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Т е к с т  16.  Trade Centre of Heated Floor Systems

2019-08-13 196 Обсуждений (0)
Т е к с т  16.  Trade Centre of Heated Floor Systems 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок



TRADE CENTRE OF HEATED FLOOR SYSTEMS is a dynamically developing company which has been operating on the Russian market since 1991. TRADE CENTRE OF HEATED FLOOR SYSTEMS is part of TEPLOVENT Group and one of the largest distributors of cable heating systems, heating and electric equipment in Russia.

The key elements of the company's success are high quality of the supplied products with the best price- quality ratio, a flexible pricing policy and client oriented services, extensive experience in using the equipment in our climate and a high professional level of the staff.

Among our partners are major manufacturers of electric heating equipment: THERMO INDUSTRI AB (Sweden), LVI-produkter (Sweden), THERMO (Norway), VEAB (Sweden), ENSTO (Finland), ELIO (Sweden), LEXEL (Sweden).

General office of the TRADE CENTRE OF HEATING FLOOR SYSTEMS in Saint-Petersburg

Our key goal is to develop our dealership network in all regions of Russia, including Moscow and St. Petersburg. We have established good partnerships with wholesale buyers in different regions of Russia from Karelia in the northwest to Kamchatka and Khabarovsk in the far east. We can always offer reasonable prices to our customers and guarantee trouble-free deliveries. We are open to partnerships with wholesale and construction organizations seeking long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation.

The company's structure incorporates:

wholesale department which services wholesale customers: regional representatives, construction and trade organizations;

design department which designs and develops cable heating systems for projects of any level of complexity,

service center which carries out guaranteed and post-guarantee maintenance of equipment.  The staff working in the design and service departments are qualified engineers certified by the manufacturers. In order to comply with the demands of our customers we have to improve our professional knowledge continuously. That is why the staff of the company today is a team of specialists who are capable of solving any complex problem. Our experience and the knowledge of the market enables us to address any electric heating issue ranging from project design to equipment assembly. The company introduces advanced developments in the area of electric heating, takes part in joint projects with other companies that are in the vanguard of the construction industry. We regularly participate in major international exhibition - BATIMAT and INTERSTROIEXPO, at which we exhibit innovations of the dynamically developing market of electric heating devices.

However, we are not going to settle only for what we have already achieved. We have become accustomed to making headway. While developing our distribution network, expanding the geography of deliveries, and increasing the product mix we are committed to reliability and responsibility in fulfilling our obligations to our partners.

We look forward to long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation and invite you to come to our office in St. Petersburg where you can familiarize yourselves with the best achievements in the field of heating and electric equipment. We will assist you in selecting the required equipment and discuss all the necessary technical issues in order to meet your needs individually.  We are ready to review and discuss any offers made by manufacturers of the product mix we deal in and those that are similar to it. Any questions regarding mutually beneficial cooperation should be addressed to:

4 Yu.Gagarin Prospect, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Tel. (812) 387-12-86, 388-32-13. Fax (812) 388-76-43. from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays.



Данная реклама была размещена в журнале – перевод с русского. Найти неточности…


Т е к с т  17.  О намерениях заключения программы обмена опытом


Отель «ZZZ», Санкт-Петербург, Россия, предлагает рассмотреть возможность обмена группами сотрудников с целью обмена опытом и отдыха на следующих условиях:


– продолжительность пребывания – 3 ночи, в период с января по март;

– размещение в 2-х местных номерах, 2-х разовое питание, посещение SPA-центра в утренние часы – за счет принимающей стороны;

– транспорт, развлекательная и культурная программа – за свой счет;

– экскурсия по отелю – принимающая сторона;

– рассказ о работе подразделений отеля (горничные, портье, бронирование, ресторан, SPA-Центр) – принимающая сторона.

– состав и количество группы оговаривается дополнительно;

– количество и качество услуг, предоставляемых взаимно, оговаривается дополнительно.

Контактное лицо: менеджер по продажам ZZ, тел. XXX, доб. 2232.

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Т е к с т  18.  Добро пожаловать в Парк Лэйн Инн!


Чистый, уютный, комфортабельный мини-отель, расположен в центральной части города на пешеходной зоне ул. Правды – Б. Московская (в нескольких минутах пешком между станциями метро «Пушкинская» и «Владимирская») и всего в 15 минутах ходьбы от середины Невского проспекта и удобен как для знакомства с достопримечательностями города, большая часть которых легко доступна пешком, так и для деловых визитов.

Рядом с отелем множество удобно расположенных кафе, баров, ресторанов и магазинов разных ценовых категорий и на любой вкус. 

Размещение в пяти двухместных и одном одноместном номерах, оборудованных душем, туалетом, кондиционером, теле-фоном, телевизором, включая спутниковое ТВ.

2019-08-13 196 Обсуждений (0)
Т е к с т  16.  Trade Centre of Heated Floor Systems 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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