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Match the terms to their definitions.

2018-07-06 628 Обсуждений (0)
Match the terms to their definitions. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


1. Royal Assent   2. Public Bill   3. separation of powers   4. application of the law   5. House of Commons   6. Elect   7. voter   8. an official   9. amendment   10. responsibility   a) a proposed law that affects the public as a whole; b) (in the UK) the elected chamber of Parliament; c) a person who votes or has the right to vote at an election; d) assent of the sovereign to a Bill which has been passed by Parliament, and which thus becomes an Act of Parliament; e) a person holding public office or having official duties, especially as a representative of an organization or government department; f) a minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc.; g) the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone; h) choose (someone) to hold public office or some other position by voting; i) the act of applying or making a request. An oral or written formal motion, request, or petition; j) the vesting of the legislative, executive, and judiciary powers of government in separate bodies.




Choose the correct word.


1) After much in Parliament, the British statesman Sir Robert Peel in 1829 established the London Metropolitan police.

a) discussion b) deliberation c) dispute d) conversation

2) Dealing with crime and criminals … a serious challenge to democratic political systems.

a) asks b) judges c) puts d) poses

3) The investigator commences the preliminary investigation by … and questioning witnesses.

a) summoning b) calling c) appealing d) judging

4) The Family Division headed by the President deals with … and family matters.

a) matrimonial b) wedding c) married d) trial

5) The Crown Court … with all those criminal cases which the Magistrates are not empowered to deal with.

a) solves b) matters c) acts d) deals

6) An ordinary member of the public has the right to … his own case himself.

a) present b) investigate c) lead d) show

7) The decisions of a higher court are … upon lower courts.

a) binding b) tiding c) hanging d) ruling

8) In criminal cases, courts apply their own substantive and procedural laws, regardless of where the acts were committed; however, almost all criminal prosecutions take place in the same state where the … crime occurred.

a) announced b) alleged c) declared d) summoned

9) The … questioned the restaurant manager.

a) prosecution b) blaming c) offence d) claiming

10) The … of a jury terminates the trial.

a) answer b) justice c) verdict d) jurisdiction


Choose the correct passive form.

1. The federal courts … for in the Constitution of the United States on the theory that the judicial power of the federal government could not be entrusted to the states, which was necessary for a strong national government.

a. are provided b. were provided c. will be provided d. to be provided

2. The English courts … to follow decisions of higher courts in the judicial hierarchy.

a. are bound b. were bound c. will be bound d. to be bound

3. The warrant must describe the person or things … .

a. are seized b. were seized c. will be seized d. to be seized

4. If an accused person cannot afford an attorney, one … for them prior to any questioning if they so desires.

a. is appointed b. was appointed c. will be appointed d. to be appointed

5. No one … that day in the accident but that was just luck.

a. is badly hurt b. was badly hurt c. will be badly hurt d. to be badly hurt

6. State courts … by state constitutions long ago.

a. are created b. were created c. will be created d. to be created

7. Law has several aims which … with making society more stable and enabling people to flourish.

a. are all concerned b. were all concerned c. will be all concerned d. all to be concerned

8. The law-enforcement agencies have to perform a series of acts to establish the fact of the crime, discover the offender and determine the penalty … in virtue of law.

a. is imposed b. was imposed c. will be imposed d. to be imposed

9. Once passed by the Senate as a whole, the bill has by two more standing committees.

a. is examined b. was examined c. will be examined d. to be examined

10. Social customs and rules … by governments.

a. are not both enforced b. were not both enforced c. will be not both enforced d. not to be both enforced



Complete the sentences using a gerund or an infinitive in brackets.

1. Brown was also ordered by the court ________ (to pay / paying) £250 compensation and £65 costs.

2. A police negotiator persuaded the man __________ (to release / releasing) the woman and child about 30 minutes after the siege began.

3. The centre hopes ________ (to give / giving) assistance in an area where legal aid solicitors are hard to find.

4. While it may now be considered politically expedient __________ (to ignore / ignoring) this eternal truth it will never go away.

5. The US government has also threatened __________ (to boycott / boycotting) the conference if it delves into the issue of slavery reparations.



2018-07-06 628 Обсуждений (0)
Match the terms to their definitions. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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