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I. Translate into Russian as it is and say it in English in active

2015-11-09 939 Обсуждений (0)
I. Translate into Russian as it is and say it in English in active 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. However, it is after the goods have been produced that transport becomes a major issue again.

2. The directors are appointed by the shareholders, normally at the company’s annual general meeting, at which the chairman of the Board will be expected to account for their management during the previous year.

3. James Dodson understood that the more likely a person was to die, the fewer years he or she would be expected to pay each year.

4. The would-be exporter is being faced with a number of problems nowadays.

5. A document known as a bill of exchange (which is similar to a cheque but payable at a future date rather than immediately) was being drawn by the importer in favour of the exporter when the representative of the latter was overseas, at the former’s plant.

6. Before the ship taking a proportion of the risk for the syndicate was signed, the requests for insurance cover had been accepted by the underwriter at Lloyd’s.


II. Translate it into English and say it in Passive.

1. Выставка новых перспективных технологий оказала огромное влияние на развитие международной торговли за последнее время.

2. На днях они отгрузят вторую партию станков, обращаясь с товаром так осторожно, как они могут.

3. На днях как филиал в Москве, так и дочерняя их фирма в Крыму отказались от проведения тестов на территории своего завода в виду вышеуказанных инцидентов.

4. В то время как главный инженер устранял дефекты в изоляции моторов, главный конструктор вносил изменения в отделку автомобилей.

5. Сейчас их представители пересмотрят вопросы поставки.

6. До завтрашних переговоров бухгалтер подготовит отчет о доходах и расходах нового филиала на Кавказе.


III. Choose between Active and Passive; translate into Russian, ask 5 questions.

Ordinary stocks normally, but not invariably, (to carry)…voting power. Some stock units (to issue)…which (to give)…more than one vote per stock unit, but multiple voting stock, as it (to call)…, (to be)…not common. Some investors (to want)…to accept non-voting ordinary stock (usually designed “A” stock) on the power in any case. However, when there (to be) a take-over in the offing( в недалеком будущем), the voting stocks (to expect)…to stand at a premium in relation to the price of the non-voting stocks.


Test 6

I. Choose the correct variant.

1. Письма отправлены секретарем вчера. a) were send b) was sent c) were dispatched

2. Until the terms of delivery…agreed on, the contract…not…signed. a) will/ will b) will be/ will be c) are/ will be

3. Дефекты устраняют прямо сейчас, не волнуйтесь. a) are eliminated b) are being eliminated c) eliminated

4. Yesterday by 5 the last lot of the goods…shipped. a) had been b) were c) was

5. By the time the new model…promoted, the expenses on advertising campaign…increased twice. a) will be/ will be b) will have been/ will be c) is/ will have been

6. When the vice-president appeared at the end of the stock-holders meeting, the tender of the joint venture Vaupschau…still considered. a) was being b) was c) be


II. Respond it in Passive, if possible, and translate into Russian, as it is; ask questions.

1. It has taken him 2 hours to look through all the trade documents, attached to the contract such as a commercial invoice, certificate of work’s tests, certificate of origin, consignment note. (alternative)

2. At the beginning of the production they carefully considered all the demands of potential consumers, taxes imposed on imported raw materials, expenses on assembling lines maintenance, the costs of replacing quick-wearing parts and so on. (disjunctive)

3. They insisted on the guarantee period to be extended to 24 months from the date of putting the equipment into operation. (general negative)

4. The chairman of the board of stock-holders meetings will make a report of financial state of the company and will inform the stock holders of the forthcoming transaction. (special)

5. The bookkeeper is quoting new prices considering all new taxes on premises, so I suppose the costs will go up accordingly.

6. Although only by last Friday they had shipped the last lot of the commodity under contract 134, I believe the Buyers won’t be able to effect all the necessary payments in time and they will have had to reimburse extra days charges by the end of that month.


III. Translate into English and then say it also in Active.


1. Товары будут отправлены в течение 2 дней по получению вашего оформленного заказа.

2. Только что проверили груз, предназначенный к отгрузке.

3. Предложение той фирмы можно сравнить с таким же от наших постоянных покупателей.

4. Цены на днях пересмотрели, так как они не были приемлемыми для новых покупателей.

5. До следующего понедельника будет сделано все возможное, чтобы получить лицензию на распространение новой компьютерной программы на нашем рынке.

6. Сейчас маркируют все ящики специальной несмываемой краской.


Test 7

I. Say it in Passive.

1. That firm has been supplying us with the machine tools of the most superior quality on our market for 5 years.

2. The personnel department always insists on recruiting applicants of only with proficiency.

3. On our part we are revising the prices in 3 days.

4. While our competitors were advertising their model A 74 with inferior isolation, our design department was doing its best to increase the efficiency and capacity of our C67.

5. In view of the above we will have to handle some problems of reconsidering the validity of the specifications.

6. They had waived the tests on their premises before their manager contacted the director.

7. The sole exports of gray cloth from Russia agreed on granting us a 5 % discount to meet our vice-president’s request.


II. Say it in Active.

1. After the goods had been thoroughly examined, the work’s test certificate was signed.

2. Your account was exhausted 2 days ago.

3. The validity of the blank is being discussed by the Board of Directors right now.

4. Before the license on sale here is obtained, we shall have had to discuss the shares of ours in business carefully.

5. The cases were being marked when the sale manager noticed that it had been done with non-waterproof paint for 2 days.

6. At least a full set of drawings will be received one of these days.

7. The total value of the goods is amounted to $20,000.

8. As stated above the fewer tools are ordered, the less tax will be imposed on our lot.


2015-11-09 939 Обсуждений (0)
I. Translate into Russian as it is and say it in English in active 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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