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The Future Perfect Progressive

2015-11-09 1890 Обсуждений (0)
The Future Perfect Progressive 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Ex. 298.Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the use of the Future Perfect Progressive.

1. Next year I will have been living in Moscow for thirty years. 2. Next month we shall have owned this house for ten years. 3. When he is forty, he will have been learning English for twenty five years. 4. By the time the manager turns up, the customers will have been waiting for him for several hours. 5. He complains that by May he will have been reading "War and Peace" for five months. 6.1 shall have been staying here just a year this July.


Ex. 299.Translate into English.

1. К первому сентября этого года я уже десять лет буду работать в этом университете. 2. В июле будет год, как они женаты. 3. К тому времени, как ты проснешься завтра утром, мы уже три часа будем лететь над Ев­ропой. 4. К маю будет пять лет, как он водит эту ма­шину. 5. Они будут экспериментировать в этой обла­сти уже много лет к концу тысячелетия. 6. К тому времени, как приедет полиция, детектив уже два часа будет изучать место происшествия.


Ех. 300. Read the sentences and comment on the ways future 'actions can be expressed.

1. Their plane arrives at two o'clock in the morning. 2. I'm away on holiday next week. 3. The sun rises at 5.30 tomorrow. 4. She's making a speech at the conference next week. 5. I'm going to town next week. 6.1 think it's going to rain. 7. Alison is going to enter the university this year. 8. This Saturday Nora will be celebrating her birthday. 9. We are to meet after lunch. 10. He is to be in court tomorrow morning. 11. Who is going to be the next to take the floor? 12. The new tax is to be introduced next week.


Test Your Tenses

Ex. 301.

A TV correspondent is interviewing a famous woman author , Who is eighty-five years old. Use the right form of the verbs in brackets.

C: I'd like to ask you some questions about the changes you (see) in your lifetime. What is the biggest change you (notice) in the way people live?

A: That's a difficult question to answer. I guess it is the change in the younger generation. Young people (change) a lot recently. In my day, young people (be) very different.

C: In what way they (change)?

A: To my way of thinking, they (become) too casual and much too liberal in language, in dress, and in attitude in general. I guess I'm just old-fashioned.

C: Would you give me an example of what you mean?

A: Here's a small example. For the last fifteen years, since my youngest granddaughter (leave) high school, students (wear) blue jeans and T-shirts to school. Even some women-teachers (wear) pants in the classroom recently. In my day, they (kick) you out of school when you not (dress) properly.

C: What you're saying is true. Even professors at the universities (lecture) in blue jeans nowadays.

A: It also seems to me that young people (tend) to start dating at an earlier and earlier age. They start dating at thirteen, and, as you know, many couples (live) together without being married. That (be) unthinkable in my day.

C: And what is the biggest change that you personally (experience)?

A: I suppose getting married was the biggest change.

C: How long ago you (get) married?

A: I (get) married sixty years ago. My husband and I (live) happily together ever since.

C: Congratulations. It's nice to meet someone who (be) married for so long and (be) still happy.

Ex. 302.Make the right choice

1. George is on holiday. He ... to Barbados, a. is gone b. has gone c. has been 2. Everything is going well. We ... any problems so far. a. didn't have b. don't have c. haven't had 3. Nelly has lost her passport again. It's the second time this ... . a. has happened b. happens c. happened 4. You're out of breath. ... ? a. Are you running b. Have you run c. Have you been running 5. Where's the letter I gave you? What ... with it? a. have you done b. have you been doing c. are you doing 6. We're good friends. We ... each other for a long time, a. know b. have known c. knew 7. Sindy has been writing this programme... . a. for a month b. since six months c. six months ago 8. "... this week?" "No, he's on holiday." a. Is Bill working b. Does Bill work c. Does work Bill 9. John ... tennis once or twice a week. • a. is playing usually b. is usually playing c. usually plays 10. How ... now? Better than before? a. you are feeling b. do you feel c. are you feeling 11. Tracey ... her hand when she was cooking dinner, a. burnt b. was burning c. has burnt


Ex 303. A. Read, translate and retell the text

I walked home from school with Beth Ann. Beth Ann Bartels is my best friend, I guess. We're very different, but we have been friends, with no fights, since the fourth grade. I tell her just about everything, and she tells me everything, even things I do not want to know, like what she ate for breakfast and what her father wears to bed and how much her new sweater costs. Sometimes things like that are just not interesting.

I always stop at Beth Ann's house for a little while before I go home. We have this little routine. We go in and the house is so quiet, not at all like my house which is a complete zoo at any hour of day or night. Her house is also always immaculately clean, as if someone had just raced through with a duster and a vacuum cleaner or as if no one really lived there. Our house always has people's clothes lying all over; socks on the stereo, jackets on the kitchen table, everyone's papers and books clumped in piles on chairs and counters. So, I like to stop at Beth Ann's house before I go home.

Beth Ann's parents both work and so does her elder sister Judy, so we have the house to ourselves. We always go into the kitchen and I sit at the table while Beth Ann takes out a bottle of Coca Cola and a bag of potato chips. In our house, stuff like that would disappear in about ten minutes.

After about a half-hour she goes into her room and changes her clothes and hangs everything up. She has special hangers for her skirts so she can put six skirts on one hanger. Her closet is very, very neat. The closet that I share with Maggie is just a mad jumble of hangers and the clothes are always falling off and they are wedged in so tightly that you can't ever see anything and when you go to get something, things fall off other hangers and on the floor are piles of old shoes ad boots. I don't know why we are such slobs. The other day, I found m the bottom of my closet, back in the corner, a pair of shoes I had in the fifth grade! Lord.

B. Do you tike or dislike to visit your friends' houses7 Is your closet neat? Does it relax you to put your things in order?

Ex. 304.Use the right form of the verbs in brackets

1.1 found Mother at one of the counters in the kitchen. She (slice) the chilled boiled potatoes I (make) earlier. She (have) a cup of coffee next to her, and a cigarette (dangle) from her mouth. I hated her to smoke around us, and most especially when she (work) in the kitchen. "Mother, you (mind) not smoking when you (prepare) food?" "I not (drop) cigarette ash in the salad, if that's what you (get) at," she answered. "I know you're not. I just hate the smoke, Mom. Please, put it out. If not for your health or mine, at least for your grandchildren's sake. You know what they (say) about second-hand smoke." "But the kids live in Manhattan. Think of all the polluted air they (breathe) in there." "Only too true, Mother," I (snap), "but let's not add to the problem of air pollution out here, shall we?"

II."Why I not (go) into the kitchen and start on the potato salad?" my mother said. "Oh, but Diana's going to make that." "Good heavens, Mallory, what an Englishwoman (know) about making an ail-American potato salad for an all-American celebration like Independence Day? Independence from the British, I (may) add." "You not (have to) give me a history lesson." "I (make) the salad," she sniffed. "It always (be) one of my specialities, in case you (forget)."


Ex 305. A. Read, translate and retell the text

Ever since my childhood, I have loved nature and the wild creatures who inhabit the countryside, and I have encouraged Jamie and Lissa to respect all living things, to treasure the animals, birds, and insects that frequent Indian Meadows.

Unconsciously, and very often without understanding what they are doing, some children can be terribly cruel, and it always makes me furious when I see them hurting small, defenseless animals, pulling wings off butterflies, grinding their heels into earthworms and snails, throwing stones at birds. I made up my mind long before the twins were born that no child of mine would ever inflict pain on any living thing.

I am extremely partial to the old stonewall property, mostly because it is home for a number of small creatures. I know for a fact that two chipmunks live inside it, as well as a baby rabbit and a black snake. Although I know the chipmunks well and have spotted the bunny from time to time, I have never actually seen the snake. But our gardener, Anna, has, and so have the twins. At least, this is what they claim, most vociferously. To make nature more personal, to bring it closer to them, I invented stories about our little friends who inhabit the garden wall. I tell Jamie and Lissa tales about Algernon, the friendly black snake, who has a weakness 177

for chocolate-covered cherries and wishes he had a candy store; about Tabitha and Henry, the two chipmunks, married with no children, who want to adopt; and about Angelica, the baby bunny rabbit, who harbours an ambition to be in the Fifth Avenue Easter Parade. Jamie and Lissa have come to love these stories of mine; they can't get enough of them, in fact, and I have to repeat them constantly. In order to satisfy my children, I'm forever inventing new adventures, which entails quite a stretch of the imagination on my part.

B. Speak about your attitude toward nature What are your childhood experiences with animals?

Ex. 306.Use the right form of the verbs in brackets.

It was gray and overcast as I (leave) the hotel and (head) towards Berkley Square. I glanced up at the sky. It was leaden and promised rain, which Andrew (predict) before he (go) to the office earlier. Instead of walking to Diana's, which I usually (like) to do, I (hail) a cab and (get) in. Just in time, too. It (begin) to drizzle as I (slam) the door and (give) the cabbie the address. English weather, I (think) glumly, staring out the taxi window. It always (rain). But one not (come) to England for the weather, there (be) other, more important reasons to be here. I always (love) England and the English, and London (be) my most favourite city in the entire world. I (love) it even more than my hometown, New York.

Ex. 307.Translate into English.

Черный тюльпан

Много лет назад жил в Нидерландах, на окраине Гаа­ги, ничем не примечательный (unremarkable) человек по имени Ганс. Он был сапожником по профессии и к тому же очень хорошим. Голландцы, как известно, очень любят цветы, они в особенности славятся своими тюльпанами. И Ганс не был исключением. В течение многих лет он выращивал различные виды тюльпанов, пока в один прекрасный день не увидел в своем саду необыкновенный тюльпан. Он был черный. Никто раньше не выращивал черные тюльпаны, и Ганс очень гордился своим удивительным цветком. Новости, как вы знаете, распространяются очень быстро. И новость об уникальном цветке стала известна во всей стране. Многие хотели купить луковицу черного тюльпана, но сапожник-садовник и слушать об этом не хотел, хотя и очень нуждался в деньгах.

Однажды приехали к Гансу люди, которые предложи­ли ему столько денег, сколько он не заработал за всю свою жизнь, хотя он всегда был очень искусным мас­тером и трудолюбивым человеком. Ганс думал несколь­ко дней и сказал, что продаст луковицу. И неудиви­тельно! Ведь в то время, а именно в 1670 году, на эти деньги можно было купить несколько домов. Только после того, как он получил деньги и пересчитал их, он отдал этим людям свое сокровище. Не успели незна­комцы получить луковицу, как они бросили ее на зем­лю и стали топтать, пока от нее ничего не осталось. «Что вы делаете? Вы что, с ума сошли? — закричал потрясенный Ганс. — Я всю жизнь трудился, чтобы вырастить это чудо, а вы его уничтожили!» «Глупец, — ответили ему, — мы были готовы заплатить тебе в два раза больше. Дело в том, что мы тоже вырастили чер­ный тюльпан, но мы не хотим никаких конкурентов в этой стране!» Когда Ганс услышал, что он упустил шанс получить в два раза больше денег, чем те, что ему дали, он сошел с ума. Ну, а черные тюльпаны перестали со временем быть редкостью. Наиболее известные их сор­та называются: «Королева ночи», «Черная красавица», «Черная магия», «Черный герой».

Ex 308.Use the right term of the verbs in brackets

I. Harry (wake) early on Saturday morning and (lie) for a while thinking about the coming match. He (be) nervous since Monday, mainly at the thought of what Wood (say) if the team (lose). He never (want) to beat Slytherin so badly. He (get) up, (dress), and (go) down to breakfast early, where he (find) the rest of the team. They (sit) at the long, empty table. Nobody (talk).

II. A week later, Harry, Snape and Ron (walk) across the Entrance Hall when they (see) a small knot of people who (gather) around the notice-board and (read) a piece of parchment that just (pin up). "They (start) a Duelling Club!", (say) Ron. "First meeting tonight! I not (mind) duelling lessons, they (may) come in handy one of these days. We (go)?" Harry and Snape (be) all for it, so at eight o'clock that evening they (hurry) back to the Great Hall. "I wonder who (teach) us? I hope it (be) Frederick," said Snape.



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The Future Perfect Progressive 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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