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Ore, rock and mining methods

2019-10-11 711 Обсуждений (0)
Ore, rock and mining methods 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

TEST № 1



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An underground mine or construction site is a demanding workplace for all machinery. Dampness and moisture combined with metallic acids form a corrosive environment where rusting occur quickly. Fine ore dust promotes wear and tear on unprotected joints and other moving parts.

In a small construction job, maintenance may be handled by one or two persons using the tools in a service container and a small stock of critical com-ponents. Some worksites work without a service container. When a construction site has greater volume and several pieces of excavation equip-ment in use, the size of its maintenance and service operation also increases.


The actual operation of the maintenance needs to plan the schedule, labor and size of spare parts stock required .This depends on the use, location of the site and delivery aspects, excavation plan etc. Today modern mine will use computer programs and have a facilities stock and several servicemen. Equip-ment quality, standardization, ease of maintenance, regular delivery of spare parts and training of servicemen make the service operation cost-effective and fast. Standardization of equipment results in having several parts of the same type, so it reduces the number of different components that need to be stocked.




1. Переведите текст.


2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:


a) What does standardization of equipment result in?


b) When may maintenance be handled by one or two persons?


c) What does the modern mine use?


3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:


a) Сырость и мелкая пыль создают в руднике разрушающую обста-новку для соединений и незащищенных частей машин.


b) Стандартизация оборудования позволяет использовать меньшее ко-личество необходимых деталей.

c) Для сервисных работ требуется набор инструментов и необходимых


(critical) запасных (spare) частей.



TEST № 2



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Mine development



Mine development is the excavation work done before starting full scale extracting of ore in a mine or stope. In most cases, development excavation con-tinues throughout the life of the mine. Development objects are vertical shafts, horizontal drifts, inclined ramps and steep raises. Drilling and blasting rock ex-cavation is usually used with exсeption of raises.

The extent and type of development work required depends on the depth, size and geology of the ore body, on the chosen mining method and expected life of the mine. Caving methods in particular demand substantial development9



work, normally 30–40 % but sometimes up to 60 % of total costs. Sublevel stop-ing also needs extensive preparation work before production can start.

Much of this preparation work is done in waste rock, and is an extra cost that the mining operation just has to accept. Mine layouts are 3-dimensional and complicated, and must be designed with great accuracy to achieve maximum mining efficiency. Today computers provide modeling programs that make it possible to plan accurate layouts for optimal mining efficiency.





1. Переведите текст на русский язык.


2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:


a) What is mine development?


b) What does the extent and type of development work depend on?


c) What makes it possible to plan accurate layouts of mine?


3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:


a) Многие системы разработки месторождения требуют обширной подготовительной работы.

b) Максимальная эффективность разработки месторождения зависит от точности проекта.


c) Для более точного планирования горных работ используются ком-пьютерные моделирующие программы.


TEST № 3



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Ramp excavation



The introduction of mechanized mining equipment and the need for mobil-ity created the need for ramps, i.e. the inclined and looped tunnels in mine. Ramps are built for haulage and transportation purposes or as access routes to service and maintain equipment. They also usually serve as additional escape routes in emergencies.

In shallow ore bodies, the ramp may be the only mine production access, starting at the surface and consisting of several kilometers of twisting tunnel. When a ramp serves as a transportation and haulage tunnel, it has a large cross section with passing bays, frequently 7 metеr wide and 6 metеr high niches. These ramps often have a slope of 10:1 or 7:1, which is suitable for a loaded haulage truck.

In many large, deep mine shafts are used for ore hoisting and general per-sonnel transportation, and ramps are used as service routes, for moving between levels and as alternative route into the mine. The size and length of these ramps depend on the size of the equipment and the distance between levels.





1. Переведите текст на русский язык.


2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:


a) When does a ramp have a large cross section with passing bays, niches




b) How are ramps used in emergencies?


c) How are shafts used in many large, deep mines?


3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:


a) Когда наклонные петлеобразные туннели служат для перевозки ру-ды и материалов, они имеют уклоны 10:1 или 7:1.


b) Наклонный петлеобразный туннель может быть единственным средством доступа к месту производства в неглубоких рудниках.

c) Размеры оборудования и расстояния между этажами определяют размеры наклонных петлеобразных туннелей в случае, когда их использу-ют для сообщения между этажами и обслуживания техники.


TEST № 4



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Drift is a horizontal passageway driven into or along the ore body. Mine drifts lead from shafts and ramps to workplaces and are the working areas for drilling, charging and loading. Drift size depends on the size of the equipment passing through and used for the mining operation. Common drift sizes are 3.5m x 3.5m to 5m x 5m, that are large enough to permit the use of most mining equipment.

The number of drifts required and their length is determined by the mining method and the dimensions of the ore body. Although drifts can slope at differ-ent angles, and can follow the ore body, they normally incline at less than 7:1.

Excavating of drifts and ramps are standing objects in the mine’s schedule. Development work is often done by special teams which use their own equip-ment. One method used for transporting ore is a conveyer belt running along an inclined, small diameter tunnel.





1. Переведите текст на русский язык.


2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:


a) What is drift? What are the functions of drifts?


b) What is the common size of drifts?


c) What is the method for transporting ore?


3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:


a) Выбранный метод разработки и размеры рудного тела определяют (determine) количество и длину горизонтальных выработок.


b) Обычно горизонтальные выработки имеют уклон 7:1, хотя могут быть наклонены под разными углами.

c) Руда транспортируется посредством конвейерной ленты по наклон-ному тоннелю небольшого диаметра.


TEST № 5



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Ore, rock and mining methods



The underground mine aims to recover minerals contained in the bedrock. The ore body is the volume containing valuable minerals, while the rock around is waste. In geological terms, rock around the ore body is called the host rock. Waste is useless matter, which miners try to leave in place. Waste dilutes the ore, and reduces the grade in run-of-mine ore.

Ore closed to the surface ground is mined by open pit techniques. Waste rock is then separated from ore by loading and trucked to the waste dump in-stead of the concentrator. Ore bodies contained in rock deeply below the surface are exploited by underground mining, and here techniques are more complex.

The mining method adapts to the ore body and rock conditions, shape, di-mensions, strength and stability. The task is maximum recovery and at the same time to avoid waste rock. Mining method aims for economical and efficient ore recovery, also keeping safe working conditions.





1. Переведите текст на русский язык.


2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:a) What does bedrock contain?


b) What does mining method adapt to? c) What is the task of mining?


3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:a) Пустая порода разубоживает руду и снижает ее качество.


b) Порода, содержащая рудное тело, называется вмещающей породой. c) При открытой разработке пустую породу перевозят в отвал, а не на


обогатительную установку.



TEST № 6



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The mine’s shaft is a long, narrow vertical opening sinking into the earth. The shaft is the access to underground levels, and the mine’s main artery for anything going up and down. Down in mine, drifts and ramps build a network of openings, which connect stopes and workplaces, allowing miners and equipment to travel between workplace.

The shaft is the first component in the development programs for the deep mine. The shaft shall be excavated to the depth of at least 500 m. The deep shaft is important for the mine’s life, to secure many years of production, before ore reserves are finished.

Extending the shaft in an operating mine is very costly and difficult project. Shaft sinking requires both expert labor and specialized equipment, therefore is better to be done by contractor, than by local personnel.

The shaft can be circular, rectangular, or elliptical in profile. The circular shaft is simple to excavate and resist rock pressure better than other sections, thus it is often preferred for a mine.





1. Переведите текст на русский язык.


2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:


a) What openings connect stopes and workplaces?


b) What does the shaft sinking require?


c) Why is the circular shaft often preferеd by miners?


3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:


a) Для углубления ствола требуется работа экспертов и использование


специализированного оборудования, поэтому это очень  трудная


и дорогостоящая работа.


b) Чтобы обеспечить долговременную работу рудника и доступ


к запасам руды, ствол должен быть пройден до глубины не менее 500 м.


c) Стволы прямоугольного сечения используются редко.



TEST № 7



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Core drilling



The core drilling first was used in 1863 in Switzerland and today it is widely used within the mining industry. Core drilling is made with special drill rigs, using a tube drill string, faced with a bit with diamond insert, to resist wear when drilling hard rock. The open-centre bit cuts a cylindrical core of rock, which is stored in a core barrel inside the tube, and retrieved as sample of the rock.

The core is retrieved from the core barrel by pulling up the complete tube string. All tubes are then disconnected and stacked close to the drill rig. Alterna-tively, a wire-line arrangement can be used, which recovers the core barrel by pulling a wire inside the tube string.

The core is inspected and can be splitted into halves. By inspecting the core, it is possible to predict rock quality for next round and, for example, pre-pare to support poor rock. Samples of special interest are sent to laboratories for analysis for the content of valuable mineral. Cores from the exploration drilling are stored in special boxes, and kept in archives for long time. The information obtained by core drilling is important, and represents substantial capital invest-ment.





1. Переведите текст на русский язык.


2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:


a) How is core drilling made?


b) What is happened with cylindrical core?


c) Where and when was the core drilling first used?


3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:


a) Образцы породы из керна анализируются на содержание ценного минерала.


b) Пробы кернов долго хранятся в архивах, так как полученная ин-формация очень важна и представляет собой значительные капиталовло-жения.

c) Бур с пустым центром вырезает керн цилиндрической формы, кото-рый является пробой пород и позволяет изучить ее свойства.


TEST № 8



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Ore, rock and mining methods 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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