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Bryce Canyon national Park, USA.

2018-07-06 250 Обсуждений (0)
Bryce Canyon national Park, USA. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Практические работы за 2 семестр

По дисциплине Иностранного языка



Студент группы 117-СВ

Савченко Владимир

Преподаватель: Лосева О.А


1 обороты to be going to и there + to be.

Forms of turnover to be going to the present Turnover to be going to can be used in affirmative, negative and interrogative forms in all persons and numbers in present and past tense. In this case, the verb to be in circulation changes (conjugates) in accordance with the person and the number of the sentence member with which it agrees.


In the past tense, sentences with to be going to are constructed in the same way as in the present tense, but the verb to be takes the form of the past tense — was (singular) or were (plural).In the past tense, sentences with to be going to are constructed in the same way as in the present tense, but the verb to be takes the form of the past tense — was (singular) or were (plural).


I was going to call you.

We were going to buy a new TV


Моя самая удачная покупка.

Often on BB flashed questions about shopping on Ali. I buy on this site for several years on a regular basis, many things from very different industries: for the kitchen, car for gadgets, clothes, beauty products, baby and so on. Not quite successful purchase, of course, were, but only a few times (no more than in any other store). Completely frustrated, yet there was no.


Слова-маркеры времени.

Circumstances in English do not just Express the conditions and time, but also act as indicators for the use of a certain aspect.

I go to the gym every Friday

The phrase every Friday. It indicates that in the sentence it is necessary to use Present simple, but not, for example, Present Perfect. If we replace these time pointers, the grammatical structure of the whole sentence will change.

I haven’t gone to the gym this week

Examples prove the influence of circumstances on the use of a particular aspect.


Спортивные летние игры.

Summer sports are those sports that are possible, as a rule, only in the warm season. Traditionally, competitions in the most popular summer sports are held outdoors, but many other types of competitions can be held at any time of the year, as it is possible to create acceptable conditions in gyms, stadiums and swimming pools.Summer sports are those sports that are possible, as a rule, only in the warm season. Traditionally, competitions in the most popular summer sports are held outdoors, but many other types of competitions can be held at any time of the year, as it is possible to create acceptable conditions in gyms, stadiums and swimming pools.


Sumo, Sambo, Cycling, karate, chess, fitness, road Cycling,

rowing slalom, kayaking and Canoeing,



Спортивные зимние игры.

Such sports, classes which are possible, as a rule, only in the cold season. They all boil down to ski, skate or sled. With the advent of artificial snow and ice, winter sports competitions have become possible at any time of the year.Such sports, classes which are possible, as a rule, only in the cold season. They all boil down to ski, skate or sled. With the advent of artificial snow and ice, winter sports competitions have become possible at any time of the year.


Winter sports include skiing, downhill skiing, snowboarding, ski jumping, skating, figure skating, Luge-skating, skeleton, bobsleigh and Snowmobiling


Спорт в англо-говорящих странах.

Each person belongs to a certain type of culture, speaks the native language, with a certain religion and culinary traditions. But no matter where you were born, it's safe to say that every country has an athletic sport. Which is the most popular sport with billions of fans all over the world!

Watching and participating in any sport is a very popular pastime. Whether you prefer to play football, Golf or just go for a run, there are a huge number of different sports in the world.

Accordingly, our English-speaking friends are no exception. From England to Australia, from America to South Africa, millions of people watch their idols on TV. Watching sports events is a good way to entertain yourself. For example, you can watch a football match with your friends. Sport unites people all over the world!


Паралимпийские игры.

International sports competitions for people with disabilities. Traditionally held after the Olympic games, and since the summer Paralympic games in 1988 - at the same sports facilities; in 2001, this practice is enshrined in the agreement between the IOC and the international Paralympic Committee (IOC). The summer Paralympic games have been held since 1960, and the winter Paralympic games since 1976.

The emergence of sports in which people with disabilities can participate is associated with the name of the English neurosurgeon Ludwig Guttman, who, overcoming age-old stereotypes towards people with physical disabilities, introduced the sport into the process of rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injuries. He proved in practice that sport for people with physical disabilities creates conditions for successful life, restores mental balance, allows you to return to a full life, regardless of physical disabilities, strengthens the physical strength necessary to manage a wheelchair.


Правильное питание.

This is a balanced diet of natural and high-quality products that meet all the needs of the body, in addition, it is good for him.


In the organization of proper nutrition, there are a lot of different nuances and subtleties, fully comprehend and understand that you can only over time. However, there are a number of basic rules that form the basis of proper nutrition, compliance with which is mandatory:


Diet, caloric intake, the distribution of the daily diet, a varied diet, moderation in food, the right combination of products, the exception of fried food.


9 Интересные уголки планеты.

Bryce Canyon national Park, USA.

Bryce Canyon national Park is located in Utah (USA). This amazing natural site is known all over the world for its beauty and unique marine Geology. It is a giant amphitheatre of various rock peaks in its structure.

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Bryce Canyon national Park, USA. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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