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Прочитайте и переведите. Определите часть речи. ( Причастие или герундий ?)

2019-07-03 374 Обсуждений (0)
Прочитайте и переведите. Определите часть речи. ( Причастие или герундий ?) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Физической культуры, спорта и здоровья имени П.Ф.Лесгафта,




Кафедра иностранных языков


Дисциплина «Иностранный язык» (английский)

Курс 2 семестр



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Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия.

1) a) A fish taken out of the water cannot live.

 b) A person taking a sun-bath must be very careful.

 c) Taking a dictionary, he began to translate the text.

2) a)A line seen through this crystal looks double.

  b) A teacher seeing a mistake in a student's dictation always corrects it.

 c) Seeing clouds of smoke over the house, the girl cried: 'Fire! Fire!'

 3) a) The word said by the student was not correct.

 b) The man standing at the door of the train carriage and saying goodbye to his friends is a well-known athlete.

 c) Standing at the window, she was waving her hand.

4) a)A letter sent from St.Petersburg today will be in Moscow tomorrow.

   b) He saw some people in the post-office sending telegrams. 

  c) When sending the telegram she forgot to write her name.

 5) a) Some of the questions put to the lecturer yesterday were very important.

 b) The girl putting the book on the shelf is the new librarian.

  c) While putting the eggs into the basket she broke one of them.

6) a) A word spoken in time may have very important results.

  b) The students speaking good English have to help their friends.

 c) The speaking doll interested the child very much.              

 d)While speaking to Nick some days ago I forgot to ask him about his sister.


Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) I have this suit cleaned every month.

2) I've just had a new coat made.

3) Why did you have your dress shortened? It was quite all right.

4) Have them brought here immediately!

5) I've just had the knives sharpened. Don't cut yourself.

6) Jack has his nose broken in fight.

7) My roommate had his money stolen on a train.


Прочитайте и переведете предложения на русский язык.

1) I've never seen him running before.

2) We saw them playing tennis.

3) They wanted us invited to the party.

4) 1 heard his name mentioned several times during the conversation.

5) I had my luggage sent to the station.

6) I saw them walking along the bank of the river.

7) The coach watched the athletes preparing for the races.

8) The athlete wanted his running shoes repared.


4) Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на самостоятельный причастный оборот.

A) Пример : The day being very cold, he had no desire lo walk.

               Так как лень был очень холодным, у него не было желания идти пешком.

1) The next morning, it being Sunday, we all stayed at home.

2) There being nothing else on the table, Oliver replied that he wasn't hungry.

3) The athlete being tired, the coach told him that he could have a rest.

4) There being little time left, they took a taxi lo get to the airport in time.

5) It being now very late, we left the gym.

6) The weather being cold, he put on his overcoat.


B) Пример : His story told, he leaned back and sighed.

               Когда его история была рассказана, он откинулся назад и вздохнул.

1) The concert being over, the lottery came next.

2) The exams passed, all the students had a holiday.

3) The training session being over, the students went home.

4) The task done, he was nervous about results.

5) The Olympic Games being over, all the athletes came back to their countries.

6) The sun rising, they woke up.

7) The children sleeping, the parents watched TV.

C) Пример : Не stood silent, his lips pressed together.

               Он стоял молча, плотно сжав губы.

1) Jack sat silent, his long legs stretched out.

2) The speaker faced the audience, his hand raised for silence.

3) Tired, his heart beating fast, the athlete finished his performance.

4) She rose from the chair and stood motionless, her hands put into her pockets.

5) She watched the film, her eyes being full of tears.

6) He prepared for the exam, his topics all learnt by heart.


Переведите данные предложения на русский язык.

1)1 heard the news being announced.

2) We watched the boxes being carried up the stairs.

3) When crossing the street in London, look first to the right, then to the left.

4) While playing tennis, be sure you hold the racket in the right way.

5) Having been shown the wrong direction, the travellers soon lost their way.

6) Having descended the mountain the athletes saw a flat place for the rest.

7) Having heard the news, he decided not to tell it to their friends.

8) Having visited the doctor he went to the chemist's.

9) The exercise being done now is his top achivement.

10) Having being examined by the physician, they began to practice more.

11) Having finished his training session, he went home.

12) Finishing his training session he hurt his arm badly.

13) Drinking tea she read the letter.

14) Having drunk tea, she did the washing-up.

15) Having written out and learnt all the new words, he was able to translate the text easily.


Прочитайте и переведите. Определите часть речи. ( Причастие или герундий ?)

1) They continued playing football.

2) He was looking at the plane flying overhead.

3) Watching the playing kittens was great fun tor the children.

4) It is no use going there now.

5) Coming out of the wood, the travellers saw a ruined castle in the distance.

6) My greatest pleasure is travelling.

7) Growing tomatoes need a lot of sunshine.

8) Growing corn in his island, Robinson Crusoe hoped to eat bread one day.

9) Growing roses takes a lot of care and attention.

10) Just imagine his coming first in the race!

11) The children were tired of running.

12) Wishing to learn to skate, she bought herself a pair of skaters.

13) While translating the text I looked up many words in the dictionary.

14) I helped my mother by washing the dishes.

15) Entering the room, I saw my friends smiling at me.



2019-07-03 374 Обсуждений (0)
Прочитайте и переведите. Определите часть речи. ( Причастие или герундий ?) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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