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Task 3. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following.

2019-08-13 369 Обсуждений (0)
Task 3. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

  1. техническое обслуживание;
  2. высокие динамические характеристики;
  3. повышенная температура;
  4. срок службы;
  5. ограничивать использование;
  6. аккумуляторная батарейка;
  7. удельная мощность;
  8. уровень шума;
  9. непрерывный источник энергии;
  10.  взрывоопасная среда.


Task 4. Think of the best translation to the following words and word combinations.

  1. warm-up the motor;
  2. radioactive environment;
  3. emit exhaust fumes;
  4. submerged in liquids;
  5. adaptable to almost any operating conditions;
  6. long operating life can be expected;
  7. an electric energy source must be carried on-board;
  8. remarkable characteristics;
  9. high pressure hydraulic drives;

10. rotating generator.


Task 5 . Arrange synonyms given in columns I and II in pairs.

1. to estimate 2. to generate 3. protection 4. to require 5. for instance 6. immediately 7. to achieve 8. characteristics 9. disadvantage 10. eventually   a. features b. to reach c. at a moment’s notice d. finally e. to calculate f. drawback g. to produce h. for example i. defence j. to demand

Task 6. Put in the missing prepositions.

1. It is estimated that about half the electricity generated in an industrial country is eventually converted … mechanical energy.

2. The predominance of electrical drives is caused … several aspects.

3. Electrical drives are adaptable … almost any operating conditions.

4. Electrical motors are built in a variety of designs to make them compatible …the load.

5. Most electrical motors are used in constant-speed drives that do not need to be controlled except … starting, stopping or protection.

6. Electrical drives are operable … a moment’s notice.


Task 7. Fill in the gaps using words and word combinations from the text.

1) About half the electricity generated in an industrial country is eventually … .

2) Electrical drives are adaptable to … .

3) The service requirements are very … .

4) High dynamic performance is achieved by … .

5) The dependence on … causes problems with vehicle propulsion.

6) An electric energy source must be carried on-board, which is usually … .


Task 8. Answer the questions.

1) What types of drives do you know?

2) Why are electrical drives so important? Where are they used?

3) In what conditions can electrical drives operate?

4) What are the service requirements of electrical drives?

5) In what designs are electrical motors built?

6) Are there any disadvantages of electrical drives?


Task 9. Give the summary of the text.





Task 1. Pronounce correctly the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart.

Electrical engineer – инженер-электрик

to conduct research – исследовать

to oversee – наблюдать

lighting and wiring – освещение и электропроводка

radar system – радиолокационная система

navigation system – система навигации

communication systems – системы средств связи

to focus on – сосредоточивать внимание на

qualitative – качественный

quantitative – количественный

precision – точный, четкий

drawings – чертежи

to emphasize – придавать особое значение, акцентировать

strong numerical skills – высокий уровень вычислительных навыков

computer literacy – компьютерная грамотность

concept – идея, понятие

maintenance – эксплуатация, текущий ремонт

to account for – отчитываться, отвечать за что-л.

fraction – доля, часть, крупица

project schedule – проектное планирование

senior engineer – старший инженер

technician – специалист

significant – важный, значительный

valuable – ценный

up- to- date – современный, новейший

fabrication plant – производственный завод

site – участок

mine – рудник, шахта

to supervise – контролировать, наблюдать

electrician – электротехник, электромонтер


Task 2. Read and translate the text.


  Electrical engineers conduct research; design, develop, test and oversee the development of electronic systems and the manufacture of electrical equipment and devices (electric motors; lighting and wiring in buildings; radar and navigation systems; communication systems; power generation, control and transmission devices). Electrical engineers also design the electrical systems of automobiles and aircraft. They traditionally have focused on the generation and supply of power, so they specialize in areas such as power systems engineering or electrical equipment manufacturing.

  Fundamental to the discipline (electrical engineering) are the sciences of physics and mathematics as these help to obtain both a qualitative and quantitative description of how systems will work. Today most engineering work involves the use of computers and it is commonplace to use computer-aided design programs when designing electrical systems. Besides, electrical engineers should know design techniques, tools and principles involved in production of precision technical plans, drawings and models.

  Perhaps the most important technical skills for electrical engineers are reflected in university programs, which emphasize strong numerical skills, computer literacy and the ability to understand the technical language and concepts that relate to electrical engineering. Knowledge of machines, including their designs, uses, repair and maintenance is also very important.

  For many engineers, technical work accounts for only a fraction of the work they do. A lot of time may also be spent on tasks such as discussing proposals with clients, preparing budgets and determining project schedules. Many senior engineers manage a team of technicians or other engineers and for this reason project management skills are significant too. Most engineering projects involve some form of documentation and strong written communication skills are therefore very valuable. Besides, electrical engineers have to keep up-to-date technically and apply new knowledge to their job.

  The workplaces of electrical engineers are just as varied as the types of work they do. Electrical engineers may be found in a fabrication plant, the offices of a consulting firm or on site at a mine. During their working life electrical engineers may find themselves supervising a wide range of individuals including scientists, electricians, computer programmers and other engineers.


Task 3. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:

  1. проводить исследование;
  2. устройства передачи электроэнергии;
  3. источник энергии;
  4. методы проектирования;
  5. проектное планирование;
  6. чертежи;
  7. письменные навыки общения;
  8. программы автоматизированного проектирования;
  9. энергетика и производство электрооборудования;
  10.  системы средств связи.


2019-08-13 369 Обсуждений (0)
Task 3. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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