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Example: You wouldn’t say so if you only saw her. (then) - You wouldn’t have said so if you only had seen her then

2016-09-16 913 Обсуждений (0)
Example: You wouldn’t say so if you only saw her. (then) - You wouldn’t have said so if you only had seen her then 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. If I had money I should go to Moscow to see its sights. (last winter) 2. If he were here he would tell us what to do. (the day before) 3. If we stayed a little longer we’d meet him. (yesterday) 4. If you worked regularly you’d get better marks. (last term) 5. If they had a car they would drive to the South. (last summer) 6. She would come if it didn’t rain. (yesterday night). 7. He would invite me to the theatre if he had an extra ticket. (last Sunday) 8. I’d be disappointed if you didn’t come. (on that day) 9. If he knew the facts, he would help us. (last night) 10. If you drew up a balance sheet correctly we wouldn’t correct it. (last quarter). 11. An applicant would find a job quicker if he sent a CV beforehand. (much earlier) 12. If you cleaned the flat in spare time we shouldn’t quarrel. (yesterday) 13. You would enlarge your vocabulary if you sailed the English-speaking sites in the Internet. (last semester) 14. If you were more sociable you would make more friends. (last year) 15. What would you do if you were at school? (in school years)

Do the test on conditionals.

1. Plants die if you (not/water) them.

A. won’t water

B don’t water

C wouldn’t water

D wouldn’t have watered

2. –How did it happen that you missed your stop?

- I (not miss) it if the conductor (announce) the stops.

A. wouldn’t miss, had announced

B. hadn’t missed, announced

C. wouldn’t have missed, had announced

D. won’t missed, announced

3. What a pity my husband is away! If he (be) here he (help) us.

A. were, would help

B. is, will help

C. would be here, would help

D. is, helps

4. If I (get up) early tomorrow morning, I (go) jogging.

A. will get up, am going to go

B. get up, go

C. get up, will go

D. got up, would go

5. If Benjamin Franklin (not/work) so hard, he (not become) the symbol of America.

A. hadn’t worked, wouldn’t have become

B. didn’t work, didn’t become

C. hadn’t worked, wouldn’t become

D. won’t work, won’t become

6. Would it be all right if I (come) round at about six?

A. come

B. came

C. will come

D. would come

7. If the water (be heated) to 100 C, it (boil).

A. will be heated, would boil

B. would be heated, would boil

C. will be heated, would have boiled

D. is heated, boils

8. If pigs (have) wings, they (fly).

A. had, will fly

B. have, fly

C. would have, would fly

D. had, would fly

9. If I (know) that you were coming, I (meet) you at the airport. I had a lot of time to do that.

A. had known, would meet

B. knew, will meet

C. had known, would have met

D. know, will meet

10. We wish our exams (be) over.

A. were

B. are

C. would be

D. be

11. I wish I (not / spend) so much money. Now I have to borrow some from my parents.

A. hadn’t spent

B. wouldn’t spend

C. did not spend

D. wouldn’t have spent

12. If you (go) to see him yesterday you (know) what the matter is.

A. went, knew

B. had gone, will know

C. went, would know

D. had gone, would know

13. I don’t know what you would have done, you (be) in my place.

A. were you

B. will you be

C. have you been

D. had you been

14. … the late hour I’d stay a little longer.

A. If it’s not

B. But for

C. Although not

D. As if

15. He felt as though she (not/love) him.

A. wouldn’t love

B. wouldn’t have loved

C. hadn’t loved

D. didn’t love

Translate the sentences into English using the forms of the Subjunctive Mood referring to the Past.

1. Если бы он был свободен вчера, он навестил бы меня. 2. Если бы вы были вчера на концерте, вы получили бы большое удовольствие. 3. Если бы я знала об этой статье раньше, я бы перевела ее. 4. Соревнования состоялись бы, если бы не полил сильный дождь. 5. Девочка не волновалась бы так сильно, если бы ей не задавали много вопросов. 6. Если бы вы помогли ей, она бы уже закончила работу. 7. Вы не устали бы так вчера, если бы больше отдыхали. 8. С ним ничего бы не случилось, если бы он не торопился. 9. Если бы вы попросили меня об этом неделю назад, я помогла бы вам сразу. 10. Если бы я был на вашем месте тогда, я поступил бы иначе. 11. Если бы он был вчера в университете, мы бы встретили его. 12. Если бы мы отправили телеграмму вчера, они бы ее уже получили. 13. Если бы вы сдали отчет раньше, у нас не было бы проблем с налоговой. 14. Я смог бы отремонтировать машину, если бы у меня были необходимые инструменты. 15. Я поступил бы по-другому, если смог бы вернуть те годы.






Герундий – это неличная форма глагола с окончанием -ing. Герундий имеет свойства глагола и существительного.

I likereadingbooks. – Я люблю читать книги.

Reading is my favorite occupation. – Чтение – мое любимое занятие.

I cannot live without reading books. – Я не могу жить, не читая книг.

I remember reading this book. – Я помню, что читал эту книгу.

I think of reading this book. – Я думаю прочитать эту книгу.

I like reading aloud. – Я люблю читать вслух.


Active writing

Passive being written

Indefinite having written

Perfect having been written



Подлежащее Reading a good book is a pleasure. Чтение хорошей книги – удовольствие.
Часть составного глагольного сказуемого I began reading this book yesterday. Я начал читать эту книгу вчера.
Часть составного именного сказуемого My task is readingthis book. Мое задание – читать эту книгу.
Дополнение I like reading good books. Я люблю читать хорошие книги.
Определение We like his suggestion of reading this book together. Нам нравится его предложение читать эту книгу вместе.
Обстоятельство On readingthe book I gave it to Peter. Прочитав книгу, я отдал ее Пете.


2016-09-16 913 Обсуждений (0)
Example: You wouldn’t say so if you only saw her. (then) - You wouldn’t have said so if you only had seen her then 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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