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Task 1 In English you can make the name of a person who does a job by adding one of the following suffixes

2016-01-26 1617 Обсуждений (0)
Task 1 In English you can make the name of a person who does a job by adding one of the following suffixes 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

• Electric…

• Farm …

• Photograph …

• Garden …

• Manage …

• Art …


- r




Task 2 We can make the name of jobs like this:

He teaches .

They repaired cars.

I will teach children

He is a teacher.

They were technicians.

I will be a teacher.

Say what these people are.

He played football .

She will paint.

She manages . He is a … .

I sang . She will be a

He looks after a garden . I was a…

They built houses.

He works on a farm.

Task 3 Name these professions

Task 4 Match the words and the sentences

1. a doctor

2. a policeman

3. a clown

4. a postman

5. a dancer

6. a fireman

7. a baker

8. a dentist

9. a pupil

10. a teacher

a) He bakes bread.
b) He works in a circus.
c) He takes care of our teeth.
d) He fights fires.
e) She studies at school.
f) He delivers letters.
g) She gives pupils homework.
h) He helps sick people.
i) He protects people.
j) She works in a theatre.

Task 5 Professions can be:

prestigious, not prestigious, up-to-date, out-of-date, well-paid, low-paid, rare and widespread.

Make sentences expressing your point of view. Begin with…
To my mind…
I think…
ex: To my mind the profession of a manager is very prestigious

photographer, school master, physician (doctor), conductor,

bus driver, bricklayer (каменщик), tailor (портной), weaver (ткач), judge,

shop-assistant, physicist, manager, accountant, programmer,

fashion designer, architect.


Task 6 You know that there are some professional fields: Sciences, Law, Architecture and Urban Planning, Environmental Science, Agriculture and Forestry, Journalism, Library and Information Science, Computer Science and so on. Each profession requires definite character features.

Match the fields on the left with the features on the right.


1. technical
2. art
3. humanities
4. working-class
5. Service


a) imaginative, artistic, loving, big hearted
b) practical, active, energetic, organized.
c) logical, rational, fast-thinking, cool-headed
d) expressive, observant professions (наблюдательный)
e) helpful, communicative, reliable.

Task 7 Which characteristics are necessary for people of these professions: pilot, teacher, doctor (physician), physicist, sportsman, bricklayer, programmer, accountant.
Make up the sentences.

ex: A teacher should be patient, intellectual, loving children.

strength (сила)
responsibility (ответственность)

reliability (надежность)
creativity (творчество)
observation (внимание к деталям)
patience (терпение)
common sense (здравый смысл)

logical mind

Task 8 Use the clue below to help you hues these job related words




Task 9 Make a story about your paremts professions using the information fron the Unit




Task 1 Прочитайте слова с долгим [o] и кратким [0].

[o] [0]
form hot
more crop
warm dog
short job
course pot
corn stock
water economist



Task 2. Прочитайте слова

[p] [b] [p] или [b]
pet Born occupation deep
potato About parents biography
plate Black brother spend
pass Busy ambition hobby
pupil Book keep better
sport But botany important


Task 3. Прочитайте следующие пары слов.

[p] [b] [p] [b]

park - парк bark - лаять pud - детская ручка bud - почка

par - равенство bar - бар pug - мятая глина bug - жук

pie - пирог buy - покупать pull - тянуть bull - бык

path - путь bath - ванна cap - кепка cab – экипаж

Task 4. Прочитайте слова, обращая внимание на долготу и краткость гласных звуков [a:],[A].

[a:] [A] [a:] или [A]

large cut come brother

dark number calm aunt

class summer mother uncle

ask luck husband father

plant son country cousin

after love part rather


Task 5. Изучите материал по словообразованию и выполните следующие упражнения:

А) Суффиксы -er, -or образуют существительные от глаголов и обозначают действующее лицо или механизм, выполняющий действие.

to teach (обучать) – teacher (учитель)

to direct (руководить) – director (руководитель)

- Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса -er и переведите их на русский язык.

To work, to farm, to plant, to grow, to lead, to write, to read, to speak,

to sleep, to drive, to fi ght, to mine, to report, to sing, to skate, to swim,

to teach, to travel, to found, to compose.

- Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса -or и переведите их на русский язык.

To act, to visit, to direct, to invent, to generate, to indicate, to translate,

to refrigerate, to collect, to select, to instruct, to dictate, to conduct.

- Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. Are you a smoker?

2. Are you a good dancer?

3. Are you a heavy sleeper?

4. Who is an early riser in your family?

5. Is your friend a great talker?


Б) Приставка pre- имеет значение «перед, ранее, до», приставка post- - «после», приставка under- - «недостаточно». war (война, военный) - pre-war (довоенный) war (война, военный) - post-war (послевоенный) to pay (платить) - to underpay (недоплатить)

- Определите значение следующих слов с приставками. pre- - prehistoric, pre-revolutionary, predetermine, pre-capitalist; post- - post-graduate, postscript, post-glacial, postposition; under- - underproduction, undervalue, underdeveloped, underdo. underfeed.


Task 6. Прочитайте и выучите слова:


Advanced students


Agromechanical faculty

Agro-power faculty

Associate professor

Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences

Crop cultivation


Qualified specialist

Engineer for electrification

Агромеханический факультет
Агроэнергетический факультет
Член-корреспондент Академии наук

квалифицированный специалист
Инженер по электрификации

Продвинутые студенты
сельское хозяйство




Farm machinery maintenance mechanic

Farm machinery service faculty

Higher educational establishment

Industrial enterprise

Industrial practice

Joint venture

Livestock breeding

Mechanic engineer

Teaching staff

Thorough study

To carry out the research work

To found

To provide

To train specialists

Under the guidance of supervisors


Well-planed campus



механик по обслуживания

факультет Техническое обслуживание сельхозмашин
Высшее учебное заведение
промышленное предприятие
Производственная практика
Совместное предприятие
Педагогические работники учебных заведений
тщательное изучение
Для проведения научно-исследовательской работы
Для найдены
Для обеспечения
Для подготовки специалистов
Под руководством кураторов
Хорошо оборудованные
Хорошо планируется кампуса

Task 7. Guess the meaning of the following international words and word combinations:

specialist, academy, professor, agromechanical faculty, mechanic engineer, engineer forelectrification, engineer-ecologist, industrial practice, combination, academician, technical, operation.


Task 8.Odd word or word combination out: the one which doesn’t fit into the group of synonyms.

Advanced - best, superior, skilful, intelligent, backward, beneficial;

to train - to prepare, to teach, to accustom, to join, to supervise, to instruct;

to carry out - to do, to fulfill, to perform, to compensate, to act, to solve;

to found - to establish, to base, to originate, to compress, to built, to lay base of;

to achieve - to accomplish, to perform, to ignore, to attain, to acquire, to reach;

to comprise - to include, to distribute, to consist of, to have, to contain, to hold;

thorough - complete, superficial, well-grounded, solid, substantial, stout.


Task 9.Find the word on the right which should logically follow the word on the left:

teaching specialists

to train students

associate practice

well-planned the University

industrial staff

to curry out the research work

experienced professor

excellent employment

to enter teachers


Task 10. What are these words derived from? Notice the different suffixes, indicating different parts of speech.

Educational, establishment, agricultural, provider, combination, farming, getting, practical, employment, training, production, development, academician, manager, technical, considerable, equipment, operation, maintenance, importance, guidance, accommodation.

Task 11. Before you read the text “My University” say why you decided to enter the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Ryazan State Agrotechnological University Named After P.A. Kostychev»

What do you know about this University? Read the statements given below and agree or disagree with them.

1. The Ryazan State Agrotechnological University t is a very old higher educational establishment.

2. The RSAU trains qualified specialists for agro-industrial complex.

3. The overall number of students is more than two thousand.

4. There are three faculties at the University.

5. All the faculties provide the students with capital knowledge of technical and agricultural sciences during 4 years of studying at the University.

6. Industrial practice activities of the students are organized at the University training farm


Task 12. Прочитайте и выучите полное название университета и отделений.

the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Ryazan State Agrotechnological University Named After P.A. Kostychev», Ryazan State Agricultural Academy, advanced vocational training institute., Road Transport Department. Engineering Department, Vet Medicine and Biotechnology Department, Technological Department, Department of Economics and Management. Pre-University Department

Task 13. Read the text and say if you are right or wrong.


The history of the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Ryazan State Agrotechnological University Named After P.A. Kostychev» lasts more than sixty years. On May, 18th 1949 the Council of Ministers of the USSR accepted the solution to found the Agricultural Institute in Ryazan. On May, 30th 1949 Ryazan Agricultural the Institute was named after Pavel Andreevich Kostychev by the resolution of the Ministry of Higher Education.

In 1949 Ryazan Agricultural Institute Named after Professor P.A. Kostychev set about studying the first students on specialties «Agronomy» and «Zootechnics».

In 1995 the institute got the status of Ryazan State Agricultural Academy Named after Professor P.A. Kostychev for the merits in personnel training and faculty’s great contribution to science and industry. In 2007 the academy got the status of the university. Let them say that 60 years is not an age for the institution, but not everyone can promote from the institute to the university for such a period of time!

Having passed a great way of formation and developing the University has turned to be one of the biggest agrarian universities of the Russian Federation. Today FSBEI HPE «Ryazan State Agrotechnological University Named after P.A. Kostychev» is a multi-field institution that has got a license and a state accreditation. It is a big educational and scientific center.

Nowadays FSBEI HPE «Ryazan State Agrotechnological University Named after P.A. Kostychev» is a scientific training and production complex having 6 departments, 38 faculties, branches of the faculties on the factory floor, engineering-economic institute, advanced vocational training institute, resource center, profile classes in secondary schools, research institutions of different profiles.

Today the University uses computers and different information technologies in training process. It presupposes the practical study and integration of educational process and science. The institution has been among the first in Russia to start the target specialists training under contract with the Ministry of comfortable dorms, a library having more than 735 thousand volumes; the library branches are situated in 4 educational buildings; there is open access to Internet resources, including electronic-library systems; an aid post; 4 canteens and a café; health camp «Laskovo»; a sports center, including a stadium and 5 gyms.

The University prepares the personnel for enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of Ryazan oblast and other branches of industry (Tula, Tambov, Moscow, Lipetsk and others) as well as for the city enterprises connected with production, processing and realization of food, building, road transport, planning and accountability, social work.

Due to a wide range of specialties all the graduators of the University get a good job and do not regret about choosing their professions.

There are 350 teachers working at the University. There are 61 Doctors of Science and 192 Candidates of Science among them. All the departments possess training areas in detached buildings. They include laboratories, libraries and computer classes.

Our University has rich and wonderful traditions that many generations of students treasure and increase. During its activity the University has prepared more than 40 thousand specialists including engineers (mechanic engineer, electrical engineer, automotive engineer, machinists and others), accountants, economists, merchandisers, ecologists, agronomists, technologists, zoo-engineers, veterinarians and others.

Every year more and more people want to enter our University. Those who will do will realize proudly that they are the best of the best! The knowledge you get at the University is your only capital that is not afraid of inflation! Training at our University targets the students at the perspective, multiply their potential for future development. Due to this many graduators of ours now hold leading positions at state and commercial organizations of the oblast and other regions of Russia. We prepare real professionals who are always necessary everywhere regardless the economic situation in the country!

Task 14. Look through the text again to find the facts which were quite new to you and the facts which were already known to you.

Task 15. In what paragraphs can you find the following information:

a) the teaching staff paragraph -
b) the foundation of the University paragraph -
c) sport at the University paragraph -
d) the faculties at the University paragraph -
e) the number of students at the University paragraph -
f) the Student’s Scientific society paragraph -
g) industrial practice activities paragraph -


Task 16. Identify the main ideas of each paragraph and look for sentences that carry the main thrust of the arguments.

Task 17. A delegation of students and teachers from Cambridge are on a visit at your University. You are asked questions about it. Give information about the items listed below:

1) the name of your University;

2) its location;

3) the faculties at the University;

4) how long the complete course lasts;

5) the number of the students at the University;

6) the subjects you study;

7) the equipment the University is provided with;

8) the student’s hostels;

9) what you like and what you don’t like about the University.


Task 18. What words/ideas would you associate with A GOOD LEVEL OF EDUCATION? A beginning has already been made for you. Fill in the word web.





Your friend who is 20 years old works as a car mechanic. He wants to continue his education in order to become an engineer. He doesn’t know which faculty to choose. Help him to solve his problem. Give your reasons. Work in pairs.




Task 1. Прочитайте слова с долгим [о:] и кратким [о].


















Task 2. Прочитайте пары слов, соблюдая качественные и количественные различия в артикуляции звуков [о:] и [р].

fought – fox torn – top

bought – box cord – cot

caught – cox lord – lot

naughty – not sport – spot

Task3. Изучите материал по словообразованию и выполните следующие упражнения:

А) Приставка pre- имеет значение «перед, ранее, до», приставка

post- «после», приставка under- «недостаточно».

war (война, военный) – pre-war (довоенный)

war (война, военный) – post-war (послевоенный)

to pay (платить) – to underpay (недоплатить)

- Определите значение следующих слов с приставками.

pre- – prehistoric, pre-revolutionary, predetermine, pre-capitalist;

post- – post-graduate, postscript, post-glacial, postposition;

under- – underproduction, undervalue, underdeveloped, underdo,


- Pronounce the words and word combinations paying special atten­tion to the junction of the sounds.

unnatural picture=of the farm

unnoticed pair=of horses

a broken=knife danger=of pollution

last=time fertilizer=in soil

that=chair water=in the river

quite=true nature=and man

was=seen agriculture=and industry

is=sent enter=or leave

I wish=she were here better=or worse

Б) Суффикс -ism служит для образования существительных, которые обозначают политические, философские, религиозные течения или экономические формации.

При помощи суффикса -ist образуются существительные, обозна­чающие профессии, вид деятельности или принадлежность к полити­ческому направлению.

capitalism - капитализм capitalist - капиталист

- Read the nouns with the suffix -ist and translate them into Russian.

a chemist a capitalist

a biologist a dentist

a socialist an economist

an internationalist a communist

- Form nouns with the suffix -ism and translate them into Russian.

- a physicist

- an ecologist

- an artist

- a journalist

- a realist

- a humanist

- a materialist

- an internationalist

- a socialist

Task 4Прочитайте и переведите:

chance [tja:ns] - случай, шанс by chance, it is not by chance I got this job by chance.

It is not by chance that I entered the Agrarian University.

to enter [entq] - войти, поступить (в вуз) to enter the University

Every year about 3,000 students enter our University.

In order to enter a University you must pass a number of examinations.

to leave [li:v] (left, left) - покидать, оставлять, заканчивать (сред­нюю школу)

to leave school, after leaving school Many children leave school at fifteen.

to graduate from - заканчивать (вуз)

After graduating from the University I will work as an agronomist.

to hesitate (about) - колебаться, сомневаться Did you hesitate about the choice of your future profession?

research - научные исследования research work

They carry out very important research to increase yields of wheat.

to work - работать

to work out - разрабатывать (программу), работать над (программой) to work on the problem Many of the students work out interesting projects.

busy - to be busy with - заниматься (чем-либо) During their practice students are busy with feeding and breeding farm animals.

to take care of - заботиться, ухаживать за Nurses take care of their patients at the hospitals.

to require– требовать syn. to demand, to ask for

Any work requires special professional skills.

a calf - теленок; мн.ч. calves There are many calves in the fields in summer.

practice [prxktis] - практика

educational and training practice - учебно-производственная практика

We usually have educational and training practice on the farm.

(to) measure - мера, измерять

plant protection measures - меры по защите растений

The house measures 60 feet long. Дом имеет 60 футов в длину.

to increase - увеличивать(ся), расти

The productivity of labour increased by 10 %.

finance - финансы, доходы family finances - семейный бюджет

application - 1) заявление, прошение; 2) применение an application form (blank) - анкета поступающего на работу An effective fertilizer application system is used on this farm.

pollution загрязнение to pollute - загрязнять

The problem of air pollution in large cities was discussed at the con­ference.

soil - почва syn. land, ground, earth types of soils - виды почв

Soil science deals with types of soils and their cultivation.

Task 5 Read the text and find the information about the subjects you study at the University and your future possible specialities.

It is not by chance that I entered the Agritechnical University in Ryazan. My parents have a small garden and we work there from spring till autumn. We grow different kinds of fruit and vegetables there. My grandparents have a lot of farm animals. I like to feed pigs, milk cows and take care of small piglets and calves. And after leaving school I didn't hesitate about the choice of my future profession.

There are 7 faculties at our University: the Agronomical, the Plant Protection, the Biotechnological Faculties, the Faculty of Economics, the Veterinary Medicine one, the Accounting and the Engineering Technology Faculties. The University trains students to work on the farms as agrono­mists, stock-breeding engineers, veterinary doctors, engineers-technolo­gists, agricultural economists and accountants.

We study a lot of subjects necessary for our future work - botany, soil science, field-crop cultivation, seed-farming, selection, agrobiology, agri­cultural chemistry, financial planning, law, agricultural ecology, accounting. Our future work will require special professional skills to operate modern equipment. So, such subjects as informatics, biochemistry and biophysics become very important. At the tutorials and seminars we learn how to use the acquired knowledge in our future practical work. Every year we write our course-papers.

Great attention is also given to the independent education and research work of the students. In the Students' Scientific Society many of the stu­dents work on interesting theoretical and practical problems.

In order to combine correctly theoretical and practical education of the future specialists, about one-third of the training period is devoted to edu­cational and training practice on the experimental farms of the University. The students placed into an atmosphere of agricultural reality master their practical skills.

After graduating from the University students go to work to different parts of our country. Their work will include such activities as:

- organization of crop production;

- production, financing and marketing of food products;

- working out fertilizer application systems and plant protection mea­sures;

- increasing the total number of farm livestock;

- control of farm pollution and everyday control of livestock diseases;

- development of manufacturing processes;

- checking and improving the quality food products;

- working out new recipes;

- modifying foods to create fat-free products and ready meals.


Task 6 Translate into English.

Поступить в институт, доить коров, работать в хозяйстве, поле­водство, работать над практическими и теоретическими проблемами, правильно сочетать, учебно-производственная практика, атмосфера сельскохозяйственной действительности, система внесения удобре­ний, мероприятия по защите растений, увеличение общего поголовья сельскохозяйственных животных, улучшение качества, не содержа­щие жира продукты.

Task 7 Match the English words and word-combinations with their Russian equivalents.

By chance управлять современным оборудованием

After leaving school семеноводств

The choice of my future profession приобретенные знания

To operate modern equipment научно-исследовательская работа

To train после окончания университета

A highly qualified specialist выбор моей будущей профессии

Seed-farming курсовая работа

Tutorials после окончания школы

The acquired knowledge обучать, готовить

A course paper семинары

Research work случайно

After graduating from the University высококвалифицированный



Task 8 Find in the list below the words corresponding to the following definitions.

poultry, rotation, profession, measure, botany, fertilizer, soil science, yield, livestock

§ any type of work which needs a special training or particular skill;

§ the scientific study of plants;

§ the scientific study of soils;

§ changing crops which are grown in a particular field;

§ a natural or chemical substance which is spread on the land to make plants grow well;

§ the amount of crops produced;

§ animals and birds kept on a farm;

§ birds, such as chickens, that are bred for eggs and meat;

§ a way to achieve something, a method;

Task 9 Complete the sentences joining their two parts.

Agronomists are busy with a) one-month practice on the farm.

Livestock-experts work out b) to work on the farm as

The second-year students have agronomists and livestock-experts.

The Agrarian University trains students c) work on interesting theoretical

and practical problems.

In the of Students' Scientific Society d) fulfillment of all technical students

measures in crop cultivation.

e) technologies for increasing milk yields percow.

Task 10 Insert prepositions.

1) ... leaving school he did not hesitate ... the choice ... his future profession.

2) I'd like to take care ... small piglets and calves.

3) The Biotechnological Faculty trains students to work . the farms as livestock experts.

4) In the Students' Scientific Society many . the students work . interesting theoretical and practical problems.

5) The fourth-year students have six-months practice ... the farms.

6) All the knowledge I've got ... the university will help me ... my future work.

7) . the tutorials students learn to use the acquired knowledge.

8) Livestock-experts work ... technologies ... increasing milk yields and the total number of livestock.

9) Agricultural economists deal ... financial economic plans.

Task 11 Answer the following questions.

1) Why did you enter the University?

2) What will you do after graduating from the university?

3) What subjects are necessary for your future work?

4) Do you work hard to become a good specialist?

5) Are you a member of the Students' Scientific Society?

6) Do you take part in the students' scientific conferences?

7) How often do you have your practice?

8) What activities will your future work include?

Task 12 Read the leaflet (тонкая брошюра) on how to behave on the first day in a new job. Report each piece of advice.

e.g. The leaflet advises people to be friendly and tells them not to wear informal clothes or heavy make-up.

On the first day in a job:

• be friendly;

• don't wear very informal clothes or heavy make-up;

• be kind and co-operative;

• don't share very personal information - you don't know who you are talking to;

• work hard and don't spend too much time chatting or resting;

• keep your desk tidy at all times;

• don't argue with anyone.

Task 13 There is a small town in England where something very strange has happened. By chance, everyone's surname describes the job that he or she does. Also, everyone's forename starts with the same letters as the surname. So.

Tom Teacher works in the local school.

Betty Baker makes bread.

Here are some other jobs that people do. Work out the correct surnames of the people who do the jobs, and then fit the correct surname to each forename.


a)a person who sells meat 1. Nancy ...

b)a person who delivers letters 2. Fred ...

c)a person who cares for patients at the hospital 3. Basil ...

d)a person who makes and mends suits 4. Diane ...

e)a person who makes things from wood 5. Pat ...

f)a person who looks after people's teeth 6. Colin .

g)a person who keeps sheep and cows 7. Terry .


Task 14 Match the occupations of these people with the type of work they might do.

Headmaster, gardener, farmer, photographer, university student, tourist guide, waitress, secretary, retired person, company manager

shift work_______

part-time work________

full-time work_____

seasonal work_____

voluntary work_____

Task 15 Point out the most important factors in choosing your profession. Put them in order of importance and explain your choice.

1. Work which is useful to society;

2. Good salary or wages;

3. Opportunities to travel;

4. Opportunities to meet different people;

5. Interesting and not boring work;

6. Dealing with animals;

7. Good career prospects;

8. Good working conditions;

9. Friendly colleagues;

10. Long holidays;

11. Other factors




2016-01-26 1617 Обсуждений (0)
Task 1 In English you can make the name of a person who does a job by adding one of the following suffixes 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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Модели организации как закрытой, открытой, частично открытой системы: Закрытая система имеет жесткие фиксированные границы, ее действия относительно независимы...
Как распознать напряжение: Говоря о мышечном напряжении, мы в первую очередь имеем в виду мускулы, прикрепленные к костям ...

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