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Make up letters according to the situations. Напишите письмо Вашим партнерам

2016-09-16 446 Обсуждений (0)
Make up letters according to the situations. Напишите письмо Вашим партнерам 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


Assignment 1

Напишите письмо Вашим партнерам. Выясните, когда они направят счет-фактуру на товары, отгруженные две недели назад и прибывшие 5 дней назад. Вы удивлены, что счета до сих пор нет. Отметьте, что Вы настаиваете на срочном решении вопроса.


Assignment 2

Вы получили от Ваших клиентов письмо, где они настаивают на том, что Вы должны отремонтировать станки, которые Вы продали им полтора года назад. Однако гарантийный срок по этому оборудованию составляет только 12 месяцев. Напишите, что Вы сожалеете, что произошла поломка. Предложите техническую помощь, но отметьте, что она не может быть оказана бесплатно.



Card 1. Вы получили счет-фактуру от компании «Андерсен энд Кампани» на товары по контракту № 556. Вы обнаружили две ошибки (см. LETTER 4). Вы направили письмо, а затем позвонили в «Андерсен энд Кампани», уточнить, получили ли они Ваше письмо.


Card 2. Вы – представитель «Андерсен энд Кампани». Вы получили письмо от Ваших партнеров (см. LETTER 4), где они отметили, что в Вашей фактуре были допущены ошибки. Вам звонит представитель компании узнать, получили ли Вы письмо и что Вы намерены делать.


Give the English equivalents for the following words and phrases.

Не по нашей вине; перевозка; уведомление об отгрузке; ориентировочное время прибытия; срочная поставка; испытывать сложности; подлежащий поставе; назначать судно для исполнения контракта; просроченный; по графику; экспедиторы; перевалка; ожидать инструкции по отгрузке; зафрахтовать судно; выдерживать морскую перевозку; комплектующие части; погрузить остатки мазута; нарушение контракта.



Complete the following sentences in appropriate ways, using one word for each blank space:

1. You underlined in your letter dt Oct 12 that _____ delivery is essential.

2. We will do our utmost to pack the equipment securely and properly so that it could _____ both overseas and overland transport as well as _____.

3. We would appreciate your agreeing to our non-compliance _____ the original delivery _____.

4. We have carefully examined your claim and we insist that the delay _____ submitting the documentation occurred through no _____ of ours.

5. The lot was collected by your carrier as _____.

6. The guarantee shall not apply to damage due to _____ or improper handling on the part of the Buyer or to any other causes outside our control.

7. Referring _____ our letter dt December 8, 20… we would like to remind you that we _____ difficulties in _____ tonnage for sea carriage of the cargo against the above contract.

8. We realize that the responsibility _____ the damage is not with you and we have already taken _____ the matter with the carrier.

9. We have already packed the assembled products and the consignment awaits _____ at our warehouse.

10. We will _____ the LC upon your confirmation of the amendments accordingly.

11. We would be obliged to you if you could _____ another tanker with position for March, amending the shipping programme _____.

12. Arrangements for shipment, cif Stockholm, have been made with Messrs. Granny & Brent Ltd. acting _____ our behalf as our _____ agents.

13. The goods were dispatched in 10 crates (nos. 67-76) to your address by rail, _____ paid.

14. We guarantee that the equipment is free _____ defects in material, design and _____ and it conforms _____ our highest standards.

15. After making all appropriate corrections we enclose our cheque _____ ?35,000 in full _____.

16. If you have any _____ we will be glad to introduce further improvements.

17. Please treat this matter as one of extreme _____.

18. We hope the consignment will _____ you in good condition.






¨ What can cause dissatisfaction with goods delivered under sales contracts?

¨ What kinds of claims are widely spread?

¨ Who usually initiates claims? Why?

¨ In what way can Buyers satisfy their claims for damages?

¨ What are the parties to claims and complaints?

¨ Who can act as an umpire in settling claims?



LETTER 1(Claim for inferiority to sample)

April 23, 20...

Export Division

Inter Coffee, Inc.

1677 Sea Harbor Drive

Orlando, Florida 35509




Contract No 345


We have examined the consignment of Coffee shipped by m/v Victoria against Contract no. 345 and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract we find that the Goods are inferior to the sample on the basis of which the contract was concluded.


After a thorough examination of the Coffee we have to make the following claim on you. We believe that 5,000 bags of Coffee shipped by m/v Victoria sold to us as Santos Coffee New York Type No.2 contain excessive quantity of unripe[1], shelly[2], broken, weevily[3] and defective beans and correspond to Santos Coffee New York Type No. 3/4.


We are therefore claiming from you the amount of $ 7,200 being the price divergence between Santos New York Type 2 and Santos New York Type 3/4 of $36.20 per 50 kilos on 5,000 bags weighing 300 metric tonnes.


Please inform us if you agree to grant us this allowance.


Yours sincerely

Susan Kohen

Managing Director


LETTER 2 (Reply to Claim)

April 10, 20...

Ms Susan Kohen

Welsh Trading Company, Ltd

56 West Road




Dear Sirs

Contract No 345

We acknowledge receipt of the letter of April 8, 20... claiming an allowance of 1.20 dollars per kilo on 5,000 bags of Coffee shipped by m/v Victoria.


We have carefully examined the samples from this consignment and offer you, without prejudice, an allowance of 75 US cents per 50 kilos in full settlement of your claim.


Failing your acceptance of this offer, the claim will be submitted to arbitration.


Yours sincerely

George Wollen

Sales Manager


LETTER 3 (Claim for missing goods)

May 15, 20...

Kitchen-Ware Supplies, Ltd.

Cotton Road


England EX4 9DT

Dear Sirs

Order No 153

We refer to our order (No 153) for China-Ware. Our agent took delivery of the consignment in accordance with the instructions contained in your advice of despatch.

Unfortunately, only 1800 cups were despatched. The 2000 saucers, packed separately according to our instructions, arrived in good order and condition. However, they are not much use to us without the missing 200 cups.


There is a clear discrepancy between the packing lists which arrived and your invoice. Whether there has been pilferage or not is a matter for the Lloyd’s agent, who is investigating the matter at the moment.


We must ask you to arrange for the despatch of replacements for the missing cups at once, as we must meet the delivery time agreed upon with our own customers.


Yours sincerely

Robert Leclerc


LETTER 4 (Reply to Claim)

May 16, 20...

Mr Lecrerc

Lournier, SA

Rue de Rivoli



Dear Sirs

Order No 153

We have received your letter of September 4, 20... concerning the above-mentioned order. We regret that you did not receive the whole consignment of China Ware.


Our Forwarding Agents have informed us that the crates (Nos. 15-17) were left behind at the warehouse of the Port of London. They are arranging for the despatch of the three crates short-shipped on board the m/v Catherine which is to arrive in Marseilles on May 18, 20... .


We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this short-shipment which was due to circumstances beyond our control. We will contact our Forwarding Agents and the port authorities to prevent delays occurring in this way in future.


Yours sincerely

Michael Brown

Managing Director


2016-09-16 446 Обсуждений (0)
Make up letters according to the situations. Напишите письмо Вашим партнерам 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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