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Speak on the four causes of shopaholism and two consequences using the words given.

2019-08-13 241 Обсуждений (0)
Speak on the four causes of shopaholism and two consequences using the words given. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


1. More money to spend, personal income, to rise, to be able to afford, consumer debt.

2. A symptom of personal problems, to revenge, unhappy.

3. To add excitement, collapse of self- esteem, to feel glamorous and loved.

4. To escape demands and stresses, working mothers.


1. Family breakup.

2. Financial ruin.


Complete the following sentences.


1. A person addicted to shopping ... .

2. Women shopaholics spend money on clothes to escape ... .

3. To many women shopping is ... .

4. Many people can afford to spend more as ... .

5. A lot of people spend more than they can afford which leads to... .

6. Shopping trips add ... .

7. For some women it is a way to escape ... .

8. Shopaholism may be a symptom of ... .

9. It helps the addicts to feel ... .

Put the jumbled sentences in the logical order so as to sum up the contents of the text.

1. Extreme cases of shopaholism lead to family breakups and financial ruin.

2. Shopping is gradually becoming a hobby with many women.

3. Researchers point out that the compulsion to buy is a growing problem.

4. On the other hand consumer debt is growing.

5. Shopping trips add excitement to their lives and make them feel important

6. Shopaholism may be a symptom of personal troubles and a collapse of self- esteem.

7. On the one hand, personal incomes are growing.

8. For example, shopaholics may be unhappy with their relationships.

9. For women shopping is a way to escape the stresses of having to keep the house and work full time.

10. Women shopaholics tend to spend money on designer clothes and make-up.



Key words and expressions: noise, traffic, jet-planes, to disturb, to do harm, difficult to remove, costly, economic conflict, to ignore the problem, public concern, to limit.

Pre-reading tasks

1. Look at the title of the text below and the key words and guess what the text is about.

Look through the text to see if your guess was right.



The Noise about Noise


The roar of traffic, the squeal of brakes, the clickety-clack of typewriters, the pounding of machinery. We live and work among it all. It disturbs sleep, frays tempers, reduces working efficiency and does an unknown amount of actual physical harm. Noise has become the curse of modern civilization. But because it is theresponsibility of nobody, because it is the by-product of almost every human activity, because being deaf is an afflictionwhich fails to rouse human pity, the problem of controlling and limitingnoise has been neglected.

The hazard is not recognized, even by the people subjected to noise. The noise is an unwanted and useless by-product, but one which is difficult and costly to remove. The noise the jet aircraft flying into London Airport makes is unpleasant enough for those who work at the airport, but even more so for those who live round about. The nuisance could be reduced by moving the airport to some remote part of the country, but this would inconvenience air travellers and cost a great deal. It is a matter of economic conflictbetween the public, largely disorganized but suffering a nuisance, and industry attempting to compete.

How much do people who live around noisy airports or near noisy factories really suffer? "There are a few notorious streets near the airport," said a Hounslow estate agent, 'where prices are £500 or £600 below what you'd expect.

Only in the past few years, since the multiplication of the motor-cars and strident-voiced jets has the public conscience been aroused. All over the world, communities are beginning to demand control of the onslaught on their ears. Rome and Paris banned the motor horn. American motor manufacturers have agreed to limit the noise made by their cars. And the Port of New York Authority led the rest of the world in devising regulations to limit the quite unbearable noise of big jets taking off from International Airport.



Post-reading tasks


Choose the synonyms to the given words according to the context. Reproduce the sentence from the text with the synonym chosen.


affliction a) trouble     b) harm           c) illness d) symptom

onslaught a) attempt     b) attack         c) onset  d) start

curse     a) evil                  b) bad chance  c) trouble d) hate

to disturb a) to interrupt b) to interfere into affairs      

c) to irritate              d) to break in upon a person 


Paraphrase the following sentences using synonyms for the underlined words. There are two odd ones.


1. Noise reduces working efficiency and frays tempers.

2. This problem has long been neglected.

3. The public concern has been roused.

4. Noise harms human health.

5. The nuisance could be reduced by moving airports to some remote location in the country.

6. Rome and Paris banned the motor horn.

7. The regulations limit the unbearable noise from jet-engines.

8. There are a few notorious streets near airports where houses cost cheaper.


Synonyms: to prohibit, to damage, distant, to decrease, to suffer, to become exited, to remove, to restrict, to wear out, trouble, to ignore, unfavourably known.


2019-08-13 241 Обсуждений (0)
Speak on the four causes of shopaholism and two consequences using the words given. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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