he hadn’t bought a used car. 14. Paul wishes he hadn’t gone to bed too late last night. 15. I wish the weather weren’t miserable last week.


Ex. 102. Express regrets about the following (starting with wish) and add four more regrets of your own.

1. I wish my students were always in time for class.

I wish them were always ready with their homework.

I wish them weren’t so noisy.

2. I wish I had worked hard when I was at school.

I wish I did my home task when I was at school.

3. I wish our climate weren’t so changeable!

I wish our climate were mild one.

4. Nelly wishes were sorry that she hadn’t saved enough money when she was still working.

Nelly wishes she were rich now. 5. I wish I had met you.

I wish I called you.

6. I wish I had stayed at home late at night and hadn’t got involved into an accident.

I wish I slept last night at home. 7. I wish my neighbors weren’t very noisy people.

I wish I lived alone. 8. Helen wishes she had bought the dress and weren’t very sorry about it. 9. I wish my director weren’t too bossy and demanding.

I wish I were a boss. 10. Victor wishes he could get on well with his relatives.

Relatives wishes Victor were more polite to them. 11. I wish my father could have fixed our new VCR yesterday.

I wish I can watch films. 12. I wish I knew who you really are.

I wish you told me everything.



Ex. 103. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use the Subjunctive Mood after the verb to wish.

1. He was sorry he couldn't join us. 2. It's a pity you were absent yesterday. 3. I'd like him to be more polite. 4. They are sorry they didn't invite her. 5. He was disappointed that he would not be able to see the film. 6. I regret now not having told her all the truth then. 7. What a pity you can't swim. 8. I'm awfully sorry I kept you waiting so long. 9. It's a pity I couldn't go to the theatre with you. 10. I'm very sorry that I have disturbed you. 11. It's a pity you are leaving so soon. 12. I'd like to see the film again. 13. It was a pity we could not see the stage well. 14. They were sorry they hadn't taken a taxi and had missed their train.

2015-11-08 3105 Обсуждений (0)
Ex. 101. Express an unreal wish according to the model 5.00 из 5.00 3 оценки

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