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Are you honest, patient, or shy? You may not know it, but your face and body shape tell all

2016-01-26 365 Обсуждений (0)
Are you honest, patient, or shy? You may not know it, but your face and body shape tell all 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Square – physical Are you well-built with a square face and square head? Your body shape suggests that you like sports. You are ambitious and lose your temper easily, but you cool off just as quickly. You are also very smart. Your sharp mind and skilled hands make you a good scientist, mechanic, engineer or labourer.  



Round – emotional Is the shape of your face and body round? Then you’re sensitive and honest. You need to feel secure and behave like a ‘mother’ to your peers. You are good with money and respect family life. You can do well in finance, catering, sales and banking.  



Triangular – mental A head that looks like an upside – down triangle, a thin body shape, and a wide forehead suggest you are intelligent. You are also creative and sensitive. You don’t trust others easily. You can be a successful writer, journalist or politician.  



Oblong – practical Your oblong – shaped face and long body suggest you are intelligent and ambitious. People think you are greedy, but you want to lead a comfortable life. You work long hours and try to succeed. You can do well as an actor or model.  


Exercise 1 Complete the chart to present each face shape.


Grammar: Comparisons of Adjectives

Exercise 1 Form the correct form, comparative or superlative.


big ___________ ____________
small ___________ ____________
slow ___________ ____________
rich ___________ ____________
poor ___________ ____________
ugly ___________ ____________
busy ___________ ____________
comfortable ___________ ____________
difficult ___________ ____________
important ___________ ____________
good ___________ ____________
bad ___________ ____________

Exercise 2 Put the words in brackets in the correct form, comparative or superlative.

1. Kiev is ____ (old) than Moscow.

2. Text 1 is _____ (difficult) than text 2.

3. This is _____ (comfortable) room in my flat.

4. He is _____ (strong) in the whole school.

5. Thailand is _____ (sunny) than Norway.

6. My English is _____ (bad) now than it was a year ago!

7. What’s the _____ (good) way to get to the airport?

8. How much is_____ (cheap) ticket to Oslo?


Exercise 3 Put the words in brackets in the correct form, comparative or superlative.

1. My brother’s bedroom is ____ (small) than mine.

2. Mothers have ____ (important) job in the world.

3. It’s ____ (healthy) to eat fruit than to eat sweets.

4. Tokyo’s ____ (big) than Sydney.

5. ____ (expensive) mobile phone in the world costs £ 500,000.

6. Luxembourg is ____(rich) country in the world.

7. I like these sunglasses, but they’re ____ (expensive) than the green ones.

8. Pele is ____ (good) footballer of all time.




Text: Leisure survey Grammar: Present Perfect Simple Present Perfect Continuous Vocabulary

Vocabulary & Speaking

2016-01-26 365 Обсуждений (0)
Are you honest, patient, or shy? You may not know it, but your face and body shape tell all 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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