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2019-07-03 492 Обсуждений (0)
PROTECT OUR PLANET WITH CAT 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. Back in the 1960s and 70s, the world was becoming more aware of the destructive effects of industry on the environment and people were starting to think seriously about ways of protecting the environment. One man who was particularly affected by this subject was Gerard Morgan-Grenville. As Morgan-Grenville travelled round earning his leaving as a gardener, he noticed signs of the damage that was being done to the countryside around him. It wasn’t long before Morgan-Grenville decided that he had to do something about this situation. He felt that if people could be shown a better way of living then maybe they would be interested enough to try to protect their precious environment.

2. Mr. Morgan-Grenville decided to set up a project that would prove what was happening to our surroundings and what could be done about it. So, in 1975, Morgan-Grenville created the Center for Alternative Technology (CAT) in a village in Wales.

3. The main aim of CAT is to search for an ecologically better way of living by using technology that does not harm the environment. One of the most important things CAT did initially was to explore and demonstrate a wide range of techniques and to point out which ones had the least destructive results on the world around us. It is also very important for CAT to provide information and advice to people all over the world. If more and more individuals are informed about how much damage our modern lifestyle is doing to the planet, maybe more of them would be prepared to look for solution.

4. The point about CAT is that by combining theoretical and practical ideas, it has shown ways in which people, nature and technology can exist together successfully. CAT now covers many themes, including energy-saving techniques, good use of land, the correct management of waste products, recycling and health and food issues. Visitors to CAT are able to observe many new ways of living all of which are ecologically correct and use up less of our valuable raw materials. For example the sewage systems at CAT that get rid of all the waste from the kitchen and bathrooms are organized so as to be completely environmentally friendly, and much of the energy used at the center is created by power from the sun, wind or rain. In addition, all the building methods used are ecologically ideal and no chemicals are used at the center; for instance, no chemicals are used in gardening or cleaning. Everything is based on the use of natural products.

5. One major global problem is the damage done to the whole planet by the effects of industry. Problems such as global warming, the holes in the ozone layer, the destruction of huge areas of forests, and pollution in our atmosphere are all connected to the fact that there is an increase in industry. Now, at last, this problem is being recognized worldwide.

6. People now agree that we want clean air, pure drinking water, safe sunlight and healthy food. What CAT is trying to do is to demonstrate that we can have all those things without the environment paying the price. Slowly, CAT is communicating its message to countries across the world. In Europe , several countries have set up similar ecological centers to look at alternative environmentally friendly technology. The workers at CAT hope that one day there will be so many centers all over the world that governments and managers of industry will start to change their ideas and will think more carefully about the environment. Once this happens, the possibilities for protecting our beautiful planet will be endless.


VII. Прочитайте текст еще раз и выберите справедливые утверждения a, b, c или d:

1. Mr. Morgan-Grenville was worried about

a) the damage his gardening was doing to the countryside;

b) the countryside being harmed;

c) people protecting the environment;

d) what he did for a living in the countryside.

2. One of the main aims of CAT is

a) to use better technology to harm the environment;

b) to use less technology in the environment;

c) to stop using technology that does not harm the environment;

d) to use technology that causes less damage to the environment.

3. Which one of the following statements is true?

a) CAT uses a mixture of theory and practice to explain its message;

b) CAT only uses practical solutions to explain its message;

c) CAT has demonstrated how successful its theories are;

d) CAT believes it would be better if technology didn’t exist.

4. Visitors to CAT

a) can use valuable raw materials;

b) are all ecologically correct;

c) can see new ideas in practice;

d) can see valuable raw materials.

5. The increase in industry worldwide

a) has led to an increase in environmental problems;

b) is due to the damage done to the whole planet;

c) is a result of efforts to protect the environment;

d) has been caused by problems like global warming.

6. The workers at CAT are hoping

a) that their managers will start to change industry;

b) that their ideas will be used all over the world;

c) that our beautiful planet will end;

d) that it can protect governments and managers worldwide.

VIII. Прочитайте текст и письменно переведите 1, 2, и 4 абзацы.


1. A digital photograph is a photo, produced with computer techniques, made up of hundreds of thousands or millions of tiny squares of colour. The technical name for these squares is picture – elements or pixels. The quality of any digital photo depends on the number of pixels per square centimeter – the more pixels, the better the photo, which is why you should always try to buy the best digital camera you can afford.

2. There are many reasons why people ought to consider changing from ordinary cameras to digital photography. You can change these pictures with your digital camera if you follow the instructions. You don’t waste time going to the shops for your films and photos, and you don’t have to spend money on films. There is also the advantage that digital photography is instant. You can view your pictures immediately – allowing you to decide which photos you want to keep and which you don’t. No more wondering if you should have taken a photo or not – with digital cameras you can take the picture first and decide later whether or not you want it. Of course, with digital technology you are able to change you picture so that it looks great anyway – that’s another huge plus when it comes to digital cameras. Lastly, and something we all ought to think about, is the fact that digital photography doesn’t use toxic chemicals that often end up in our rivers and lakes.

3. You don’t need to be a computer wizard to use digital cameras. Put simply, what happens is that the camera produces your picture in digital format – made up of pixels – so that it can then be ‘read’ by your computer. Once your photos are stored on your computer, you can decide what you want to do with them. They can be saved until you want to use them, included in letters you’ve written on your computer or send to friends and family in e-mail.

4. There are a lot of strange shapes and sizes of digital cameras. However, the design doesn’t make any difference to the camera’s performance and you shouldn’t too influenced by this. Secondly, there is the cost. At the cheaper end of the market, there are the ‘point and shoot’ cameras. These cameras are fully automatic and anybody just starting digital photography should begin with one of these. They’re so simple that after only a couple of weeks, you should have learnt all you need to know about how to use the camera. For more money you can buy one of the megapixel cameras, which, as their name suggests, produce better quality photos by using more pixels. Some of these are a bit too complicated for everyday use. At the top end of the price scale are professional cameras and digital video cameras – very expensive and only necessary for the serious photographer.

5. If you’re buying a digital camera for the first time you can easily get confused. Will you be taking pictures indoors or out side? What kind of picture do you want to take – landscape, portraits, sport’s shots? Do you want to take pictures of things close up or far away? All these questions affect the kind of camera you should choose.


IX. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.


1. What is a digital photograph?

2. What does the word pixel mean?

3. What are the advantages of using a digital camera?

4. How does digital camera work?

5. Which type of digital camera is the most expensive?

6. What kind of information is communicated in this way?



I. Переведите предложения на русский язык и определите в них Participle I и Participle II.


1. The investigation made by him is of great value.

2. A little girl was punished by her parents because she had ruined her new clothes.

3. Not remembering her address, he had to ask her friend.

4. Three thousand people marched through the streets, protesting about the latest government laws.

5. I’ve never been so excited in all my life!


II. Определите функции Participle I и Participle II (определения, обстоятельства или части сказуемого) в следующих предложениях и переведите их на русский язык.


1. The policemen has stopped a dangerous driver, exceeded the speed limit.

2. Though expected on Wednesday they arrived on Friday.

3. Learners starting to study two foreign languages find it difficult to memorize words.

4. While redecorating the house the day before yesterday he fell of the ledder and hurt his leg.

5. He was hurrying somewhere and didn’t notice me.


III. Употребите Participle I или Participle II в функции определения в следующих предложениях и переведите предложения на русский язык.


1. The police towed away the (parking/parked) cars because they were blocking the entrance.

2. The (frightening/frightened) people jumped into the lifeboats when notified that the ship was sinking.

3. The (boring/bored) film got the viewers to sleep.

4. The researchers (inviting/invited) to our plant are Cambridge graduates.

5. Our (crying/cried) baby awoke the neighbours sleeping next door to us.

IV. Проанализируйте следующие предложения: найдите группу определения с Participle II. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


1. The data referred to in this paper showed that our conclusions were correct.

2. The technique employed used a single tube.

3. The method proposed by the young scientist was discussed at the meeting.

4. The temperature of the liquid obtained remained constant.

5. All the isotopes now produced by reactors can also be made in a cyclotron.


V. Определите тип причастного оборота (определительный, обстоятельственный, независимый) в следующих предложений и переведите их.

1. Phenomena occurring during solar flares are thoroughly investigated.

2. They are going to study mechanisms underlying photosynthesis.

3. We are not giving you any details, the enclosed letters containing the necessary information.

4. The match being very excited, it was difficult to get tickets.

5. Considered from this point of view the question will be of great interest.


VI. Прочитайте текст и переведите 1, 2 и 3 абзацы текста письменно.


2019-07-03 492 Обсуждений (0)
PROTECT OUR PLANET WITH CAT 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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