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Exercise 1. Study the new topical words and word-phrases

2016-01-26 607 Обсуждений (0)
Exercise 1. Study the new topical words and word-phrases 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок




1. to qualify as – приобретать какую-то специальность

2. to turn on (off) the tape-recorder – включать (выключать) магнитофон

3. to (the) music – под музыку

4. a bathroom – ванная комната

5. to take (to have) a shower (a bath) – принимать душ (ванну)

6. to dry (oneself) with a towel – вытираться полотенцем

7. to clean one’s teeth – чистить зубы

8. to brush one’s hair – причесывать волосы

9. to dress (oneself) – одеваться

10. to get up – вставать

11. to get (to a place) – добираться (куда-л.)

12. to make one’s bed – застилать постель

13. to go to bed – ложиться спать

14. to tidy up – убирать, приводить в порядок

15. to have breakfast (lunch, supper) – завтракать, обедать, ужинать

16. to have a good time – веселиться, хорошо проводить время

17. to have tea (coffee) – пить чай (кофе)

18. to refresh one’s memory – освежить в памяти

19. to be in a hurry – торопиться, спешить

20. to be late for – опаздывать

21. either…or… - или…или…

22. to go on foot – идти пешком

23. to go by tram (by bus, by train) – ехать на трамвае (на автобусе, на поезде)

24. It takes me (20 minutes) – мне потребуется (20 минут)

25. to come easy to smb. – не представлять трудностей для кого-то

26. weak point – слабое место

27. to work hard at smth. – упорно работать (над чем-л.)

28. to have much in common – иметь много общего

29. to be fond of smth. – увлекаться (чем-л.)

30. as a matter of fact – на самом деле, в сущности, собственно говоря

31. occasionally – изредка, время от времени

32. to see smb. home – проводить (кого-л.) домой

33. to be fast asleep – крепко спать



Exercise 2. Read and translate the text.

Hi, there! I am Kate. I’d like to tell you about my daily routine. I study at the Medical College. I am a first-year student of the "Nursing Affair" department.

I study many subjects at the College such as ,Russian ,Literature, Mathematics, History, English and others. But my major subject will be Nursing. After graduating from the College I will be qualified as a a nurse. I go to the College every day.

As a rule, I get up at 6.30 in the morning and turn on the tape-recorder. Good health is better than wealth, so I do my morning exercises to the music. After that I go to the bathroom and take my shower. Then I dry myself with a towel, clean my teeth and brush my hair there.

I go back to my bedroom and dress myself. I make my bed, tidy up my things and put my books into the bag.

Then I go to the kitchen to have my breakfast. I usually have some porridge, sandwiches and eggs. I also have tea with milk. After breakfast when I have enough time I usually help my mother to wash plates and cups and to clean the kitchen. Besides, I often read a little to refresh my memory for my tutorials and seminars.

At 8 o’clock I start for the College . My classes begin at 8.30. I am always in a hurry as I am never late for the classes. I live not far from the College so I go there either on foot or by tram. If I go to the College on foot it takes me 20 minutes to get there. If I go to the College by tram it takes me 10 minutes to get there.

There are 15 students in my group. Actually we have one or two tutorials, a lecture or a seminar daily. Biology and Maths come easy to me but English is my weak point. So I have to work hard at it in the language laboratory.

I usually have lunch in the canteen at about 12 o’clock. The lectures are over at three o'clock.

Later some students go home or back to their hostels. Others go to the café (coffee-bar) where they have tea or coffee and talk to their friends.

In the café I usually meet my boyfriend Pete. Actually we have much in common as both of us are very fond of music. As a matter of fact Pete is good at English and he never refuses to consult me.

Occasionally we go to the cinema or to some dance club together and then Pete sees me home. We always have a good time together. At home I don’t go to bed early. I have my supper and do some work about the house. Then I read a little, watch TV or do my homework. It usually takes me several hours to prepare well for the lectures and practice. Before going to bed I usually take a bath. At 12 o’clock I am usually fast asleep. The working day is over.



Exercise 3. Answer the following comprehension questions.

1. Where does Kate study?

2. What year is Kate in?

3. What is Kate’s future speciality ?

4. When does Kate get up?

5. What does Kate do before she starts for the university?

6. What does she usually have for breakfast?

7. How long does it take Kate to get to the Academy?

8. Why does Kate have to work hard in the language laboratory?

9. What does Kate do after classes?

10.How does Pete help Kate?

11.What does Kate do in the evening?


Exercise 4. Complete the following sentences.

1. Kate studies at the …

2. Kate studies many subjects at the College such as …

3. Kate will be qualified as a …

4. Kate usually gets up at …

5. She turns on the tape-recorder and does …

6. She goes to the bathroom and takes her …

7. For breakfast Kate usually has …

8. Kate is always in a hurry as she …

9. Kate goes to the College …

10. It takes Kate …

11. Biology and Maths …

12. English is …

13. After classes Kate usually …

14. Kate usually goes to the library to …

15. In the café she usually meets …

16. Pete is good at English and he never …

17. Occasionally Kate and Pete go to …

18. The working day is over at …


Exercise 5. Agree or disagree with the statements using the following conversational phrases.


- You are right. - I quite agree with you that… - I think so too. - You are not right, I’m afraid. - I don’t think so. - That’s wrong.

1. Kate is a second-year student of the Economics faculty.

2. After graduating from the College Kate will be qualified as a veterinary doctor.

3. Kate usually gets up at 10 o’clock in the morning.

4. After breakfast she often reads a little to refresh her memory for her tutorials and seminars.

5. Kate lives not far from the College so she goes there either on foot or by tram.

6. Actually Kate has one or two tutorials, a lecture or a seminar daily.

7. After lunch she goes home.

8. Kate and Pete have much in common as both of them are very fond of music.

9. Pete isn’t good at English.

10. Pete often sees Kate home.

11. At 11 o’clock Kate is usually fast asleep.


Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into English.


1. По утрам я обычно делаю зарядку под любимую музыку и принимаю холодный душ.

2. Я живу далеко от колледжа, поэтому я езжу туда на автобусе.

3. Гуманитарные дисциплины не представляют для меня трудностей, а вот точные науки – это моё слабое место.

4. После занятий я часто встречаюсь со своими друзьями в кафе.

5. По вечерам я обычно читаю газеты, смотрю телевизор, слушаю музыку или помогаю своей маме по дому.


Exercise 7. Interview Kate's mother/father about Kate (do this work in your group or in pairs).


You want to know:

- if Kate is a first- or a second-year student

- what faculty Kate studies at

- what subjects she studies at the Academy

- how many classes she has every day

- if Kate goes to the Academy by bus or on foot

- how long it takes her to get to the Academy

- what subjects she is not very strong in

- what subjects she is good at

- how many students there are in Kate's group

- if Kate meets Pete in the café

- why Kate and Pete have much in common

- what places they go together

- what Kate usually does after supper

- when Kate goes to bed


Exercise 8. Respond to the following statements expressing your interest, surprise or doubt.

Say that this is true of someone else too. (Give two variants).


Model 1: - Kate is a first-year student (my brother).

· Student 1: Kate is a first-year student.

· Student 2: Is she? So is my brother. // He is also a first-year student.


- Kate studies at the Academy (we).

· Student 1: Kate studies at the Academy.

· Student 2: Does she? So do we. // We also study at the Academy.


Model 2:-Kate isn’t a second-year student (my brother).

· Student 1: Kate isn’t a second-year student.

· Student 2: Isn’t she? Neither is my brother. // My brother isn’t a second-year student



-Kate doesn’t live in Moscow (my sister)

· Student 1: Kate doesn’t live in Moscow.

· Student 2: Doesn’t she? Neither does my sister. // My sister doesn’t live in Moscow



1. Kate is a good friend of mine (Pete)

2. Kate studies economics, mathematics, history, English and others (we)

3. In the second year Kate will study macroeconomics and microeconomics (I)

4. I don’t get up early (my cousin)

5. She always reads a little before tutorials to refresh her memory (they)

6. We never go to the College by bus (my sister)

7. Mathematics doesn’t come easy to Kate (physics)

8. I usually have 5 classes a day (we)

9. Paul works hard at English and other subjects (Helen)

10. After classes Helen was not at all tired (other students)

11. She didn't have lunch at home (Victor)

12. Kate and Pete have much in common (Ann and Tom)

13. I prepare for my tutorials and seminars in the library (my friend)

14. History is not my weak point (English)

15. Helen is fond of reading both English and Russian short stories (Liz)

16. My brother doesn’t go to bed early (my sister)

17. Our teacher never refuses to consult us (our dean)

Exercise 9. Imagine that one of Kate’s relatives is telling you about Kate. Ask him/her all kinds

of questions to expand information. Don’t forget to show your interest, surprise or

doubt. Work in pairs.


Student 1: Kate is a first-year student, you know.

Student 2: Is she? What faculty does she study at? Has she got many friends among the

students? Who is her boyfriend, I wonder? She studies well, doesn’t she?

Exercise 10. Prepare the story about your daily routine and studies. Make use of the topical


Exercise 11. Read the interview and say what new information you have learnt. Compare your

daily routine with that of the Duchess.


2016-01-26 607 Обсуждений (0)
Exercise 1. Study the new topical words and word-phrases 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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