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2016-09-16 840 Обсуждений (0)

Теоретическая часть –Theoretical part

Данный лексический материал предназначен для того, чтобы студенты усвоили базовые термины, с которыми они сталкиваются при чтении текстов по специальности, научились читать и понимать узкоспециальные тексты, а также вести диалог на иностранном языке с другими. По грамматике – повторение модального глагола can”.


Задания – Activities

Задание 1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

Activity 1. Learn by heart the following words and phrases:

site площадка

to survey исследовать, осматривать

to determine its boundaries определять ее границы

environmental impact воздействие на окружающую среду

lease agreement договор на аренду

right-of way access право на проезд через чужую землю

to evaluate оценивать

legal jurisdiction законная сфера полномочий

to settle улаживать, решать

to clear очищать, очистить

to level выравнивать/ уровень

access roads подъездные пути

source of water источник воды

pit яма

to dispose размещать

rock cuttings буровой шлам

drilling mud буровая жидкость

marsh and wilderness болото и пустыня

offsite за пределами площадки

to truck away вывозить на грузовике

hole/ well скважина

cellar устьевая шахта

rig вышка

shallow неглубокий

conductor pipe направляющая труба

drill truck передвижная буровая установка

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Activity 2.Read and translate the text:

Preparing to drill

Once the site has been selected, it must be surveyed to determine its boundaries, and environmental impact studies may be done. Lease agreements, titles and right-of way accesses for the land must be obtained and evaluated legally. For off-shore sites, legal jurisdiction must be determined. After all legal issues have been settled, the crew goes about preparing the land. The first step is to clear and level the land and then access roads may be built. Because water is used in drilling, there must be a source of water nearby. If there is no natural source, it’s necessary to drill а water well. Then a reserve pit should be dug, which is used to dispose of rock cuttings and drilling mud during the drilling process, and is lined with plastic to protect the environment. If the site is an ecologically sensitive area, such as a marsh or wilderness, then the cuttings and mud must be disposed offsite by trucking it away instead of placed in a pit. When the area has been prepared, several holes must be drilled to make way for the rig and the main hole. A rectangular pit, called a cellar, is dug around the location of the actual drilling hole. The cellar provides a work space around the hole for the workers and drilling accessories. The crew then begins drilling the main hole, often with a small drill truck rather than the main rig. The first part of the hole is larger and shallower than the main portion, and is lined with a large-diameter conductor pipe. Additional holes are dug off to the side to temporarily store equipment -- when these holes are finished, the rig equipment can be brought in and set up.

Задание 3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

Activity 3. Answer the following questions:

1. What’s necessary to do after selecting the site?

1. ………………………………………………………………………..

2. What must be obtained legally during preparing process?

2. ………………………………………………………………………..

3. What do they do after clearing and leveling of land?

3. ………………………………………………………………………..

4. What is a reserve pit used for?

4. ………………………………………………………………………..

5. How many holes must be dug to make way for rig and main hole?

5. ……………………………………………………………………….

6. What do the crew often use to begin drilling?

6. ………………………………………………………………………..

Задание 4. Найдите соответствующие английские фразы в правой коло-нке и отметьте их номером по образцу 0:

Activity 4. Find the equivalents in English in the right column and write number:

определять ее границы   must be dug around
договор на аренду   can be brought in
законная сфера полномочий   legal jurisdiction
правовые проблемы решены   lease agreement
защищать окружающую среду   these holes are finished
шлам должен быть размещен   must be determined
Должен быть определен   legal issues have been settled
Должна быть вырыта вокруг   cuttings must be disposed
закончены эти скважины   protect the environment
могут быть доставлены determine its boundaries


Задание 5. Заполните пропуски в этих предложениях, используя can,can’t, couldn’t + глагол (приводятся ниже), по образцу:

Activity 5. Fill the gaps using can, can’t, couldn’t+ verb( given below):

come find hear see speak eat go go see sleep understand

Model: I’m sorry, but we can’t come to your party next Saturday.

1. She got the job because she …………………………………. five languages.

2. You are speaking very quietly. I ……………………………… you.

3. Have you seen my bag? I ……. ……………………………… it.

4. I like this hotel room. You ………… the mountains from the window.

5. I was tired but I …………………………… .

6. She spoke very quickly. I ……………………. her.

7. His eyes are not very good. He ………………… very well.

8. I wasn’t hungry yesterday. I …………………………………….. my dinner.

9. He ………………. to the concert next Saturday. He’s working.

10. He …………………………………… to the meeting last week. He was ill.

Задание 6. Перескажи текст, используя новые слова и выражения:

Activity 6. Retell the text using new words and phrases:



Learn by heart: В начале все кажется трудным


Практическое занятие 4 ( 10) Unit 4


2016-09-16 840 Обсуждений (0)


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