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Match the words from column A to their definitions from column B

2016-09-15 466 Обсуждений (0)
Match the words from column A to their definitions from column B 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. gunwale (n.) a. a long structure built in the sea and joined to the land at one end
2. pier (n.) b. a powerful lamp that can be turned in any direction, used, for example, for finding people or vehicles at night
3. helm (n.) c. a non-criminal offense
4. pin-prick (n.) d. the upper edge of the side of a boat or small ship
5. wince (v.) e. a room or building, for example part of a hospital, in which dead bodies are kept before they are buried
6. knot (n.) f. a handle or wheel used for steering a boat or ship
7. contravention (n.) g. a very small hole in smth, especially one that has been made by a pin
8. mortmain (n.) h. a serious promise
9. mortuary (n.) i. a join made by trying together two pieces or ends of string, rope, etc.
10. proprietor (n.) j. to suddenly make an expression with your face that shows that you are feeling pain or embarrassment
11. pledge (n.) k. the condition of property or other gifts left to a corporation in perpetuity especially for religious, charitable, or public purposes
12. searchlight (n.) l. the owner of a business, a hotel, etc.

4. Give synonyms for the following words (more than four).

Reverently (adv.), pitiable (adj.), steeply (adv.), addendum (n.), moor (n.), prettily (adv.), cleave (v.), choppy (v.), restful (adj.), uncanny (adj.), rusty (adj.), restore (v.), abate (v.), lantern (n.), movement (n.), verdict (n.), concealment (n.), cautiously (adv.), fetch (v.), consignment (n.), fierceness (n.), infallibly (adv.), inspect (v.), sane (adj.), condescend (v.), respectful (adj.).

5. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.1. It was now nearly the hour of high tide, but the waves were so great that in their troughs the shallows of the shore were almost visible, and the schooner, with all sails set, was rushing with such speed that, in the words of one old salt, “she must fetch up somewhere, if it was only in hell”. 2. Accurate note was made of the state of things, and a doctor, Surgeon G. M. Caffyn, of 33, East Elliot Place, declared, after making examination, that the man must have been dead for quite two days. 3. 19 August. The sequel to the strange arrival of the derelict in the storm last night is almost more startling than the thing itself. It turns out that the schooner is Russian from Vienna, and is called the Demeter.4. The Russian consul, acting for the charter-party, took informal possession of the ship, and paid all harbor dues.5. Lucy always wakes prettily, and even at such a time, when her body must have been chilled with cold, and her mind somewhat appalled at waking unclad in a churchyard at night, she did not lose her temper. 6. Mina’s heart beat so loud all the time sometimes she thought she should faint. She was filled with anxiety about Lucy, not only for her health, lest she should suffer from the exposure, but for her reputation in case the story should get wind. 7. 12 August. Mina’s expectations weren’t wrong, for twice during the night she was wakened by Lucy trying to get out. 8. For half an hour or more Jonathan kept getting excited in greater and greater degree. Dr. Seward did not pretend to be watching him, but he kept strict observation all the same. 9. 25 August. ‘The expected always happens.’ How well Disraeli knew life. Our cat when he found the cage open would not run, so all our subtle arrangements were for nought. At any rate, we have proved one thing, that the spells of quietness last a reasonable time. 10. Van Helsing is a seemingly arbitrary man, this is because he knows what he is talking about better than anyone else. He is a philosopher and a metaphysician, and one of the most advanced scientists of his day. 6. Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the words and word combinations in italics.1. Фальшборт – это бортовое ограждение палубы на судне, а также обшивка борта выше верхней палубы.. 2. Ни с того ни с сего Джейн стала вялой, осунувшейся и никто не мог найти причину всему этому. 3. Груз, который рассыпался по всей длине корабля, был покрыт плесенью. 4. Пагубное влияние алкоголя привело Бена к припадкам, а также расстройству сознания, однако, к всеобщему разочарованию, он не поддавался внушениям, вследствие чего родные опустили руки и не настаивали на его дальнейшем лечении. 5. Общество защиты животных от жестокого обращения – это организация, деятельность которой направлена на борьбу с жестоким, антисоциальным, негуманным обращением к животным, убийством животных. 6. Он достаточно хитер для того, чтобы пускать пыль в глаза. Вам необходимо держать ухо востро с ним. 7. «Вы удостоили нас своим присутствием. Как же Вы могли оставить огромной важности дела?! Не обращайте внимания на мои слова. Проходите, раз уж пришли», сказал Том с сарказмом. 8. Предчувствие его никогда не подводило. Жуткий и зловещий взгляд капитана корабля говорил о том, что кто‑то поплатится за свершенную ими «шутку». 9. Он покорно слушал все обвинения в его адрес, поскольку доказать свою непричастность к этому делу он не мог в связи с тем, что пожар уничтожил все доказательства его невиновности. 10. Большая волна снесла столб, разбросала моряков по кораблю, дезориентировав их на короткое время. 11. Ручной щуп – это инструмент в виде сверла, используемый для исследования внутреней части чего‑л. 12. Он был шокированповедением людей в данной трагедии. Вместо того чтобы помочь людям, пострадавшим от землетрясения, они разворовывали более‑менее уцелевшие дома и магазины с целью дальнейшей продажи чужого имущества в другом городе. 13. В коем веке он был трезвым, чем вызвал немалое удивление и радость со стороны окружающих его людей. 14. Эта цена достаточно приемлемая для покупки жилья с хорошим ремонтом. 15. Преломление света – это изменение направления распространения световой волны при прохождении через границу раздела двух сред. B. Speech Exercises1. Answer the following questions. Prove your point.

1. What is the effect of including a newspaper report within the narrative?

2. What happened to the ship Demeter?

3. How is Gothic imagery used in the section where Mina searches for and finds Lucy?

4. “...something long and dark with red eyes…something very sweet and very bitter.” In what ways is the approaching evil described? What is the effect of these descriptions?

5. What are the changes that Dr. Seward notices in Renfield?

6. What is the significance of the fact that Renfield escapes to the chapel at Carfax?

7. How has Jonathan changed from the figure we met at the start of the novel?

8. Mina decides she will not read Jonathan’s journal. What is the significance of this decision?

9. What do we learn about Van Helsing from Dr. Seward?

10. Why does Dr. Seward think Renfield may be influenced by the sun or the moon?


2. Describe the following characters:

1. Arthur

2. Dr. Seward

3. Van Helsing

4. Renfield

Chapters 10–12

A. Training Exercises

2016-09-15 466 Обсуждений (0)
Match the words from column A to their definitions from column B 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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