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A. Read the statements below and circle YES or NO. Tick the questions that you would like to discuss with your group mates. Organize a discussion after reading the text

2015-11-06 1353 Обсуждений (0)
A. Read the statements below and circle YES or NO. Tick the questions that you would like to discuss with your group mates. Organize a discussion after reading the text 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………….… 2

2. Active vocabulary …………………………………………………………………… 3

3. About lies ………………………………………………………………………….…. 5

4. Body language …………………………………………………………………..……. 8

5. Apology ……………………………………………………………………………… 11

6. Stress versus humor ………………………………………………………………… 14

7. Love is life …………………………………………………………………………... 20

8. Literature …………………………………………………………………………… 25

9. Keys to exercises ……………………………………………………………………. 25


One day you feel good and the next you feel bad, and between those two poles are compressed all the joys of heaven and the anguish of hell. The events that prompt feelings, the justification for the feelings, even the reality of the perceptions that lead to them are all unimportant. It is the feeling that counts.

Despite its importance, there is an incredible amount of confusion about feelings and emotions in both the minds of the public and the attention of the "experts". "Emotion" is the general term which encompasses the feeling tone, the biophysiological state, and even the chemical changes we are beginning to understand under­line the sensations we experience; "feeing" is our subjective - awareness of our own emotional state. It is that which we experience; that which we know about our current emotional condition.

Feelings, particularly the complex and subtle range of feelings in human beings, are testament to our capacity for choice and learning. Feelings are the instruments of rationality, not — as some would have it — alternatives to it. Because we are intelligent creatures, we are capable of, and dependent on, using rational choice to decide our futures. Feelings become guides to that choice.

We are not just passive responders, as some lower life forms are, to that which the environment offers us. We can avoid cer­tain conditions, select out others, and anticipate both and, moreover, via anticipation we can even modify the nature of the environment. Feelings are fine tunings directing the ways in which we will meet and manipulate our environment.


1. to tell the truth – сказать правду

2. to tell a lie (lies) – лгать

3. to lie – солгать

4. a resourceful liar – находчивый лжец

5. to detect a lie – определить ложь

6. to hurt one’s feelings – задеть чьи-то чувства

7. to annihilate one’s dignity – унизить чьё-либо достоинство

8. to humiliate – унижать

9. to deceive – обманывать

10. to avoid offence – избежать обиды

11. to offend smb. – обидеть кого-либо

12. an offence – обида

13. a white lie – «белая ложь»

14. a bold faces lie – «наглая ложь»

15. perjury [‘pэ:dᴣэri] – клятвопреступление, ложь в суде

16. hoax – обман, розыгрыш

17. to become a victim of fraud – стать жертвой мошенничества

18. forgery [‘fo:dᴣэri] – подделка документов

19. distrustful – недоверчивый

20. suspicious – подозрительный

21. a means of communication – средство общения

22. (non)verbal communication – (не)вербальное общение

23. to convey feelings – передавать чувства

24. arrogance – высокомерие

25. pride – гордость

26. affection – привязанность

27. respect – уважение

28. a hug – объятие

29. to pat smb. on the shoulder – похлопать кого-либо по плечу

30. to nod one’s head – кивать головой

31. to shake one’s head – качать головой

32. to facilitate one’s communication – способствовать общению

33. facial expression – выражение лица

34. posture – поза

35. to wink at smb. – подмигивать кому-либо

36. to fold one’s arms – скрестить руки на груди

37. to sit with one’s legs crossed – сидеть со скрещенными ногами

38. to wave (one’s hand) – махать рукой

39. an insult – оскорбление

40. to slouch – раскачиваться на ногах

41. to be self-confident – быть уверенным в себе

42. to lack confidence – испытывать недостаток уверенности

43. to hesitate – колебаться

44. disapproval – неодобрение

45. irritation – раздражение

46. a sincere smile – искренняя улыбка

47. a fixed smile – «натянутая» улыбка

48. misunderstanding – недопонимание

49. to admit / to acknowledge one’s mistake / fault – признать свою ошибку / вину

50. to rectify one’s mistake – устранить ошибку

51. to apologize to smb. – извиниться перед кем-либо

52. an apology / to give an apology – извиниться

53. apologetic – извиняющийся (взгляд, улыбка)

54. to regret – сожалеть

55. to accept one’s blame – принять свою вину

56. to restore a sense of justice – восстановить чувство справедливости

57. to accuse smb. – обвинить кого-либо

58. reconciliation – примирение

59. to settle a conflict – уладить конфликт

60. to forgive – простить

61. forgiveness – прощение

62. trusting relationships – доверительные отношения

63. (to feel) (deep) remorse – (глубокие) угрызения совести

64. hectic lifestyle – беспорядочный, лихорадочный образ жизни

65. fatigue – усталость

66. exhaustion – истощение (моральное)

67. tension – напряжение

68. loss of concentration – потеря внимания

69. to find some distraction – найти отвлечение

70. to escape one’s problems – убежать от проблем

71. to be vulnerable to smth. – быть уязвимым для чего-либо

72. anti-anxiety medications – успокоительные препараты

73. anti-depressants – антидепрессанты

74. to cause addiction – вызывать привыкание

75. a suicide – суицид, самоубийство

76. to cope with stress – справиться со стрессом

77. a feeling of fondness – чувство привязанности

78. the essence of love – суть любви

79. passion – страсть

80. to stand the test of time – выдержать проверку временем

81. mutual understanding – взаимное понимание

82. jealousy – ревность

83. to be jealous – ревновать

I. About lies

A. Read the statements below and circle YES or NO. Tick the questions that you would like to discuss with your group mates. Organize a discussion after reading the text.


1. I often tell a lie. YES/NO

2. I always feel at ease when I have to tell a lie. YES/NO

3. I sometimes pretend that I am. ill if 1 don't want to do some work. YES/NO

4. When I tell a lie, my facial expression, posture and gestures never change. YES/NO

5. Sometimes I tell a lie because of the excitement of taking a risk of being caught. YES/NO

6. I don't care if a lie will be discovered. YES/NO

7. I often use cribs during tests and exams. YES/NO

8. If I have done something wrong, I try to put the blame on other people. YES/NO

9. When somebody asks me to lend him some money, I say that I am hard up for money myself even if it is not so. YES/NO

10. I often conceal my problems from my relatives and friends. YES/NO


(The more positive answers you have, the more sophisticated liar you are)

2015-11-06 1353 Обсуждений (0)
A. Read the statements below and circle YES or NO. Tick the questions that you would like to discuss with your group mates. Organize a discussion after reading the text 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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