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There Was an Old Woman

2015-11-09 1571 Обсуждений (0)
There Was an Old Woman 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

(English folk song]

There was an old woman as I've heard tell Who went to the market her eggs for to sell, She went to market all on a market day And she fell asleep on the King's highway.

There came by a pedlar whose name is Stout. He cut her petticoats all round about. He cut her petticoats up to her knees Which made the old woman shiver and freeze.

When this little woman first did awake, She began to shiver and she began to shake. She began to wonder and she began to cry "Lauk a mercy on me, this is none of I!

But if it be as I do hope it be,

I've a little dog at home and he'll know me.

If it be I, he'll wag his little tail,

And if it be not I, he will loudly bark and wail."

Home went the little woman in the dark. Up got the little dog and began to bark. He began to bark and she began to cry "Lauk a mercy on me, this be none of I!"


Ex. 633. Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the cases inversion and emphasis in them.

1. Two sons had she sacrificed for the Fatherland. 2. A nice English boy she had wanted for her niece. One so high-born she had not quite bargained for. 3. Twenty-three she had been at the time, and so young in a variety of ways. 4. So Paris it is! 5. We lived in Farnley, a lovely old manor it was. 6. This she fully intended to do. 7. Maxim was intensely preoccupied with business and not in the mood to cope with Adriana tonight. But cope he must. 8. The prospects were bleak for Dustin, but love her he did. 9. "My brother isn't going to spend the rest of his days in a wheelchair, Doctor! He is going to walk." And walk he did. 10. "I think it is going to rain. I just felt a drop." And Wilson was right. Rain it did. 11. My mother behaved as though my father was dead. But he was not. But exist for me he did, and very much so. 12. Later I was

unable to explain how I came to fall. But fall I did. 13. She could hardly bear to hear those unspeakable things. But remember she did; she could not get them out of her mind. 14. A superstitious Celt that he was, Blackie shivered unexpectedly. 15. The girl had helped him so generously. Such kindness from a stranger he had never received. 16. A good-looking chap Miles was. 17. He had left silently, without so much as a good-bye. But good-bye it had been for him. 18. A kind of understanding had sprung up between them, brief as their acquaintance was. 19. Many a time did I watch him at work. 20. Much as I try to understand his behaviour, I can't agree with it. 21. Right you are!

Ex. 634.Read and translate the sentences Comment on the cases of inversion and emphasis.

A. 1. So intense was his voice that Emily was alarmed. 2. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out, so undone was he. 3. She was mute, unable to say anything, so choked up was she. 4. And like Richard Burton before him, Derek was able to recite Shakespeare and other writers virtually on request, so well versed was he in their works. 5. So happy he felt, as though a large balloon was swelling inside him.

B. 1. God did give me an Easter miracle. 2. Now, that does surprise me! 3. David did indeed speak the truth. 4. And he does have pots and pots of money. 5. Just remember that I do have a very large private income from my trust. 6. Most women do cry at weddings.

Ex. 635.Translate into English

1. Настолько заманчивым было предложение, что они не устояли. 2. Пожалуйста, поверь же мне! 3. Да ты мне льстишь, дорогой! 4. Стив был так поглощен но­востями по телевизору, что не заметил ее кратковре­менного отсутствия. 5. Как вы знаете, у нас действи­тельно было несколько проблем на прошлой неделе-376

6. Извините, но нам в самом деле нужно рано уехать.

7. Постарайтесь все-таки в будущем точно следовать нашим указаниям. 8. Столь красивы были волшеб­ные звуки ее пения, что все были зачарованы. 9. Тебе ведь правда нравится мой новый друг, мама, не так ли? 10. Столь неожиданным был поворот событий, что все были растеряны.


Ex 636. Make sentences with emphatic it. There can be more than one variant.

1. I bought this bag at Macy's. 2. Columbus discovered America in 1492. 3. Sir Christopher Wren designed St. Paul's Cathedral. 4. They met in Venice five years ago. 5. We stayed with the Lovedays in the summer. 6. I lecture English, not French. 7. He left all his fortune to his cat, not to his relatives. 8. Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin. 9. You are wrong, I ordered fish, not meat. 10.1 graduated from University two years ago, not four years ago. 11. The telephone awoke me in early morning. 12. His remarks irritated the listeners.

Ex. 637.Complete the following phrases

I. not for the world... 2. In vain... 3. Only then... 4. Not for love or money... 5. Little... 6. Hardly... 7. Never before... 8. No sign of... 9. Not until... 10. Scarcely...II. Only after... 12. Not for anything... 13. Down... up... 14. Not only... 15. Nowhere... 16. How little... 17. So... 18. Little... 19. No sooner... 20. Such... 21. Should... 22. Had... 23. Many a time... 24. Were... 25. On no account... 26. In no way... 27. At no time...


Ex. 638. Translate into English

1. Тщетно агент пытался получить сведения. Они были сверхсекретными. 2. Столь высоки были став­ки, что они не приняли участия в игре. 3. Как горь­ко она сожалела о своей ошибке, но назад пути не было. 4. Не успел он нажать кнопку автоответчика, как услышал голос Бориса. 5. Случись, что ты увидишь Марину, попроси ее позвонить мне. 6. Знай об этом тогда, моя жизнь могла бы сложиться ина­че. 7. Ну и лентяй же ты! Никогда больше не дове­рю тебе такого серьезного дела! 8. Далеко-далеко, в безбрежном океане, на маленьком острове жил Робинзон Крузо. 9. Едва он нажал кнопку телевизора, как услышал сенсационную новость. 10. Будь я на твоем месте сейчас, я бы была более осторожна. 11. Как сложна современная жизнь! 12. Как мало ему было дела (to care for) до наших проблем. 13. Вели­ко же было их удивление, когда они увидели в небе непонятный объект. 14. Хотя и была она неопытной, но сердце подсказало ей, что Александр — ее судьба. 15. Ни за что на свете мы не покинем вас. Будем вместе до конца.

Ex. 639.Construct sentences out of the following words and phrases Use the inverted word order.

I. the bell, comes, here 2. you, here, are, at last 3. bus, our, here, comes 4. in a dark wood, far away, a little hut, stood 5. a monument, high, the Moskva river, above the city, to Peter the Great, overlooking, stood 6. is, right, she 7. the memory, at the seaside, came, of that wonderful time, then 8. such a starry sky, had seen, I, never before 9. three cottages, in an open place, stood, amidst the big trees 10. came, the roar, from behind the hills, of the ocean

II. care, she, for his words, little, did 12. we, rarely, such a beautiful dawn, had seen

Ex. 640. A. Replace the nouns in bold type by the corresponding pronouns

1. Here is the key. 2. Off went the girl, her nose in the air. 3. Out rushed the scared people. 4. In came the headmistress. 5. Down went the elevator. 6. Up went the rocket. 7. Down came a heavy snowball. 8. The teacher blew a whistle and off ran the children. 9. Off sped the boat toward land. 378

B. Replace the pronouns in bold type by the nouns in brackets.

1. The referee whistled, and in they ran. (the boxers) 2. There you go. (the buyers) 3. Up it flew, (the kite) 4. Down they came, (the prices) 5. Now it comes, (our turn) 6. Off she walked. (Miss Honey) 7. High up it rose, (the helicopter) 8. Off it flew through the open window, (the owl)


Ex. 641. Read and translate the sentences. Pay attention to the word order in the responses.

1. The boss will be at the office tomorrow, and so will the secretary. 2. Bill isn't married and neither is his elder brother. 3. — You look upset, Taras. — So I am. 4.1 have never been to France. Neither has my husband. 5. Sue is wearing jeans today and so is Tracey. 6. — He seems to know everything. — So he does. 7. My parents were at home last night, and so was I. 8. Natasha went to a movie on Saturday, and so did Andrew. 9.1 didn't see that show, and neither did my friends. 10. Monica lives in an apartment. And so does Mel. 11. Our teacher can't speak Japanese, and neither can we. 12. — I think he has to study hard. — So he does. 13. — They did not pass the interview. — Neither did Tatyana. 14. — It's very hot in here. — So it is. 15. — You are a great cook! — So I am.

Ex. 642. A. Agree with the following negative statements.

1. I don't want to make a fuss. 2. We didn't want to offend him 3. She couldn't afford a new coat last year. 4.1 won't listen to such nonsense. 5.1 can't imagine it. 6. Tony doesn't bite his nails. 7. I shouldn't take sugar in my tea. 8. Stephen mustn't eat so much. 9. I don't feel the cold. 10. We haven't gone out today. 11. I'm not really hungry. 12.1 won't ever be rich.

B. Agree with the following positive remarks.

1. I can whistle. 2. We must go now. 3. I'm feeling on top of the world. 4. I'd love a whisky. 5. I'll be there on time. 6.1 smoke too much. 7.1 need a new suit. 8. Nina passed her driving test last month. 9.1 wish the weather would improve. 10. He has a passion for Bach. 11. She's a real opera fan. 12. I'm hoping for a rise.

Ex. 643.Make the dialogues by agreeing or disagreeing with the speaker's idea Use so or neither.

1. I'm tired. 2.1 didn't enjoy the show last night. 3. We have never been to Japan. 4.1 don't feel like studying today. 5.1 need to go to the bank after lunch. 6. We studied hard last semester. 7. He should stay at home and help his wife. 8.1 don't have a computer. 9.1 have to go to the chemist's this afternoon. 10.1 can't speak Italian. 11.1 can speak English.12.1 always have a cup of coffee in the morning. 13.1 don't like hot dogs. 14. Nick lost his passport. 15. Ben is intelligent.

Ex. 644.Translate into English.

1. Он из Швеции, и его жена тоже. 2. — Я пока не заплатила за книги. — И я тоже не заплатила. 3. — Мы слышали, что вы получили интересные сведе­ния. — Да, получили. 4. — Дети не могли устоять перед искушением. — И мы тоже. 5. — Я была уве­рена, что он учится в университете. — Так и есть. 6. Книга очень интересная. И фильм тоже. 7. — Он эксперт в экономике. — Так и есть. 8. — Когда-ни­будь мы поедем в кругосветное путешествие. — И мы тоже. 9. Мы должны поговорить. И наши родители тоже. 10. — Адриан думает, что он гений. — Да, он так думает. (Да, он и есть гений.) 11. Холодильник не работает (не в порядке). И пылесос тоже. 12. — Все любят этого учителя. — Да, это так. 12. Мои друзья не любят боевики, я их тоже не люблю.

Ex. 645.Translate into English.

1. Будь я знаменитым художником, я бы рисовал лишь то, что мне самому нравится. 2. Будь мы предупреждены вовремя, катастрофы можно было бы из­бежать. 3. Никогда прежде нам не было так грустно, как при расставании. 4. Хотя и кратким был наш успех, но забыть его невозможно. 5. Занимательным и поучительным является его рассказ об условиях жизни в викторианской Англии. 6. Много раз (many a time) мы предупреждали ее об этом. 7. Как сильно они ни старались, они тем не менее не смогли дог­нать машину впереди них. 8. Они действительно сде­лали все возможное. 9. На это мы никогда не согла­симся. 10. А вот и такси! 11. Не успел он выйти из машины, как его окружили репортеры. 12. Великолеп­ный он врач! 13. Тщетно Педро пытался оседлать коня. Хоть и был он искусным наездником, лошадь никак не подпускала его к себе. 14. Мы восхищались Север­ным сиянием. Никогда прежде мы не видели ничего более прекрасного. 15. Случись, что у вас возникнут трудности, полиция всегда вам поможет. 16. Настолько захватывающим был спектакль, что дети вскочили со своих мест и начали кричать, чтобы поддержать ге­роя. 17. Не успел Оливер поднести конфету ко рту, как Билли выхватил (to snatch) ее у него. 18. «Ночь не­жна» — роман, сделавший С. Фицджеральда знамени­тым. 19. Мне всегда нравился роман М. Шолохова «Тихий Дон». 20. Затем наступил поворотный момент матча. 21. Ни за что я этого не сделаю.

Ex. 646. Make the following fables by Aesop more emphatic by using version where possible.

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There Was an Old Woman 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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