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Work in pairs. Which car would you recommend to buy?

2019-10-11 314 Обсуждений (0)
Work in pairs. Which car would you recommend to buy? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

I recommend…

He/she should/shouldn’t buy a…..

This person needs a car which …

…. would be ideal/perfect for him/her.

* gas guzzler - автомобиль, потребляющий много топлива,

commute - ежедневная поездка из пригорода на работу и об ратно,

 6’2” - 187.96 cm


17. Imagine that you want to buy a car. Decide on whether you want used or new, diesel or petrol, automatic or manual, and choose a body type. Share your idea with your partner or group.

I’m (rather) more interested in X than Y.

I would rather buy/choose... than…

I’d prefer to buy … because/as…

I’d (really) like to  ...

I’d (really) love to ...

That sounds good to me.


Discuss the questions below in pairs.

ü How important is the car appearance to you?

ü Do you think the appearance is a reflection of your lifestyle (a mode of self-expression, a status symbol)?

ü Does the car appearance reflect the mechanical condition of the car?

ü Would you buy a car if you didn’t like its appearance but you liked its price?

ü Do you agree with the statement: the older the driver, the more car appearance matters?

ü Can you identify the make and model of a car by having a look at the car?


2. Listen to the man describing cars. Guess which car he is talking about.

1 2
3 4

3. Listen again. Which words from the description mean the same as:

1) old and classic;2)shiny, silky and smooth; 3) very expensive; 4)

comfortable and suitable for family; 5) smaller than usual; 6) not harmful for the environment; the car which produces little emissions (×2); 7) oversized, bigger than usual; 8) the car which uses lots of fuel.


Make sure you know these words and word combinations.

Read the definitions below. Guess what parts of a car they define.

1) a long thin piece of metal with a rubber edge that moves across a windscreen to remove rain;

2) a device for absorbing shock or preventing damage (as in collision);

3) a powerful light at the front of a motor vehicle;

4) a sign on the front and back of a vehicle that shows its registration number;

5) a glass screen at the front of a motor vehicle;

6) a flashing light on a vehicle to show that it is about to change lanes or turn;

7) an enclosed space at the back of a car for carrying luggage or other goods;

8) the front part of a car which covers the engine;

9) part of a roof of a car that can be opened to allow air and light from the sun to come in;

10) one of the four parts at the side of a car that go over the wheels;

11) a mirror on the outside of a car door that allows the driver to see the vehicles that are behind or trying to pass.


2019-10-11 314 Обсуждений (0)
Work in pairs. Which car would you recommend to buy? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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