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D) Outdoor advertising

2016-01-26 785 Обсуждений (0)
D) Outdoor advertising 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

This includes posters, advertisements on vans and buses and in trains. The message must be simple and short, perhaps with an immediately recognizable illustration.

Hoarding advertisements are usually put up in eye-catching positions at the side of the road. The cost of the advertisement will depend on where the hoarding is and how large it is. If it is in a very good position and near the centre of the city where it will be seen by many potential customers, then it will probably be quite expensive. The sites are usually rented out to clients on a monthly basis by an advertising agency.

Hand bills are quite often used by local traders to advertise their goods and services. They are expensive in labour and costs and are not very effective.

Transport. The inside and the outside of buses, trains, vans and other kinds of public transport are used in transport advertising. The most expensive position is where the advertisement is most likely to be seen by the public such as the back of a bus or the inside of a bus, especially are the front where the potential customer will be seated looking at it. The most inexpensive position is upstairs on the bus or at the back inside the bus. It is difficult to tell whether transport advertising is effective.

The cinema screen is used for advertising by local and national traders. Like transport advertising, it is difficult to judge how effective cinema advertising is.

Neon displays are mostly used by large firms. The signs are usually displayed in city centres.

Trade fairs and shows

The Motor Show, the Boat Show and the Ideal Homes Exhibition are a few examples of trade fairs and shows. Dairy products may be advertised at agricultural shows. Aircraft may be advertised and displayed at the Farnborough Air Show. The disadvantage is that the shows and exhibitions are expensive to organize.

It is very difficult for advertisers to tell whether a particular advertisement or method has been effective, but no doubt that without advertising the customer would never hear of some products. Perhaps the most effective advertising of all is the recommendation of the product by a satisfied customer to a potential customer – advertising by word of mouth.

1. Give synonyms to the following words:

Hoarding, advertisement, to advertise, to affect


2. Say in one word:

ü the forms used to carry advertising;

ü money gained in business;

ü a person who competes (takes part in a contest);

ü trademark (painted or printed on boxes, tins, packets) particular kind of goods with such a mark;

ü public announcement in the press, on TV, etc with the aim to sell certain merchandise or services;

ü a newspaper with a very large circulation, distributed throughout the country or even countries;

ü Special investigation to get information about people's preferences. It is often done before an advertising campaign or even before a product is made;

ü a person who uses goods.


3. Make up sentences with the given words:

Advertising media, psychological approach, national newspaper, peak viewing time, outdoor advertising, turnover, competitor.

Planning advertising. SPEAR, a mall order company, is planning a new advertising campaign. Below is an extract from an internal report to senior marketers in the company. Fill each gap in the report with a word or phrase from the box.

Advertisements advertising mix campaign catalogue

commercials competition consumer awareness

direct mail hard sell impulse buying

mailshot online website


Our plan is to sell products through a (1) catalogue and mail order service. We will use a high pressure, (2)_______________ approach. We can attract customers to order the goods by offering special (3)_______________ prizes. Once the catalogue arrives, consumers will order goods which have an instant appeal. We will depend on (4)_______________.

Another approach is to run a long advertising (5)_______________ to increase (6)_______________ of our products. We plan a variety of advertising techniques: this (7)_______________ will consist of television (8 )_______________ , newspaper (9)________________ , and street advertising. We have a good target customer database, so we will use (10)_______________. We plan to do a (11) _______________ twice, to put extra pressure on those who do not answer the first time.

We also have a company (12) where we advertise our products. Customers can also order goods (13).


Fill in the blanks.

1. Advertising is used to create c------- interest in a pro--- and to increase the s---- of that product.

2. D---------- advertising gives the bare facts about the product.

3. Descriptive advertising says w--- it is, how much it will c--- and w---- it may be obtained.

4. Descriptive advertising is the ch------ type of advertising and brings q---- results.

5. The type of advertising which uses brand names like OXO is called p--------- advertising.

6. Most advertisements are both d---------- and p---------.

7. T--------- advertising is the most ex------- advertising m----.

8. Most advertising is done both l---- and nat-----.

9. Technical journals and trade fairs are used mostly by ind------- firms to advertise their pr------.

10.Some examples of advertising media are t---------, n---------, r----, h--------, c------, neon d-------, and t---- f----.

2016-01-26 785 Обсуждений (0)
D) Outdoor advertising 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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