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2019-10-11 1056 Обсуждений (0)
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       Within a certain country, use and implementation throughout Europe, to maximize the efficiency, Valuation Office Agency, complete digital database, e-Business strategy, relatively uniform cadastral surveys, unique definition, certificate of title, less pronounced, must be surveyed and demarcated, objects of taxation, greatest achievements, the cradle of the European cadastre, under the umbrella.

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The UK « Cadastre »

       The word cadastre is generally used to describe "a methodically arranged public inventory of data concerning properties, within a certain country or district, based upon a survey of their boundaries”. There are numerous models however for its use and implementation throughout Europe. Taking the land parcel as its foundation, the cadastre is used to record information about land rights, valuation, land use, etc.

       There is no UK Cadastre — the word cadastre is not one commonly used in the UK, where for historical reasons the development of land administration institutions has taken place in a different way from the rest of Europe. While mapping remains the basis for those activities considered as "cadastral", in the UK there is no single organization responsible for the cadastre.

       Ordnance Survey, as a national mapping agency, maintains large scale mapping for England, Scotland, and Wales. In Northern Ireland this is the responsibility of Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland. The detailed digital mapping maintained by these two Government Agencies provides the definitive framework upon which other organizations can "hook" and manage their data. Another difference with most mainland European countries is that the base mapping in UK is topographic — it shows features that exist on the ground but not the fixed boundary points and monuments usually associated with a cadastre.

       Ordnance Survey has made Great Britain one of the few countries in the world to have a complete digital national topographic database, including complete large scale data for all urban areas. Recently Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland has completed the UK picture with large scale digital data covering the entire province. Within Great Britain there is now widespread use of digital mapping across many user sectors, in one of the most developed markets in Europe.

       Over the last twelve months Ordnance Survey has embarked on a number of projects under the umbrella of a new "e-Business strategy", the vision of which is: "Ordnance Survey and its partners will be the content provider of choice for location based information in the new knowledge economy". As a part of its new e-Business strategy, Ordnance Survey is developing its digital mapping products and services within a coherent infrastructure known as the Digital National Framework. A unique 16 digit topographic identifier is used for all points, lines, and areas, and provides a common link that will allow different data to reference the same feature allowing users to cross reference data in a way that should help to release the potential and value of their data.

       The Nation Land Information Service (NLIS) is a part of the UK Government "modernizing government" initiative. It is a project being jointly developed by Her Majesty Land Registry (HMLR) and Local Government. It features private sector partners that provide access to a National Land and Property Gazetteer.

       In conclusion, while there is no cadastre in the United Kingdom the activities normally considered to be a part of the cadastre on continental Europe are performed by a variety of agencies. Although the organizational frameworks are different, many of the issues facing UK institutions are similar to those faced by our colleagues involved in cadastre in other parts of Europe. There is a need to create coordination of efforts in a way described in the UK as "joined-up government" in order to maximize the efficiency of effort and to provide the best value and service to the citizen.

4. Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Reason, need, best, maximize, purpose, necessity, excellent, link, similar, bind, increase, same.

5. Образуйте от данных слов антонимы при помощи отрицательных префиксов:

       In-: significance, separable, official, subordinate, sufferable, urban(e), appropriate, supportable, dependence, dependant.

       Un-: limited, steady, suitable, known, reasonable, thinking, trained, suspected.

6. Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка английский:

       Основная схожесть, несмотря на организационные рамки, правительственные структуры (агентства), картирование остается основой, оценка имущества (недвижимости), электронная бизнес-стратегия, уникальный цифровой определить (идентификатор), инициатива модернизации правительства, полевые заметки, в  соответствии с количеством участков, «объединенное правительство», бывшие колонии, степень безопасности и надежности, должен обратиться к регистратору.

7. Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:

       1. Важной характерной чертой разработки является связь между кадастром и регистрацией земли. 2. Франция — колыбель (родоначальник) кадастра. 3. Французский кадастр был определён Наполеоном в начале XIX века. 4. В Соединенном Королеве нет кадастра. 5. В Англии два агентства, которые несут ответственность за запись прав на землю. 6. Англия имеет полную цифровую государственную топографическую базу данных. 7. Уникальный топографический определитель используется для всех площадей. 8. Дания имеет всестороннюю кадастровую карту, охватывающую всю страну.

8. Заполните пропуски соответствующими модальными глаголами:

       1.You ... go to the Agency by bus. 2. This is an easy text on land cadastre. You ... translate it without a dictionary. 3. The students … work hard. 4. Information ... be organized in integrative form. 5. Work ... be based on sound cadastral survey. 6. The computerization ... have much place in land use planning.

9. Замените модальные глаголы их эквивалентами :

       1. The Government Agencies can "hook" and manage data. 2. Researches must look at the possibilities of different services. 3. The results of the trial couldn't be announced. 4. The providers may use digital topographic identifier. 5. This system must provide proper information. 6. Cadastre must have basis for further modernization. 7. Completely new land records must be compiled.

10. Заполните пропуски предлогами :

       1. There are numerous models ... cadastre. 2. The cadastre is used … record information ... land rights, valuation, land use, etc. 3. There is no single organization responsible ... the cadastre ... the UK. 4. National Mapping Agency maintains large scale mapping ... England, Scotland, and Wales. 5. The detailed digital mapping is maintained ... two Government Agencies.

11. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам :

       1. The basic principles should consist of two parts. 2. These programmes must provide interesting results. 3. Researches must have basis for further development. 4. The Spanish cadastral system must provide national coverage. 5. The cadastre is developing gradually .

12. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на многозначность слова one .

       1. One of them is a land use planner. 2. Another cadastre emerged parallel to this one. 3. One should know all these rules. 4. In all Western European countries, cadastral maps are used for many purposes besides the original one. 5. One of the greatest achievements of the Napoleonic cadastre was that it provided a complete record of all land units.

13. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:

       1. Is there the UK cadastre? 2. Are there models of its use and implementation throughout Europe? 3. How many Government Agencies providing digital mapping are there in the UK? 4. What organization providesa wealth of free mapping on web site? 5. What is "e-business strategy"?6. Can the Government Agencies "hook" and manage data? Mav the providers use digital topographic identifier? 8. Must National Mapping Agency maintain large scale mapping for England, Scotland, and Wales?




1. Прочитайте следующие слова :

Multipurpose, revenue, guarantees, collection, private, tax, correspondence, user, mortgage, urban, grid, benchmarks, features, link, registration, subdivision, broker, title, stockholders.

2019-10-11 1056 Обсуждений (0)
Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания: 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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