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Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets

2016-09-16 704 Обсуждений (0)
Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Example: I was very tired when I arrived home. (I/ work/ hard all day) – I was tired as I had been working hard all day.

1. The two men came into the house. They had a football and they were both very exciting. (they/ play/ football) 2. Yesterday morning I looked out of the window. The sun was shining but the ground was very wet. (it/ rain/ all night long) 3. When the boys came into the house, their clothes were dirty, their hair was untidy and one of them had a black eye. (they/ fight) 4. Ken had bad yellow teeth and problems with his health. (he/ smoke/ 30 years) 5. There was nobody in the room but there was a smell of cigarettes. (somebody/ smoke/ in the room) 6. Ann woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened and didn’t know where she was. (she/ dream/ badly) 7. When I got home, Mike was sitting in front of the TV. He had just turned it off. (Mike/ watch/ TV) 8. Mother came home. Her children were watching television. (they/ not/ do/ any work) 9. Brother and sister came home with angry faces. (they/ quarrel/ on the way home) 10. There was nobody in the kitchen. But a delicious smell of fresh bread was in the air. (mother/ bake/ bread) 11. Mary closed her eyes. She felt very tired. (she/ read/ too long) 12. You came home from a party. You were nearly dropping on your feet. (you/ dance/ all night) 13. When I looked at my typewriter, I saw a sheet of paper in it. (somebody/ use/ my typewriter) 14. Entering the room he touched the lamp. It was hot. (the electric light/ burn/ all night) 15. I was surprised my papers were in a mess. (somebody/ read/ my papers).

Use the Past Perfect Continuous or the Past Perfect in the following sentences.

1. I didn’t remember much about the Pimleys whom I (to see) for about twelve years. 2. He said that they (to hunt) hard for seven days. 3. She was aware that they (to get) on each other’s nerves lately. 4. He told me he (not to hear) from her since the day she walked out of their office. 5. I was happy that ever since Max moved in here, the place (to ring) with laughter. 6. By 12 o’clock they (to write) a composition for two hours. 7. It seemed to me that I (to do) nothing since I arrived. 8. Here I saw this man, whom I (to lose) sightof some time; for I (to travel)in the provinces. 9. I saw that it was 2 o'clock. We (to sit) there for half an hour. 10. Rainborough noticed that she (to cry), her face was stained with tears ... 11. George made no answer, and we found that he (to be) asleep for some time. 12. I told him I (to be) in all evening. 13. They (to drive) for half an hour before Blair spoke. 14. He quite forgot that Ann (to be) divorced for three months. 15. He went to the theatre to see the play which (to run) for a week.

Put the verbs into the most suitable form: the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous, the Past Perfect and the Past Perfect Continuous.

1. The workers ……. (to be) on a strike for three weeks when the agreement on pay ……. (to be reached). 2. When she got the results of her medical tests, she realized that she ……. (to feel) ill since she …… (to be) on holiday. 3. The door was unlocked. She ……. (to wonder) who ……. (to leave) the door open. 4. He ……. (to play) football when the ball …….(to hit) his head. 5. He ……. (to drive) to work for half an hour when suddenly his car ……. (to break) down. 6. When he ……. (to arrive) at the office he ……. (to discover) that he ……. (to leave) all the necessary papers at home. 7. Susan ……. (to type) some letters when the boss ……. (to ask) her into his office. 8. She looked tired. She ……. (to type) letters all morning. 9. Yesterday afternoon it ……. (still to rain) when I ……. (to get) home. 10. He ……. (to clean) the car when the phone rang, so he ……. (not to answer) it. 11. When I ……. (to be) little, my mother ……. (to use) to feed me. 12. Jane’s clothes were wet. She ……. (to wash) her dog. 13. Jerry ……. (to be) nervous, for he ……. (never to flow) in an airplane before. 14. I ……. (never to like) going to the cinema on my own when I was a teenager. 15. Kate ……. (to dance), but when she saw a newcomer she ……. (to stop).

Translate into English using the past tenses.

1. Мери, которая с утра убирала квартиру, услышала звонок и вышла в холл. 2. Сколько времени вы катались на велосипедах, прежде чем пошел дождь? 3. До того, как секретарь пригласила меня войти, я ждала минут двадцать. 4. Дождь шел уже больше часа, как вдруг раздался удар грома. 5. Она вскрикнула, было очевидно, ей приснился кошмар. 6. Ребятам было очень жарко, с самого утра они играли в футбол. 7. Сколько времени она брала уроки английского, прежде чем поступила в университет? 8. Она долго обдумывала, что ей делать, и только потом поняла, что делать-то было нечего. 9. Я так давно надеялась получить у него автограф, но он так и не приехал в наш город. 10. Когда он, наконец, прибыл в Лондон, оказалось, что он летел почти тридцать шесть часов. 11. Гости ушли. Теперь они сидели одни перед камином в гостиной. 12. Люди, которых она встречала по дороге домой, улыбались и спрашивали, как она провела отпуск. 13. Я думаю, он показал мне около тридцати картин. Это был результат шести лет, в течение которых он рисовал. 14. Он путешествовал уже два дня, но выглядел свежим и не чувствовал усталости. 15. Мы с Джоном пошли гулять. Мне было сложно за ним успеть (to keep up with), так как он шел слишком быстро.





Future Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в будущем времени (shall/ will) и третьей основной формы смыслового глагола. В вопросительном предложении вспомогательный глагол shall или will ставится передподлежащим. В отрицательном предложении после вспомогательного глагола shall или will ставится отрицание not.

He will have asked. – Он спросит.

Will he have asked? – Спросит ли он?

He will not have asked. – Он не спросит.

2016-09-16 704 Обсуждений (0)
Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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