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Watch the videos and make a list of national stereotypes

2016-09-17 344 Обсуждений (0)
Watch the videos and make a list of national stereotypes 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


American stereotypes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgDGmowIQrE

German stereotypes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Wu_ce0VAv4

British stereotypes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgsQ3XtNuCY

French stereotypes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAtezdTEIxg

Italian stereotypes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtLNF-ehOn8




For discussion: Are these national stereotypes true or false?




Agree or disagree with the following statements of what foreigners think about Russia and its people. Comment on them.

!!! Нужно выбрать 5 утверждений, с которыми вы согласны и 3, с которыми не согласны, и прокомментировать

1. The Russians treat cheap things with distrust.

2. The English word “bargain” cannot be adequately translated into Russian because the notion of high quality goods for little money is unknown for them.

3. Freebie is quite the opposite. The fact of getting something cool for free does not make this cool thing any worse.

4. Those Russians, who have achieved something, look down on those who haven't.

5. It is not enough for them to drive an elite car; they need a car with a flasher and a loud horn so that the rest make way for it.

6. They persistently call lazy waitresses with a strange word 'devushka' meaning 'mam'.

7. You can't survive in the Moscow Metro without knowing how to elbow other people.

8. Everybody can buy a beer and drink it anywhere, and nobody will arrest you.

9. The Russians like hanging out in the kitchen and philosophically talk about life.

10. They avoid talking about their work.

11. Japanese people envy the dachas which the Russians have.

12. At any party, the people get promptly separated according to their sex.

13. You will be shocked seeing the number of policemen patrolling the streets.

14. The Russians never throw things away. Seriously. However, if you secretly throw half of the stuff away, nobody will notice it.

15. An unknown Russian is likely to address you unceremoniously 'man' and 'woman'.

16. The phrase' I'm sorry to bother you' can only be uttered by a beggar.

17. They never say 'please' or 'thank you'.

18. Any problem can be solved by pulling strings.

19. Their saying 'Imprudence is the second happiness' can only be understood by them.

20. The Russians drink a lot of vodka and it is not a myth.

21. You don', have to worry for your life, really.

22. Freezing Russian winter is a myth. The majority of the big cities are located in the temperate zone.

23. Russian men are confident that feminism causes collapse of the system like it has happened in the US and Europe.

24. According to the Russians the Americans think that in Russia bears walk along the streets. The Russians made it up themselves. In Moscow you can find T-shirts with a print “I’ve been to Russia. There are no bears there”. They think it is very patriotic.

25. They do not understand foreigners who immigrate to Russia and believe that everybody should immigrate from Russia.

26. Russian dentists are really surprised learning that a patient has come for examination and has no pain in the teeth.

27. They are not big fans of teeth cleaning and flossing.

28. They drink tea with a ton of sugar! An American dentist would die seeing this.

29. The majority of the Russian population misuse smileys. The number of brackets reflects the level of happiness and joy.

30. They want to belong to Europe.

31. Moscow Metro is the best in the whole world! The ticket costs less than a dollar, there are no zones, and during rush hours trains come every 1.5 minutes.

32. Even so there are a lot of people who under no circumstances will go by the underground. They’d rather stay for hours in endless jams.

33. In fact, those who immigrate to Russia, are completely losers. They cannot fulfill themselves at home and want to live in Russia because in this country they are treated with respect.

34. On every occasion they organize parties with food, drink, etc. Generosity is very typical of the Russians.

35. The meaning of the word “pechka” (stove) can he understood only by the Russians. Unless you spend winter in a remote Russian village where “pechka” is the only warm place in the whole house.

36. They don't like when other people speak foreign languages and think it is suspicious.

37. Alcohol and everything connected to it is a part of their culture and literature.

38. If a Russian doesn't drink, watch out!

39. They begin celebrating New Year at 11.30 p. m. (30 minutes before the New Year) and celebrate it for three days or so.

40. They do not use blinds in their houses and the curtains do not fully protect from the sunlight.

41. The only alcohol-free places in Russia are McDonalds and KFC.

42. They do love hanging rugs on the walls!

43. Do not smile! It irritates!

44. Borsch, stuffed cabbage rolls and fruit dumplings do not belong to Russian cuisine, they are Ukrainian dishes.

45. They live together with their elderly parents and grown-up children all their life.

46. Despite traffic jams and terrible roads, the Russians buy expensive gas-guzzlers.

47. Sushi became so popular that it is now their national dish.

48. The Russians are very hospitable. So if you come by, be ready to drink black tea and eat fattening food (like sausages).




ü Stereotypes are funny because they are true


ü 7 things Americans find weird in Russia (1)


ü Things I like more about Russia than America


ü Things I like more about Russia than America (2)




2016-09-17 344 Обсуждений (0)
Watch the videos and make a list of national stereotypes 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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