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Образование и употребление

2016-09-16 437 Обсуждений (0)
Образование и употребление 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

positive form (утвердительная) interrogative form (вопросительная) negative form(отрицательная)
some any no, not any
somebody someone something somewhere anybody nobody
anyone anything anywhere noone nothing nowhere
There are some books on the table.     На столе несколько книг. Are there any books on the table?   Есть ли на столе какие-нибудь книги? There are not any books on the table. There are no books on the table.   На столе нет (никаких) книг.
There is somebody (someone) in the garden.   В саду кто-то есть. Is there anybody (anyone) in the garden?   В саду кто-нибудь есть? There is nobody (no-one) in the garden.     В саду никого нет.
I want something to eat.   Я хочу чего-нибудь поесть. Are you doing anything this evening? Ты чем-нибудь занята этим вечером? He said nothing to him.   Он ему ничего не сказал.
He lives somewhere near London.   Он живёт где-то рядом с Лондоном.     Did you go anywhere last night? Ты куда-нибудь ходил вчера вечером?     I don’t like this town. There is nowhere to go. Мне не нравится этот город. Здесь некуда сходить.

Особенности перевода


There is somemagazine on the table. На столе лежит какой-то журнал. Перед существительным в   единственном числе-какой-то
There are some books on the shelf. На полке лежит несколько журналов. Перед существительном во   множественном числе – несколько
There is some milk in the bottle. В бутылке есть молоко.   Перед неисчисляемыми существительными – обычно не переводится


Read and translate the sentences.

1. I’ve planted some roses. 2. There are some monuments to well-known writers in our town. 3. I’d like to ask you some questions. 4. Have you got any luggage? 5. Is there any water in the fridge? 6. I’ve got some surprise for you! 7. She went out without any money. 8. We have got no chance to catch the train. 9. He is lazy. He never does any work. 10. We got there without any difficulty. 11. Are there any letters for me? 12. He’s busy. He’s got some work to do. 13. We haven’t got any milk. We can’t make an omelet. 14. There are some interesting articles in this magazine, look through. 15. Can you give me some information about places of interest in this town?


Choose the right word.

1. I can’t find (some/any) butter, but we’ve got (some/any) margarine. 2. Emma has got (some/any) old pictures of this very house to show us. 3. Do you know if (some/any) of the Morrissey is coming on Sunday? 4. Helen can ride a bike without (some/any) help now. 5. I need to buy a lot of things. There isn’t (any/no/some) time to waste. 6. (Some/no/ any) of Laura’s friends were at the party last night. 7. Can you get (some/any) coffee? I’ve just made (some/any). 8. He never puts (some/any/no) sugar in his coffee. 9. We didn’t buy (some/any) flowers. 10. Have you seen (some/any) good film recently? No, I haven’t been to the cinema for ages. 11. I saw (some/any/no) boys in front of our house, but Mike was not among them. 12. Dinner was not yet ready, so she gave the children (some/any) bread and butter, because they were hungry. 13. Are there (some/any/no) mistakes in the dictation? - Yes, there are (some/any). 14. Can you give (some/any) examples to prove it? 15. She never gets (some/any) sense out of her.


Translate into Russian.

1. I think there is something wrong with my watch. 2. Let me know if you need anything. 3. He refused to eat anything. 4. Is there anything interesting in the programme of the concert? 5. I didn’t take any money with me, so I could buy nothing. 6. The student didn’t understand anything because she heard nothing. 7. There was nothing interesting in the last newspaper. 8. Nobody can find out anything when the exam will be. 9. There is something strange in Peter’s behavior. 10. She never said anything good about her neighbors. 11. “Do you live somewhere near Sally?” 12. Is there anything we must bring to the party? 13. I didn’t know anything about his problem, nobody told me. 14. Is there anyone here? 15. Has anybody translated this text?

Put somebody, someone, something, anything, anybody, anyone in the blanks.

1. I see … at the window. 2. There is …in next room who wants to speak to you. 3. Where can I get … to drink? 4. Is there … I can do for you? 5. We didn’t meet … familiar at the party. 6. I won’t tell … about it. 7. … has forgotten his umbrella here. 8. Will … open the door? 9. This job is very easy. … can do it. 10. Was there …absent yesterday? 11. … has eaten all the ice-cream. That’s terrible! 12. Please, give me … warm. There is cold here. 13. “What’s wrong?” “I’ve got … in my eye”. 14. He hasn’t … to talk to. 15. Emmy was upset about ….


Translate into Russian.

1. Nobody came to visit me while I was in hospital. 2. “Where are you going?” “Nowhere. I’m staying here”. 3. He said nothing about his plans.

4. There were no shops open. 5. Nobody phoned, did he? 6. I looked out of the window, but there was nobody. 7. “What do you want to eat?” “Nothing, I am not hungry”. 8. She has no mistakes in her dictation. 9. Nobody could answer my question. 10. I am sure nobody will visit this place again. 11. “Are you waiting for anybody?” “Nobody”. 12. Nothing of the kind. 13. None of you was right. 14. I don’t know anybody, who dances better than you. 15. The bus was completely empty. There was nobody in it.


2016-09-16 437 Обсуждений (0)
Образование и употребление 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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